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"I've been hoping to hear from you." He barreled. "How have you been doing? No more runs in the rain I hope."

I smiled, feeling relieved and honored that such a beautiful soul as his would remember me when I'd been so broken. "I'm good. And no, I've not been running through the rain."

"Good to hear! Where are ya?"

I rattled off my address. "You know I can catch another taxi if you're not close by."

"I'm just a few minutes away. You sit tight and I'll be there."

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

"I told ya to call. I meant it. Just didn't think it'd take you so long." He chuckled. "I'll see ya soon."


The clock hadn't passed two minutes by the time I saw his old grinning face through the windshield. My heart instantly warmed and I walked toward the car and jumped in the front passenger seat. I knew he'd be offended if I were to take the back seat.

I turned to him. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been good. My daughters just told me I'm soon to be a granddad." He beamed as he pulled the car into the bustling traffic.

"Wow," I breathed. "Congratulations. You'll make an amazing grandfather."

"Oh, I'll be mediocre."

"Oh no." I disagreed. "You will love the child like crazy. That's anything but mediocre."

He looked over at me with shimmering eyes. "Thanks kid."

I laughed. I don't remember ever being called kid. But hey, what did I mind. It made me feel safe and safe was something I was severely lacking right now. "So, your daughter is married then?"

"No," he shook his head. "She's engaged."

"Oh, I see." I smiled. Huh, the way life worked. Sometimes miracles just can't wait.

He laughed. "So how about you? What's your Facebook relationship status?"

My eyes bugged. I can't believe he just asked that! "Well, I don't do the whole Facebook thing. So there's no status there. But," I smiled. "I'm in a relationship."

"By that angel grin I see, I'm goin' to assume it's love."

I nodded with a blush. "Yeah, it's love. He's infuriating as all hell, but it's love."

"Well, if he didn't make you boil with anger you'd just go and get bored now wouldn't you?" He teased.

I shrugged. "There's no getting bored of this man."

He laughed. "Take if from me," his eyes turned dreamy. "I've been with my wife for almost fifty years. She drives me crazy, infuriates me, antagonizes me, and all the rest - but I love her more than anything else in this world." He turned sheepish. "Sometimes, I poke and pick until she yells at me, just so I can kiss her and make up. The woman keeps my heart young. That's what love is."

I wanted that. And, I think I had it. "Sounds beautiful." I whispered.

"It is." He pulled to the curb. "I believe this is your stop."

"It is." I sighed. "Thank you again." I started digging into my purse, but he swatted my hand.

"Nope." He shook his head. "I ain't taking no money from you."

"Bill, please."

"No." He shook his head. "You're my kind deed of the day."

"Fine," I huffed. "I'll buy you a coffee next time."

He beamed. "I'll hold you to it."

I opened the door and stepped out. "Thanks again."

"Have a good day and keep smiling."

"I will." I shut the door and walked into the building.

Chapter 19

I opened the door of my apartment and stepped into the warm familiar smells of my home. My. Home. Not Jace's. Mine. It relaxed my frayed senses almost immediately and I moved into the kitchen of my home. The place I adored.

Suddenly, the realization I'd told Jace I would marry him flooded to the surface of my mind. He thought we would be married by the end of November. This wouldn't be my home for all that much longer. Well, unless Jace said no to Moo-moo moving in. In that case, I would be forced to keep this place for my little munchkin. Because there was one thing I knew for certain. Moo-moo would never be hungry again.

As though on queue, the little black fur ball came prancing into the kitchen from where he'd been curled up on the couch. In all honesty, he wasn't so little anymore. He was getting mighty pudgy. But that was okay. He was just so cute that way. More to love!

"Hey Moo-moo," I greeted as I rounded the island to the fridge where I kept his wet food. His dish of dry never saw the bottom, but he only got wet food once or twice a day. I didn't know if Trisha already gave him his breakfast, but I didn't care. I was home for the first time in what felt like forever and I was feeding him.
