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She lifted a finger to hush him. “And then I’ll consider quitting my full-time job to start a family. I really want to keep working one more year. I’m excited about the groupie project I’ve been working on this summer, but it’s time for a change. As soon as I finish this project, I want to do some other things.” She snuggled closer to his chest. “Mostly I want to have a baby with you.”

Stunned speechless, Brian’s vision blurred. Had he heard her correctly? She wanted to start a family?

“Unless you don’t want children,” she said, obviously mistaking his dumbstruck silence for hesitation toward the idea. “I know you’ll make a great father, Brian. Even though it’ll be tough to raise a family when you’re on the road so much, you’ll be there as often as possible. I realize I’ll have to do a lot by myself while you’re gone, but the thought of making a baby with you and carrying him or her inside me just makes me happy.” She covered her lower belly with both hands and tilted her head to look at him. “Brian?”

Make a baby with Myrna? Yes, please. He was ready to start immediately. In one swift motion, he rolled her beneath him, covering her body with his and cupping her lovely face between his hands.

“You make me so happy, Myrna. I can’t wait to start a family with you. Can we start right away?”

A brilliant smile lit her features, but she didn’t immediately start flushing her birth control pills down the toilet. “We should wait a few months to get pregnant. It would be best if I deliver the baby at the end of next May, when the school year is over. That would make the most sense.”

He chuckled. “My logical little sex professor.” He kissed her. Honestly, he was surprised she’d made this decision so easily. It was as if her admission of love changed her entire outlook. He was glad he’d been patient with her and hadn’t pushed her too fast or too hard and driven her away. It was nice to get something right and be rewarded for it. “That makes perfect sense, baby. I think it’s a good idea. I also think I need to practice baby-making right now. I love you so much my dick is hard.”

She laughed. “Sweetheart, you don’t need any more practice. You’re already at the top of your game.”

“Then it’s time for the next inning.”

There was no way he was letting her put him off until after Sinners’ concert. He needed to deepen the connection between them. To lose himself in her. To lessen the ache in his groin. The woman was trying to kill him.

“Hey, Myrna,” Eric called from just outside the door. “We got it—come see.”

She smiled at Brian. “I’m hungry,” she said. “How about you?”

“I hope you mean you’re hungry for sex.”

“I’m always hungry for sex. Who do you think you married today?”

He grinned. “You. I married you.”

When his hands began to wander over the smooth skin of her bare shoulders, she twisted from beneath him and climbed from the bed, tugging on the skirt trapped beneath his body.

“Come on,” she said. “The guys have a surprise for you.”

“Is that why you’re still in your dress? You’ve been waiting for the guys to do something stupid.” He forced himself from the bed, his hard-on-from-hell uncomfortable in his pants.

“They went to a lot of trouble to get this surprise for you. They want to celebrate with us.”

“I’m going to fucking kill them all. I don’t want to celebrate with them; I want to celebrate with you.”

“Well, I’m going to celebrate with them. You can stay in here by yourself if you want.”

Damn woman, knowing how to get him to do exactly what she wanted him to do. She opened the door, and Brian caught sight of Eric in the corridor, holding a decorated white cake.

“What do you think?” Eric asked Myrna.

Brian joined her in the doorway. The square cake had a pink ’57 Ford Thunderbird printed in the icing. On the trunk of the car was a little sign made out of frosting: Just Married to the Band.

“Uh, no,” Brian said. “She’s just married to me.”

“When you marry a band member, you always marry into the band,” Sed said, his deep voice a bit gruff.

“I love it, guys! It’s perfect,” Myrna said. “Let’s all have some.”

Eric, preening like a peacock, placed the cake in the center of the dining table. “I told you she’d love it,” he told Jace, who was sitting in the booth looking like he was going to hop out of his skin at any minute. Dude needed to get laid in a bad way.

“Where’s Trey?” Myrna asked.


“Sleeping?” Myrna drew back the curtain of his bunk. Trey was curled into fetal position around his pillow. Myrna leaned down to brush his bangs out of his face. He didn’t stir. “I’m worried about him. How long was he unconscious last night?”

“A few minutes, maybe.” Attempting to get a better look at Trey, Sed leaned closer to Myrna.

Brian tensed. He doubted that he’d ever get over his aversion to having Sed near his woman. He trusted Myrna, but women had a way of losing their panties if Sed so much as glanced at them. And Brian knew for a fact that, currently, Myrna wasn’t wearing panties. One less line of defense against Sed the Fuckinator.

“Should we just take him to the hospital?” Sed said, flexing his huge biceps.

Brian was satisfied when Myrna didn’t swoon at the sight of his impressive guns.

“I think I can hold him down until we get there.”

Trey’s eyes drifted open, and he pinned Sed with a look of disgust. “I heard that. I already told you I’m not going to any hospital. I’m just a little tired. What’s the big deal?” He sat up in his bunk and went white as a sheet.

“Trey...” Brian said.

“Don’t you start on me too.”

When Trey stood, he swayed slightly. Brian wrapped an arm around him and ran his free hand over the back of Trey’s head where that overzealous asshole bouncer had cracked him in the skull with a bat the night before.

“The swelling’s gone down since last night,” Brian said. “But you still have a lump.”

“See, I’m fine.”

“Trey, I think you should get this checked out.” Brian stared into his best friend’s eyes, willing him to agree.

Trey lowered his gaze after a long moment. “I’m fine.” He leaned around Brian, instantly alert when he spotted what Eric had set on the table. “Is that cake?”

“With strawberry filling,” Eric said. “They didn’t have cherry.”

Trey beamed. “You asked for cherry? For me?”

“Myrna told me to,” Eric said.

Trey tugged Myrna into his arms. “Hey, baby, where have you been all my life?”

When he tipped her backwards and then upright again, she laughed.

“Let’s see,” she said. “BFE, Missouri.”

“Wish I knew where that was.” Trey squeezed her against him, rocking back and forth.

“Between a soybean field and a farrowing house.”

“What the fuck’s a farrowing house?”

“Where piglets are born.”

Trey made his impish face. The one that got him anything he wanted. “Sounds cute.

“Smells bad.” Myrna snuggled closer to Trey. “But you smell good. New aftershave?”

“Some fan sent it to me. If you like it, I’ll give it to Brian.”

Watching Trey and Myrna touch and tease each other didn’t make Brian jealous in the least. Truth be told, it turned him on more than a little. He wondered if Myrna had any interest in another threesome. He knew Trey would be game.

“Are we going to cut this cake?” Eric asked.

“It’s tradition for the bride and groom to cut the first piece and feed it to each other,” Jace said.

Myrna released Trey and turned to grin at Brian. “Yeah, that’s what they do with it. Feed each other.” She laughed wickedly.

Brian lifted an eyebrow at her. Did she intend to shove it up his nose? “Don’t even think about it, Myrna.”

“Think about what?”

“Dipping your nipples in that frosting. I won’t be able to keep my tongue off them.”

Her mouth dropped open.

No doubt imagining what she’d look like with her breasts covered in frosting, Eric did an about-face and repeatedly banged his head against the thin wall behind the booth.

Sed pulled open a drawer and handed Myrna a knife. She took Brian’s hand in hers and tugged him toward the cake. Hands combined, they drew the knife down into the cake and cut a slice to share. Brian lifted the piece with his fingers and fed Myrna a bite. She then did the same for him. As much as he liked to play around with her, he was glad she allowed him this moment of tender romance. He was kind of a sucker for it. He swallowed the bite of cake and kissed her, the sweet taste of her lips fueling his desire again. After he’d removed all traces of frosting from her delectable lips, he pulled away.

“I love you,” she said before flashing her most devilish grin. “But save some of that tongue action for my nipples.” She swatted his ass playfully before she took up the knife again and waved it around at the guys. “Who’s next?”

“What do you mean?” Eric asked.

“Well, I’m marrying into this band. Doesn’t that mean I should share cake with all of you?”
