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“Mistress. You know that I don’t—”

“Knox. This is not a real flogger. Look at it.”

That stubborn chin jutted out. “This is why we’re using safe words. Because you knew I’d refuse.”

“I’m not so sure you are refusing. And I think if you truly want to keep your Mistress happy, you’ll see this is an instrument of pleasure. Not pain.”

“Say I use it on you. And next time you bring in your bag of tricks, will you include a regular flogger? Will you keep pushing past my boundaries and comfort zone just to see how far I’ll go in the name of obedience?” he said with a hint of anger and panic.

She curled her hands around his face and pulled him down until they were eye to eye. “No. I’d never do that. Never. And this isn’t about obedience or pushing boundaries. This is about how hot it made me seeing your skills with a whip. I don’t want pain. And when I look at the feather flogger? All I can see is that you would know how to use it in such a way that you’d drive me out of my mind with pleasure. Does it feel like soft breath? Does it feel like I have dozens of sets of hands teasing my skin? Does it feel like your hair tickling me? You can use it on me any way you want, Knox.”

He studied her for so long that when his lips parted to speak, she feared she’d hear the word red.

“I’ll do it if that’s truly what you want, Nushi.”

Relieved, she pressed her mouth to his for a kiss and then dropped her hands. “It is.”

“At what point do I stop?”

“When I beg you to fuck me.”

His gorgeous smile appeared. “Okay. One other thing.”

“Name it.”

“I want to restrain you. That way I can access both sides of your body. Anytime you want me to release you, just tell me.”

The idea of being chained up had always been one of her sticking points as a submissive. It’d never been an issue as a Domme. But she had to show Knox she trusted him as much as he trusted her. If he was willing to let her push him past his comfort zone, then she’d let him push her past hers too. “All right. But only as long as you don’t get the idea you’re in charge, sub. I’m allowing this because it pleases me to do so.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

Shiori circled her arms around his waist and buried her face in his neck. “Get the restraints ready while I get undressed.”

She purposely gave him her back as she ditched her clothes. When she walked to the part of the room where the chains dangled from the ceiling, Knox quit fiddling with a wrist cuff and drank her body in with very thirsty eyes.

“As always, the sight of you naked makes it hard for me to think of anything else.”

She slid her heels into the marks on the floor and closed her eyes when Knox snapped on the ankle cuffs. His footsteps made a soft shush-shush across the cement when he moved to stand in front of her.

He kissed the insides of her wrists before he placed the cuffs on. Then he cranked the pulley system, lifting her arms into a T formation and locking it there.

Panic set in. Why had she agreed to this? In this vulnerable position, he could do anything he wanted to her and she’d be helpless to stop him.

Knox’s strong arms circled her. The heat from his body and the gentleness in his embrace calmed her.

Shiori turned her head and breathed him in. Then she trailed her lips down the cord straining in his neck, letting the taste of him on her lips and tongue stir her desire and extinguish her fear. He’d sensed her mood shift, and without a word, he’d given her exactly what she’d needed. After several long moments, she whispered, “Thank you.”

In response he placed a tender kiss below her ear.

She missed his solid presence after his arms fell away. She concentrated on keeping her shit together. Counting during each inhale and exhale.

So his wet mouth sucking on her right nipple tore a soft groan from her. She felt the tip tightening into a rigid point; then a sharp pinch followed.

Her eyes flew open and she gasped.

A smug smile danced on Knox’s lips. “Forgot about the nipple clamps, didn’t you?”

Yes, dammit. “No.”

“Oh, then no need to go slow for this one.” His warm lips briefly teased her left nipple. As soon as it puckered, he snapped the clamp on.

Fuck. Ow.

“I like how that looks on you,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb beneath the section of skin where the clamps bit down.

Shiori opened her eyes and watched his face as he touched her.

“Too tight?”

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