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The spirit turned and looked at Kylie. This way. Go to the graveyard. You'll have help. For some crazy reason all the dead people there like you.

"Why should I trust you?" Kylie asked, and in the corner of her vision, she spotted Derek frowning. No doubt, seeing her hold a conversation with a ghost would be unsettling. He ought to try having one and see how unsettling that could be.

Because you want to stay alive.

Kylie's breath caught and she looked at Derek. "Let's go this way," she told him, praying her gut wasright and she could trust this spirit. Praying this wasn't some ploy to get her at the cemetery and then take her to hell.

They ran. Ran hard. But Kylie felt something following them as they ran. Felt it from the inside out.

And felt it was ready to pounce.

She saw the front gates of the cemetery. Her heart pounded against her breastbone and if she was running out of steam, Derek surely couldn't go much farther.

"Wait!" Derek stopped and reached for her.

"Why ... are we ... going to the cemetery?" His breath came out in gulps.

"I have friends there," she said.

"Dead friends," he said, not happy.

"Let's not be choosy right now."

He shot a glance at the rusty gates. "We should head to Shadow Falls. We're close."

"We won't make it," Kylie said, and something inside her said she was right. Something inside her said the thing that followed them wasn't playing around. Something inside her said it was Mario. Dear God, she hoped she was wrong.

She grabbed Derek by the arm and started running again. Unfortunately, they didn't make the gate before the man made himself visible. Mario-the super-powerful rogue who wanted Kylie dead-stood only a few feet from them. The same rogue who'd hurt Helen, killed Ellie, murdered his own grandson, and didn't mind taking the life of any innocent being who got in his way.

The man's dark eyes shined with nothing but evil. His skin looked aged and leathery, and he wore a dark robe as if he considered himself some sort of royalty.

Memories of this man sending bolts of lightning through his grandson had Kylie's fury and protective nature raging full strength in a fraction of a second. Grabbing Derek by the arm, she pushed him behind her.

Chapter Seven

"We meet again," Mario said, a hot, dark breeze stirring the bottom of his robe. The sky seemed to grow darker. Even the moon and stars seemed to cringe in his presence.

"Very unfortunate," Kylie said, and breathed in. The night air tasted of his wickedness. She felt her blood fizzing in her veins and the sense of danger nearly sucked the oxygen right out of the air.

Derek shifted behind her and Kylie reached back and caught him, holding him in one spot.

Protect him. Protect him. The words repeated in her soul like a litany.

Mario chuckled as if he could read her mind. "Do not worry, child. I want nothing to do with your boy toy. He is in no danger from me."

The old man smiled. His teeth-thin and slightly yellowed with age-appeared below his lip. The creepiness of the moment sent a shiver crawling down her backbone.

"You can calm that protective side of yours down," Mario said, as if he sensed her defensive side surging to life. "It will do you no good. For you see, the only one I'm after here is you. I mean the weakling no harm."

Derek yanked free and went barreling into the freakish old rogue. Kylie took a protective step forward to intervene. Mario turned invisible and Derek crashed to the ground.

Mario reappeared a few feet away. "How cute," he mocked. "The little man wants to protect you."

Derek didn't hesitate to go at him again. But, like before, Mario disappeared into thin air and reappeared again a few feet from Derek.

"Stop it," Kylie said to Derek.

He ignored her and stared daggers at Mario. "I'm not the one who's disappearing, you bastard. Fight me like a man."

Mario laughed, and the evilness of his tone raked over Kylie's nerves like broken glass. "You want me to fight so your girlfriend can protect you. I am no fool, child."

As much as she resented it, Mario was right; if he didn't harm Derek, she couldn't draw upon her powers to fight him. Fear settled in her gut.

"Leave," Kylie insisted, and right then, she saw the spirits gathering at the gates, their mutterings filled with concern for her.

"Not without you," Mario demanded, but his confidence seemed slightly lessened when he cut his eyes toward the graveyard gate. Could he sense the spirits, too? He took a step closer to her-or was it just a step away from the graveyard gate?

She took a step back. In the corner of her eye, she saw Derek reach for a large stone at his feet. She knew his plan was to anger Mario enough to pose a threat to him so she could protect them both, but Kylie wasn't sure she could do it. Indecision filled her chest whether to stop him or not. Because like the plan or not, it might be their only one.Mario, focused on her, didn't see the rock coming. It hit him in the temple with a thud. But she knew it would come with ramifications. And she had damn well better be ready to face them.

Tension thickened the air around them as the rogue's eyes brightened to a lime green color and red blood spurted from his brow. A low growl snaked out of the man's lips as he glared at Derek.

Kylie felt the strength start to build in her muscles, but it was nothing like what she should feel to draw upon her true power.

"Come get me, you coward!" Derek taunted.

Mario wiped the blood from his forehead and the fury in his eyes faded. "You do not interest me."

"What about me, you bastard vamp?" Lucas, appearing out of nowhere, shot out from behind the trees and took the old man down.

Kylie had no time to consider her emotional havoc. Derek, obviously seeing the opportunity, barreled forward. Kylie moved in, her strength now full force. But her strength and speed were nothing compared to Mario's. She hadn't reached the pile of swinging fists when the rogue tossed first Lucas and then Derek off him. Their bodies were flung into the air like rag dolls. Breath caught at the sight, she bolted up into the air and snagged both of them. After only a fraction of a second, she dropped both of them to the ground and then lunged at the rogue.

Proving his abilities again, before she got to him he'd bounced to his feet and shot out of her path. She came to a startling jolt and looked around. He stood several feet away watching her as if she was nothing more than a form of entertainment.

He was toying with her. And she didn't know how to turn the tables on him.

Gripping her fist so tight her hand hurt, she forced herself to accept he was out of her league. He may be old, but his power obviously kept him agile and quick.

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