Page 29 of The Edge of Forever

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“I just don’t get it, Blake.” A defeated note sounded in Maggie’s voice, but beneath it there was also anger. She exhaled and rubbed her eyes.

“Maggie, I’m not doing it to upset you, believe me.” The pained expression that Maggie held disappeared, and a smile that looked far too sweet and forced curved her lips.

“I know. None of this is your fault, but remember what I said and think about it.” She lifted her hand, ran it down the front of his shirt, and stopped at one of the buttons to slip it back into its hole. The act didn’t seem overly intimate, but the look on the other woman’s face told Poppy the affection Maggie held for Blake ran deep.

Discomfort crashed inside Poppy, and she forced herself away from the scene. She had witnessed something that seemed very personal between the two of them, even if Blake hadn’t acted like it was. He said what he and Maggie had over six months ago was just the one night, but maybe he had just been saying that to hide the fact that it had been more.

He didn’t like mixing business with pleasure, yet wasn’t that what he did with Poppy? Just thinking about it gave her a headache. Things were pretty quiet out there, and images of Blake embraced with Maggie played through her head.

No, you’re being ridiculous. Blake wouldn’t touch another woman after almost making you come in his office.

No, he definitely wasn’t that kind of man, but still, she couldn’t deny her curiosity was piqued.

The front door opened and closed, and she felt her pulse quicken. The heavy footfalls of Blake coming back to her sounded through the hall. He emerged in the doorway, his expression grim. At least he wasn’t grinning and looking all too pleased with Maggie’s clear desire for him. Or maybe he was like the majority of men and honestly didn’t see what Poppy saw?

“Everything okay?” Poppy tightened her hands on her coat and watched him expectantly. He didn’t answer right away, and she didn’t miss the way he glanced back at the front door. His brow furrowed, and he rubbed the back of his head.

“Uh.” That didn’t sound good.

“Are you in trouble?” Poppy knew there had to be a no fraternization policy in place, but for her, even that wouldn’t have kept her away from Blake. He made her feel too much, and after living in the dark for so long, she ached for the warmth of light only he could provide. But that being said, Poppy didn’t want him losing his job or getting reprimanded because of their relationship and the fact that neither of them seemed to keep their hands off each other.

“It’s fine. Everything will be fine.” For some reason, Poppy wasn’t sure she liked that answer. His voice sounded distant and held a strange note. He kept his gaze on the hallway, his brow furrowed severely.

“Hey.” Poppy placed her hand on his forearm until he looked at her. “If something’s wrong, you know you can talk to me. About anything, Blake.” He kept something from her, that much was clear, and she became sick at the thought that it had to do with Maggie.

After everything they had been through, done together, she thought they were past keeping things from one another. His lips tightened, and he forced a smile.

“Everything’s okay, sweetheart. Maggie didn’t care. She was just shocked.”

The tone in Blake’s voice had Poppy thinking he buried the truth under a layer of sweetness.

“Okay.” She could still see the affection on Maggie’s face as she looked up at Blake. Was the woman in love with him? God, if that was the case, how painful would it have been to see her and Blake embraced like that? “Blake, are you sure there aren’t any feelings that Maggie still harbors for you?” For a beat of silence, he stared at her then shook his head and glanced away.

“We’ve just worked closely together for a long time. You know how it is.”

Poppy didn’t, but she wasn’t going to push him on anything. It was clear Blake really had blinders on to the other woman’s feelings toward him or he chose to ignore them. Either way, Poppy wasn’t going to push him. There had been plenty of times when she had kept her innermost thoughts to herself, afraid, ashamed, or just unwilling to share.

“Are you ready to go home?” she asked.

He gave a sharp nod and grabbed his coat. He led the way, and Poppy didn’t like the silence that descended upon them. She sighed heavily.

She had known from the beginning that starting a relationship with Blake wouldn’t be easy, but she didn’t think she’d have to fight to prove she loved him, especially where another woman was involved.Chapter 15“How’s Alaska, honey?” The concern in Poppy’s mother’s voice was clear as day. Poppy dried the last plate and put it in the cabinet. Her cell was held between her ear and shoulder.
