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“What? Why haven’t you eaten?” I ask.

“I’m out of cash and Lily hasn’t left the bedroom … There was some shit in the freezer. If I’m dead in a few days, ask Adam what that fucking thing in the red tub was. I couldn’t decide if I liked it or hated it.”

“Darcy.” I laugh. “How about I order you something?”

“I’d love you forever,” she sighs. “Pizza would be good.”

“You just said you hate cheese,” I laugh.

“Cheese on pizza doesn’t count. Shit. Gotta go. Psycho Lily is awake.”

I laugh. “I’m sorry it’s that bad.”

“It would be fine, if she wasn’t such a fucking fruitcake,” she mutters. “And she’s so sneaky. She tried to lock me in the bathroom, so she could escape, yesterday. I’ve barely slept because I don’t trust her.” She sighs. “Just hurry up and get this sorted. Please.”

“I will,” I promise her.

“Fuck. I better go before she loses her friggin’ mind—not that she ever had it in the first place.” Darcy sighs. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t go anywhere. Just don’t keep me locked up here for any longer than necessary.”

“I’ll get you out soon,” I promise her.

I Google for a pizza place near them and order them a pie. That should keep her happy and it’s the least I can do. She’s such a good friend. Right from the start, she’s had my back. I knew that she was trying to get me alone with Adam, but even that I’m grateful for. If it had backfired, I’d have killed her, but without her not always so subtle pushes, I wouldn’t have … I stop.

Wouldn’t have what? Forgiven him?

Or realized the feelings I had for him hadn’t completely died away?

I’m still pondering that when someone knocks on the door. I get to my feet and walk over, checking through the peephole before I open it, just to make sure I’m not about to be ambushed. I shake my head. Paranoid much?

“Room service.” The attendant smiles at me when I open the door. I stand back, letting him wheel the trolley in, salivating the moment the aroma hits my senses.

“Thank you,” I say, scribbling my name along the bottom of the invoice.

Then I freeze, because written under guest name is Frederick Raseski.


I hand the form back to the attendant and smile stiffly at him. My heart pounds as he walks out, closing the door behind him. I stand there, frozen to the spot. I run my hand through my hair, trying so hard to come up with an explanation, but there’s nothing. He lied to me. It’s that simple. He’s pretending to be someone he’s not.

I shake my head, angry. I knew that guy the other day called him Frederick, but he laughed and made me feel like an idiot. I wrap the robe tightly around my body. I wish I hadn’t washed my clothes now, because any moment now, he’ll be back. My interrogation isn’t going to be half as effective if I’m wearing a fluffy white bathrobe.

I lift the cover off the plate and gag, the thought of eating making me want to be sick. I put the cover back on, then walk away, too anxious to do anything other than pace the room and wait. Even sitting down feels too hard. I look up as the door opens. My body tenses when he walks in.

“Hey.” He smiles. “Something smells good.”

As soon as he sees my expression, his smile vanishes.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head and laugh. When he steps toward me, I jump back. I can’t handle him touching me right now, because all I can think about is the fact that he lied to me.

“Don’t touch me,” I growl.

He frowns, like he’s confused at where the anger in my voice is coming from.

“What's wrong, Katie? Did something happen?” he asks.

“Why don’t you tell me, Frederick?” I glare at him. “Before you make up another bullshit lie, I saw the name.”

I nod at the room service tray. He glances at it and sighs.

“Or are you going to try and tell me this is your friend’s brother’s room?”

“Fuck,” he whispers.

He walks over to the bed and sits down, then he leans forward, clasping his hands together as he bows his head. The way he’s acting, I’m pretty sure he didn’t intend on me ever finding out the truth, which only fuels my anger.

“Katie, listen to me—”

“No,” I snap, jumping to my feet. “You listen to me. All you’ve done is feed me one lie after another. How do I know you’re not the bad guy in all of this? How do I know—”


“No.” I close my eyes and shake my head. “I’m done with you, Adam. I’m going over to get Lily and Darcy, then we’re getting the hell out of here.”

“Not before you hear me out.” He stands up, blocking my way. His gaze travels down over my body. “And are you planning on getting dressed?”

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