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Aspen snatched the book from her. “That has nothing to do with it. It’s smartly written and for all the squeamish moments, there is a lot of wit.”

“And romance, from what the back copy says,” Emma taunted Aspen.

“There is some, but it’s not nauseating or the focal point,” Aspen defended herself.

Meanwhile, Jenna started googling Taron Taylor. “Ooo. He’s not married and freaking hot. Check out these pictures.” She held out her phone for all of us to see. There were several photos of Mr. Taylor in different poses, most of them casual, looking quite dashing whether signing books or playing polo.

Aspen pushed Jenna’s phone down. “Who cares what he looks like?” Her pink cheeks said she did.

Sweet Emma put her arm around Aspen. “It’s okay, you know, to be vulnerable.”

Aspen made to say something, instead, she rested her head on Emma’s shoulder. “I can’t afford to be. Not with Chloe. She doesn’t deserve another man to walk out of her life.”

“Neither do you.” Jenna smoothed Aspen’s hair.

“That’s why I stay away from men. It’s easier that way.”

“Is it really?” Emma asked, squeezing her tighter.

“That’s what I keep telling myself. And with Leland rearing his ugly head again, it only solidifies my decision.”

“Is he moving back here?” Jenna asked.

“I hope not,” Aspen choked out. “But he called me again and wanted to talk to Chloe. She refused to. I can’t blame her even though I’ve tried my best not to say anything negative about him around her other than it’s his problem and not her fault that he isn’t in her life. But he hurt her. When your father doesn’t contact you for three years, that does something to you. Of course, he blamed me for poisoning her, not taking any responsibility for his actions, as usual.”

“Chloe is lucky to have you as her momma. Every girl needs a strong woman in her corner, especially her momma.” I tried to comfort Aspen.

Aspen sighed. “I don’t know, sometimes I wonder if I’m all she needs. My parents try to fill in, especially my dad, but she sees her friends with their dads and I know she longs for that. She wants her own dad to take her to the daddy daughter dance they have at school every year. And I get it. I’ve read the books. Girls with good fathers go on to choose better partners. I apparently missed that memo.” She laughed derisively to herself. “I have the best dad and I still ended up with a d-bag, so maybe it doesn’t matter.”

“You were young and let’s be honest, Leland was pretty irresistible,” Jenna offered.

Aspen closed her eyes as if she didn’t want to think about it. “Lots of other women thought so too, and he found them more desirable than me and our baby.”

“It wasn’t you,” Emma soothed her.

“Why didn’t I go out with Sean Rawlings in high school? I ran into his mom the other day and she mentioned he just opened up his own orthodontic practice in Denver and he’s married with two little girls and is the sweetest dad ever.”

“Uh, you didn’t go out with him because he popped his pimples in class and he wore his pants up to his belly button,” Jenna said.

Aspen laughed. “There was that. I bet he’s a solid husband and dad, though.”

“Probably,” Emma said, “but you can do better than Sean. I’m pretty sure at our high school reunion I saw him pop one of his wife’s pimples on her back.”

We all squirmed.

“That’s disgusting.” Aspen lifted her head off Emma’s shoulder. “I think I’ll stay single.”

Jenna held up her phone and dangled it in front of Aspen. “I think you should give some serious consideration to Taron Taylor.”

Aspen rolled her eyes. “Right, because I can afford to take a jaunt over to jolly old England. I’m sure he’s been wishing for a single mom who makes twenty dollars an hour as a personal banker.”

“No, but I bet he wants a hot babe like you.” Emma wagged her brows.

“No more hot babe here. I started wearing granny panties for the fun of it. I have to say they are quite comfy.” Aspen grinned.

Our table erupted in laughter.

Aspen’s demeanor turned thoughtful. “I do love you, ladies. Thank you for putting up with my anti-man ways. How about this. I promise you if I ever meet Taron Taylor, I’ll give him a shot.”

“You’re only saying that because you know you’ll never meet him,” Jenna called her out.

“You got me.” Aspen smirked.

“Well, I believe in magic, Miss Aspen, and meant-to-be’s, so I would be careful if I were you.” I reached across the table and took her hand. “I have a feeling true love will come knocking on your door one day, and the man on the other side of that door will be the luckiest man in the world.”
