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Tom said, “She’s in the hospital. Denver Memorial General.”

“Is she okay?” Knox asked.

“I don’t know. They won’t release any information to me,” Tom said. “I managed to get her cell phone after they brought her purse in so they could ID her.”

Jesus fucking Christ. ID her? Like she was . . .

No. No fucking way.

“I figured she’d want you to know,” Tom continued. “Or is there someone else who should be called?”

“No.” He cleared his throat. “Thank you for calling me. I’m on my way now.”

Knox ended the call. Feeling nauseous, he set his forehead on the desk, trying to control his need to roar with rage, punch something, or throw up.

“What the fuck is going on, Knox?”

He slowly raised his head. “Shiori’s been in a car accident.”

Every bit of blood drained from Deacon’s face.

“That was her driver who called. I need to get to the hospital.” He stood. Where were his keys? He panicked. What if he’d left his keys in his truck? He didn’t remember where the hell he’d parked.

Then Deacon was in his face. “Which hospital?”

“Denver Memorial General.”

“Get your coat. I’m driving.”

Knox stared at Deacon. The mean man looked pasty-faced and wide-eyed. Was Deacon’s face just reflecting back what he saw in his?

“Come on. We’ll fill Blue and Maddox in before we go.”

He paid little attention when Deacon spoke to the guys in the training room. His brain started the mantra—I love you. Please be all right. I love you. Please be all right—and he couldn’t get it to stop.

Deacon drove his Mercedes like a madman, but Knox didn’t complain since he needed to get to the damn hospital now.

But Deacon didn’t pull up to the emergency doors and let Knox out. “What the fuck—”

“You are not goin’ in there alone. First off, because you can be a prick when you’re agitated. Second, I can’t sit in the waiting room without goin’ fuckin’ crazy if they take you to her right away. That’s too much to ask of me, man.”

Knox hadn’t ever seen Deacon this freaked-out. “That’s fine. I’m just losing my shit, D.”

“I know. Just keep it together for her.”

Inside the hospital Knox had to wait in line to speak to a receptionist. When he finally made it up to the window, he had to repeat himself because he’d spewed everything so fast. “Shiori Hirano was in a car accident a couple of hours ago. I was told they brought her here.”

“Who are you?”

“Knox Lofgren. Her fiancé.”

She frowned. “It lists Ronin Black as her next of kin.”

“That’s her brother, and he’s been out of the country for months. Shiori probably hasn’t updated her information since we just got engaged two weeks ago.”

It appeared the middle-aged woman was going to brush him off. Then she noticed his bracelet. To most people it looked like a nice chain-link bracelet. But to anyone in the BDSM life, it was a symbol of ownership. Her gaze sharpened. “Did she give you that?”

Knox said, “Yes, ma’am. Two weeks ago.”

She patted his hand. “Have a seat, son, and I’ll tell the staff you’re here. They’ll come out and talk to you as soon as they can.”

“Thank you.”

After they took seats closest to the doors leading to the medical rooms, Deacon said, “What was that about?”

“Shiori gave me the bracelet.”

“Why is that a big deal?”

What did it matter if Deacon knew the truth? “Shiori is a Domme.”

“No shit?” A pause, then, “Don’t know why I’m surprised. She has that whole power thing going on even when she’s not on the mat.”

Knox ran his thumb over the bracelet’s band. “That she does. And that’s what drew me to her.”

“Wait. I know you guys are seeing each other, but that’s part of it too?”

“Yeah. She . . .” Just fucking spit it out. “She’s my Domme. She gave me the bracelet as a reminder of the importance of our relationship.”

Deacon didn’t respond right away. He rubbed his hand over his shaved head. “Like a collar?”

“Sort of.”

“Not sure what to say to that besides it’s none of my damn business. Except I’m shocked that you’re submissive.”
