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Still, she’s her own woman. And she can make her own decisions.

“The last thing I want to do is start telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. Sounds like you’ve had enough of that already.”

“That’s not what I was meaning,” she says shaking her head, her face written in worry. “I mean, Aiden, really? A man like you would never be like with a girl like me. I mean I’m glad we had the day we had--”

I scoff. “Glad?”

“Don’t get upset. I just mean, in the real world, you and me?” She shakes her head.

“Why wouldn’t a guy like me be with you? Because I’m a fisherman; because I live and work in a small town off the Alaskan coast? Is that not enough for you?” I know I’m defensive, but hell, I’ve been down this road with women before. They make assumptions about me.

I had really hoped Alice was different.

And when she leans in, her shoulder bumping against mine, talking softly but firmly, I see what kind of woman she really is.

“I don’t care if you’re a fisherman, Aiden. If you love what you do, that’s all that matters. What I meant was, a man like you--a man so strong and in charge? You’re nothing like me.” She looks down at her food as if she’s thinking she said too much.

“Baby,” I tell her, leaning into her ear. “A man like me may be strong and in charge. Maybe what I really want is to take care of you.”

I hear her whimper, the faintest of moans escaping her lips.

She shakes her head again, and dammit, I don’t know what she means.

“You don’t really mean that. You don’t even know me.”

“I know enough,” I tell her firmly. “I can decide who I want and when I want them. And I’ve already made up my decision. I want you.”

My words must have finally struck a nerve because Alice loses inhibition and wraps her arms around my neck.

“Really Aiden? You could see yourself with someone like me?”

“Not someone. You. I can see myself with you.” I pull her into a kiss, sealing my words to her heart. I fucking mean what I say.

There’s something about this woman that I find irresistible.

When our lips part, she smiles broadly, her confidence at being with me having returned, and she laughs as if being here with me is unbelievable.

And then, a ghost from my not-distant-enough past sweeps into the bar.


There’s nothing I can do but groan.Chapter Six“What is it?” Alice asks. She rests her hand on my forearm, and just having her in here next to me makes this conversation better.

“It’s my ex. She’s a fucking bitch, and I don’t say that lightly. I don’t talk shit about women, in general. Just Sheila.”

“Oh. Should we go?”

I shake my head, noticing the stares from the other regulars in the bar. I hate their pitying looks, but everyone in this village knows about my drama with Sheila, and I’ve heard from plenty of people that they are as sick of her as I am.

“This woman is my ––” before I can say anymore Sheila has sauntered over to us.

On the surface, Sheila appears to be my type. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt, a down vest and her long hair in a braid down her back. She’s the quintessential Alaskan woman––can hold a rifle and catch a fish. And she looks like she stepped off of the cover of Outdoor Women Magazine--she’s beautiful on the outside.

But that is what got me roped into being her husband in the first place. On the inside, Sheila is nothing I want.

I see Alice take her in, but to Alice’s credit, she just smiles, letting her hand stay rested on my knee. Damn, I like that Alice isn’t pulling away and I can’t help but think telling her my intentions helped embolden her.

“Oh, my God, what are you doing here?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

I smirk. “You know damn well I keep my boat docked at this marina.”

“Oh,” she says, irritated. “Right. It’s hard to keep track of these things. I have a really busy life right now.”

Alice bites her bottom lip, but she says nothing.

“That’s fucking great, Sheila,” I say flatly. “I’m really happy for you.”

“Don’t you even want to know why I’m so busy?”

“Not really.” I pick up my beer and chug it. I don’t have time for Sheila’s bullshit. I’m sitting next to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, the sweetest most gentle, fucking insane-in-bed woman I’ve ever known and my time with her is interrupted by this witch?

“Well, I have good news! I’m engaged.” She places her hand between Alice and me, grinning like the fool she is.

I’d say something but I choke on my beer instead.

“Are you surprised?” she asks.

This woman has some gall.

“You have the balls to show up here and say that.” I shake my head, royally pissed.

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