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She pointed at my dress. “Is this something you carry in your store? I love it.”

“This is from a line we carry, but this particular dress we had in stock last year.”

“Well, I know where I’ll be going tomorrow while Wes hits the golf course to meet with potential clients. We’re using our anniversary trip for business and pleasure.”

I wanted to say how nice, but honestly it was awful. It was something my father would do to my mother. Anniversary trips should be strictly pleasure, in my opinion.

“How long have you been married?” I asked.

“Twenty years and four kids later,” Wes answered, beaming at his bride.

“How old are your children?” Kids were a favorite topic of mine.

“I’ll let Dee do the bragging while Ryder and I get down to business.”

Oh. I wasn’t sure what to think about that. Suddenly I felt very much like my mother, as if I were here to play a part, not be a part of it. Not like I knew a lot about software, but I did own my own business and was well educated.

Ryder took my hand under the table and gave me a strained smile as if he knew what I was thinking. Before any verbal communication could pass between us, I found myself being sucked into the world of the Halstrom children while Ryder and Wes talked strategy, reaching other verticals, and staying ahead of the technology curve. I tried to glean what I could from their conversation while I listened to Deidre lament about how their daughter Giselle had failed the driver’s examination four times already and their son Oliver was cut from his high school basketball team. Between all that, a quiet voice pricked my senses, and it brought up a poignant point.

The same two worlds were colliding again. Would the outcome be any different this time?Chapter Twenty-FiveThe drive home started out quiet, other than the country music that hummed in the background over the incredible sound system in his car. I was happy he still liked the same music and bands.

Ryder’s warm hand landed on my thigh while he drove us home at a much slower pace. “Thanks for coming. I’m sorry Wes dominated my attention. He’s only in town for a few days and he likes to keep tabs on his investments.”

“I understand. It was nice talking to Deidre.” That was the truth. She was a lovely woman who obviously loved her children and supported a lot of great causes. We had traveled to many of the same countries, so we had plenty to talk about.

“The food was great,” Ryder added.

“It was nice.” Albeit weird seeing Ryder order roasted chateaubriand and pommes puree like he did it every day. It was really a fancy version of meat and potatoes. And wasn’t he the one who said we should serve beer at our wedding reception instead of champagne? It was a lot cheaper and tasted better, to quote him.

He gave me a wry glance. “Was there something wrong with your salad?”

I took his hand and held it. “I enjoyed it.”

His loud exhale indicated my answers dissatisfied him. I felt bad for that. I was just trying to mentally reroute my expectations, is all. I don’t know why I assumed we would pick up right where we left off. Ryder was right—we had both changed over the last year. They weren’t bad changes, but we were different. More than I had anticipated.

Ryder walked me up the steps to the front porch. We hadn’t had a porch scene in what felt like forever, and for some reason this one felt awkward like the first time. We stood there smiling at each other like we didn’t know what we should do.

I leaned in and breathed in him before kissing his cheek. “Thank you. I had a—”

“Let me guess, a nice time?” He grimaced.

I bit my lip. I guess I had used that word a lot tonight. I fell into him, wanting to be held. He picked up on the cue and wrapped me in his arms. The comfort I felt in them hadn’t changed. That lifted my spirits. I snuggled into his chest. We said not a word for several minutes. I took the time to soak him in and listen to the steady beat of his heart. He eventually kissed my head. “Shelby, I hate to go, but I have to finalize a presentation that Bobby Jay and I are giving at the college tomorrow.”

I was reluctant to let go, so I tilted my head up to gaze into those pools of chocolate that allowed me access to his soul. In them I could see it was still beautiful and alive and well. The passion he always had for me burned bright, making me feel so much better, but not as good as when his warm lips came down on mine, urging my own to part. While our tongues slow danced together, his hands ran through my hair and then down my curves. Every contented sound that escaped me urged him to dance longer and hold onto me tighter until I shuddered from the pleasure of it all.
