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“Just what would it take to talk you out of this dress?” I inquired as I dragged my lips up to nibble on her ear.

Thana giggled and whirled around, placing her palms flat on my chest and pushing me back a step. But only because I let her. Despite her increased vampiric strength, I was still bigger than her, but it made her smile with delight when I pretended. I’d sworn to see her smile as often as possible, so unless it concerned her safety or we were in bed, I let her make-believe that she could overpower me just a little.

“This party was your idea, husband. I think all of the guests downstairs might miss the host and hostess.”

I grunted noncommittally, but dutifully held out my arm for her to take. Knowing exactly what I was thinking, she laughed, curling her arms around my bicep and resting her hand on my forearm. As I escorted her out of our bedroom, I was kicking myself for inviting a houseful of people here when all I wanted to do was spend the night alone with my wife.

The main floor in the right wing of the house held a ballroom that had gathered dust for decades until I married Thana in it. Now, it held another celebration, and when we walked inside the resplendent room, and the crowd shouted, “Happy Birthday,” some of my party spirit returned. We were honoring the day the world was graced with my incredible consort.

Thana beamed as she looked around, then she stopped and gasped when she saw a young woman with long brown hair streaked with gold hurrying forward with a matching smile. She was wearing an amethyst ball gown that billowed out behind her, and the color reminded me of the ring Athan wore on his left pinky. He’d found it around a century ago in a vintage jewelry store and had been oddly drawn to it. He’d purchased it on the spot, and I’d rarely seen him without it since.

“Selene!” Thana squealed as she ran to meet her friend.

Thana had reminisced about her childhood companion and how much she’d missed her since they’d last seen each other. Apparently, Selene’s parents had shipped her off to boarding school in Switzerland shortly before Thana’s parents died. They’d kept in close touch but hadn’t laid eyes on each other since. I’d made it a mission to give Thana her friend back for her birthday. Seeing her expression, feeling her joy through our connection, and watching them hug tightly, I knew it had been the perfect present.

They laughed and talked over each other as I approached, but when Thana saw me, she stopped and threw herself into my arms. “Thank you, Kieran!”

“Anything for you, baby,” I told her earnestly as I held her tight for a moment. When she wiggled to get out of my embrace, I dropped one arm and used the other to tuck her into my side.

“Kieran, this is my best friend, Selene,” Thana introduced us excitedly. “Selene, this is my husband.”

Selene stepped close and held out her hand. When I looked at her face, I was struck by the unusual color of her eyes. They matched the purple stone in Athan’s ring almost perfectly. “Welcome,” I said with a friendly smile as I took her hand.

“Hands to yourself, brother.” Athan had appeared at my side and was staring at my hand clasping Selene’s. His voice was pure steel, and his jaw was clenched tight. I released her hand, and Athan’s eyes flew up to her face, his expression wild. Selene snatched her hand back, and her widened eyes watched Athan with shock and a swirl of other emotions.

She retreated a step, and Athan prowled after her, closing the space between them. He reached for her left hand, and the moment they touched, I understood. This was an interesting turn of events. It seemed Selene was Athan’s fated consort. I wasn’t sure how he’d figured it out before touching, but that wasn’t my biggest concern at the moment.

Thana tried to step forward, but I held her back, silently asking her to let me handle it while I kept my attention on my brother. Athan brought Selene’s wrist up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Somehow, I knew what was coming, but I wasn’t fast enough to stop it. Athan muttered, “Mine,” right before he let the tip of one fang knick a vein and licked up the droplets of blood that beaded on her skin.

Selene gasped and yanked her hand out of his grasp. “What?” she gasped. “Did you just…What are you…?”

Athan made a grab for her and growled, “Mine.”

In response, Selene lifted her skirts and took off running.

Shit. Athan started after her, but I grabbed his arm and brought him to a halt. “You need to get ahold of yourself, brother,” I stated in a voice filled with authority. I couldn’t use compulsion on him, but I was still older and stronger, so my magic was able to hold him, though it wouldn’t last long. “You scared the fuck out of her. You think chasing after her like this is going to help your cause?”
