Page 4 of More than You

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“I’m hungry, Riri.” I smile. When she was two, she kept trying to say my name and couldn’t. So, she settled on Riri and that is what she has called me since.

“I know sweetie. Breakfast is ready. Go wash your hands and sit at the table big girl.” I can’t help but feel this heaviness overtake me at the responsibility ahead of me. I have to raise her, guide her, lead her and teach her the right way to live. I have to provide for her and ensure her a safe and stable home. How the hell am I going to do that? I was just learning what it could look like myself. I mean, I am just eighteen.

“I'm ready.” she says putting her napkin on her shirt.

“Well, eat up girlie.” The three of us sit and eat, no conversation taking place. Just the clinking of forks as they hit the plate. She finishes before the two of us, her ever growing body devouring the nourishment. As usual, as soon as she is done, she is ready for something to do. I can't help but feel she also is trying to fill her mind with something other than our loss. “Rory, can you go and pick out an outfit for today. Or do you want me to do it?”

“No, Riri. I can do it.” She runs up the stairs. I begin removing plates from the table when Dayton stops me.

“Let me, Rina. I can do the dishes. Why don’t you go upstairs, take a shower and a few minutes for yourself before you fill your day with trying to make Rory happy. Take some time for yourself too.”

“Seems I have nothing but time now. Besides her, what do I have, Dayton? I-I’m all alone now. Wh-WHAT DO I HAVE?” I scream, throwing the plate to the floor. I don’t mean to scream, but it seems like something I have to let out. I have been holding so much in, making sure my little sister is ok, that it has been filling up inside of me like an ocean of endless sadness, anger and this feeling of loss. Tears, like the uncontrollable emotion inside of me, begin to fill my eyes and glaze my cheeks. I sob, my head hanging, nothing left inside of me to let out at this moment.

I begin to hiccup when I feel his hand touch my skin, somehow inserting some hope inside of me. Lifting my chin, he simply says, “Me, my Rina. You have me.”

God, I hope so.Chapter FourDayton“Are you sure you want to do this, Dayton? It's not your responsibility to fix what Oscar messed up.” I turn in my office chair facing my attorney. I called him over here, to ask him to set up a trust for Rina and Rory that will appear as if her father left it for her. As you can see, he doesn’t like the idea so much. “As it is you have assumed responsibility for their day to day.” My jaw clenches listening to him call my Rina a burden. He has no fucking idea how long I have waited to get my hands on her. To surround myself with the feeling of her skin on mine. To feel the heat between her legs, become the very thing pulsing inside of me daily. How long I have waited for our mouths to explore one another, seeking that feeling that lets you know you have your destiny within your grasp.

“Cord, I didn't call you for your opinion. I gave you a job and I pay you to do it. That will be all.” I dismiss him, trying to stop him from pissing me off more. Turning back toward the window, I wonder how she is fairing right now. I hated leaving her this morning, but if I am going to continue to provide for my future wife and her sister, I need to work. Before I left this morning, I peeked in her room, needing to see her one more time before I walked out the door. Being here with her these past few days, despite the circumstances have been soothing to a soul that has been yearning. So leaving, even for a few hours feels like I am suffocating. As she slept in her bed, her face still scrunched from what I assume is hours of crying, she still looks like an angel.

“Mr. Litteum, you have a call on line one from Mr. Cortero.”

“Put him through, Pam.” I clear my throat bringing myself back to the ‘here’. “Mr. Cortero, what can I do for you today?”

“Dayton, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Hector? You handle all the money for my company, it's the least I can do.” I smile. He is right. He always says that.

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