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"Tonight I present to you my son and his bride-to-be," Lucas's father said. "You will witness their vows, their promise to each other."

Kylie closed her eyes. As betrayal filled her chest, music filled the dark night. The slow bell-like music was unlike anything Kylie had ever heard.

A young woman, dark hair pinned up with flowers, wearing a long black evening gown, walked down the aisle. The attendees oohed and ahhed over her beauty. Even Kylie couldn't deny it.

The crowd in front of her shifted, and Kylie saw Lucas's father. Standing beside him was ... Lucas. The air in her lungs shuddered. He wore a dark gray tux that fit his hard frame just perfectly. Tears stung her eyes when she saw him reach out and take his future bride's hands.

The crowd shifted again, and she lost the view, but she could still hear. Words were spoken.



Lucas Parker gave his soul to Monique. His soul.

The sound of Lucas's voice cut into Kylie like a dull knife. She wanted to run, to escape, but to leave now would draw attention.

She waited. Her breath held, and she kept staring directly in front of her. The crowd shifted, and the view opened up again. Not a sound filled the night as Lucas pulled the girl into his arms and kissed her. Kissed her like he'd kissed Kylie.

Her breath caught. Anger and betrayal filled her.

She swung around to escape; not realizing another line had formed behind her, she slammed into someone.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"Kylie?" She heard someone say her name behind her.

She tried to dart around, but suddenly the crowd seemed to close in as everyone started applauding, cheering on the kiss.

"Excuse me," she said, pushing through another line of weres.


She heard her name again. And this time, she glanced back and saw Clara moving in.

She darted though the crowd, only to land in the midst of another close-knit group of weres. She looked back one more time. Lucas had his arms around the woman. He looked happy. Genuinely happy.

More than anything, Kylie wanted to disappear, to vanish. Then she realized she could disappear. She wished it, wished it with all her heart. Clara charged through the crowd, stopping beside Kylie. The girl looked around ... and looked right through Kylie.

"Did you see the blonde that was here just a second ago?" Clara asked.

Kylie inhaled and left. Now, merely a wisp in the air, she took off running.

She didn't look back again. She couldn't.

She was crying when she entered the woods, crying when she left them.

Perhaps this was fate, she told herself. Because now she knew the right thing to do.

When she jumped the fence back into Shadow Falls, she didn't go to her cabin, she went to Hayden's. She didn't know if she was visible until he opened the door and stared at her. At her, not through her.

"What happened?" he asked, sounding urgent.

"Tomorrow." She forced the words through her tight throat. "Tomorrow I'll leave."

He ran a hand a through his mussed hair, sleep still filling his eyes. "We could go now. It would be easier."

"No." She shook her head. "I have to say good-bye."

He frowned. "They won't let you go."

She inhaled a breath of resolve. "They can't stop me."

* * *

When she got to her cabin and saw who waited on the front porch, her heart stopped.

She started to run away, but realized running wouldn't accomplish anything.

He still wore the tux, but he'd unbuttoned his shirt and the bow tie was gone. When his blue gaze met hers, regret filled his eyes.

She moved up the steps, and he studied her every move. He could probably tell she'd been crying, but she refused to cry in front of him now.

"Go back, Lucas," she said. "You're missing your own party."

"Don't do this," he growled. "I told you I was doing what I had to, that it didn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything."

It sure looked as if it meant something. "Well, it should have meant something." You gave her your soul. She waved him away from the door. "I'm tired, do you mind?"

"Damn it, Kylie. As soon as I'm on the Council, I'll call off the engagement. I had to do this before my dad would give me his approval for the position. You said you understood."

She bit down on her lip. "How long have you been seeing her?"

He closed his eyes. "Dad's had it planned for a few months. He's been bringing her around, but I haven't-"

"Stop!" She shook her head. "Of all the things I considered you were hiding from me, I never imagined this."

"Try to see this from my point of view," he pleaded.

"I do see it," she said, and God help her, but there was some truth to her words. "You did what you had to do. As hard as it is, I understand that." Lucas belonged with his pack, his people.

And so did she.

He reached for her. She stepped back. She couldn't let him touch her. It would hurt too much. She held out her hand. "No."

He shook his head. "Please, don't do this. Damn it!" He swung his fist, closed his eyes and when he opened them, he looked at her. Right at her. "I love you."

Now he told her. Now! She lifted her chin. "I think you vowed your love and soul to Monique tonight."

She darted around him, entered the cabin, and shut him out. Then, leaning against the cold door, she wrapped her arms around herself. Her heart felt swollen, inflamed.

Don't ever fall in love, princess. It hurts too much. Her stepfather's words whispered through her broken heart. He'd been so damn right.

When she heard Lucas leaving, her breath caught.

"He's a piece of wolf shit," Della roared. Kylie looked up. Miranda stood beside Della in the kitchen. Had they heard everything? More tears filled her eyes.

"Sit down." Miranda pulled a chair out. "I'll get you some ice cream."

"No ... not now." Kylie didn't have any strength to explain or to even talk.

"Tomorrow." She went into her room. Socks looked out at her from under the bed, and then disappeared. Even her cat betrayed her. It was the last straw. Kylie dropped on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

* * *

Not that she stayed asleep for long. At four in the morning, Kylie knocked on Miranda's door. "I need to talk to you."

Della had already gotten up and stood by the kitchen table, staring sleepy-eyed and suspicious at Kylie.

When Miranda came out, wearing her duck slippers, she pushed a curtain of hair from her face. "What time is it?"

"Early," Kylie said. "I'm sorry, but ... I have to talk to both of you." Make it short and sweet. Short and sweet. She'd told herself all morning.
