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At the mention of a club, Shiori found herself wondering if Knox was going to Twisted tonight. The past four days had been so crazy she and Knox had seen each other in the dojo and that was it. They hadn’t been left alone for even two minutes.

“Speaking of hot guys . . . who is the hottest guy at Black Arts and ABC?” Katie asked. “Molly, you first.”

“Ronin Black.”

Katie said, “Fee?”

“Ditto on Ronin.”

“That makes it unanimous because he’s my choice too—Sensei Black is the reigning smoking hottie.”

“It’s not unanimous because I didn’t get to vote and eww, not voting for my brother,” Shiori said.

“So who do you think is the hottest?” Fee asked.

Knox. Without a doubt he was the hottest, sexiest, most exasperating man she’d ever known. But it wasn’t like she could tell them that. She smirked at Fee. “Blue.”

“Blue, as in my brother, Blue? Oh no. Not going there. So let’s start over—besides the owners of the dojos, who’s in the running?”

“Deacon,” Molly tossed out. “Even when he’s an ass.”

“Maybe that makes him even more attractive,” Katie said.

“He does have that ‘I’m a heartbreaking jackass’ vibe that makes you want to dig deep and see if there’s a sweet center inside his hard outer shell,” Molly mused.

Fee said, “I’m picking Gil because he is so pretty to look at . . . until he opens his mouth.”

Shiori nodded. “Same with Knox.”

Everyone looked expectantly at Katie.

“I pick Ivan. He’s hot, fierce, driven, and knows when to keep quiet. Always a plus.” Katie held up her phone and started texting someone.

The margaritas arrived, and they wasted no time in filling up their glasses. Katie kept texting until Fee said, “What the hell, K? Quit sexting and drink with us.”

“I’m texting with Ivan.” She grinned. “He’s working security at his dad’s club, and he invited us to a party in the VIP section.”

“Sweet! Wait, which club?” Molly asked.


“Isn’t that some kind of fetish/fantasy/role-playing club?”

“Yes, but it’ll fun because we’ll all be dressed up!”

“Screw that, Katie. I’m not going to a club where I have to wear a costume.”

Katie looked at petulant Fee. “Suck it up, Sophia, and take one for the team. Dressing up doesn’t mean we have to wear a skanky French maid’s getup and carry a feather duster. It just means we can dress slutty and take in all the Fresh craziness from the VIP section.”

“You’re acting like you’ve never sat in a VIP section before,” Fee said.

“I’ve never been in the one at Fresh,” Katie retorted.

“I’m not sure I can go because I don’t have anything to wear.” Molly looked to Shiori for support. “Right?”

Rather than admit she had a closet full of sex-club outfits, Shiori said, “Clothes aren’t as important as the right attitude.”

“You want to go to this place?” Molly asked.

“Why not? You were all talking earlier about needing to get laid. Here’s your chance.”

Katie looked happy enough to burst. “Then it’s settled. And so no one chickens out, we’ll get ready at my house. I have three huge closets full of clothes—something shameful and slutty for everyone. Let’s go.”

*   *   *

KATIE’S house was a mini-mansion in a gated community. She told them that she rented the property for next to nothing from her brother, who’d bought it at a foreclosure sale. Why Katie felt the need to explain her housing and financial situation surprised Shiori. Then again, the way Americans were so open about personal issues baffled her.

After another round of margaritas, the parade of clothes began. Katie hadn’t exaggerated her clothing selection, and she laughingly admitted to being a compulsive shopper and a hoarder. Since she’d struggled with her weight her entire life—another personal fact she just blithely tossed out there—she had outfits ranging in four different sizes because she never got rid of anything. And Katie considered it a sign from the fashion gods that their shoe sizes were within half an inch of one another. Then she showed them another custom closet that had more shoes than Saks.

Molly selected a pair of leopard-print skinny jeans and a black leather halter top that accentuated the breasts she took such great pains to hide.
