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“As little as possible. That you’re in witness protection and to call you Frederick.” He sighs. “I’ve known Andrew all my life. He’s cool. If anyone figures out that you’re hiding something, it’ll be because you’re acting like a you’re a cop killer in a room full of cops.”

I sigh and rest my hands against the window frame, my arms outstretched as I bow my head. Julian’s right about one thing. I do need to relax. I’ve got whiplash from jerking my head around every time a door opens. I know that I’m being paranoid, but I can’t help it. I don’t like being caught unprepared—which is exactly how I felt seeing Andrew walk through that door.

Julian pats me on the back, then hands me his half empty glass.

“Here. Drinking makes you stress less,” he says with a wink. “Fact. It’s my secret to surviving this far leading up to the wedding.”

“Thanks.” I chuckle. “I really appreciate your half-drunk beer.” I examine it closely. “With what I’m pretty sure has chunks of buffalo wings floating in it,” I add, making a face.

“Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?” he grins. “And the wings? Extra flavor.”

He puts his arm around me and leads me back to the table. No sooner than we sit down, my phone buzzes. I reach into my pocket, briefly glancing at the message from Alberto, then I kick back my seat and stand up. Julian gives me a lazy grin as he looks up at me.

“Alberto?” he guesses. I nod. “Where’s he sending you this time?”

“Guess I’m about to find out.” I smirk, glancing at Andrew. Does he know I work for Alberto? “Thanks, man. For everything,” I add, hoping he gets it.

“Don’t mention it.”

He acts like it’s no big deal, but I know how much having me at his wedding means to him. Though we knew each other in school, Julian and I didn’t become friends until years later. I was driving Lola home from college one afternoon when we ran into Julian. He was attending the same college and he recognized me and figured I was his ticket in with Lola. He walked over and threw his arm around my neck and started chatting to me like we were old friends.

It came so close to ending in disaster when Lola asked him how he knew “Frederick.” I could see the wheels ticking over in his head and I was sure he was about to blow my cover. But then he went along with it. I guess it just proves how bad he wanted Lola’s number. His plan worked. They started seeing each other, and Julian and I started hanging out. Of course, he wanted answers, so I told him I was in witness protection. Lucky for me, he bought it and didn’t ask any more questions. He’s been my biggest support ever since, which of course, makes me feel like crap.

I press the button for the elevator, then stand back and wait until the doors spring open. Alberto steps out, with Louis beside him.

“Frederick.” Alberto wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a firm hug. “The son I never had.”

“I’m right here, you know.” Louis—his actual son—snaps. He glares at his father.

“Of course, I meant my other son.” Alberto shrugs.

He winks at me and I shake my head. I feel sorry for Louis, because it seems his father goes out of his way to antagonize him sometimes.

“I was just on my way to find you,” I say. “You wanted me for something?”

“Yes. I need you to collect my nephew from the airport.” He reaches into his pocket for his wallet, retrieving a credit card. “His flight gets in at eight. Then on your way back, stop in and get me a bottle of Dom Perignon. You know the one I like.”

I nod and lift my eyebrows. “Celebrating something?”

“I’d like to say I’m celebrating my staff not being nosy assholes, but I think that would be a misconception,” he replies.

“I thought I was your long-lost son.” I chuckle, easing myself out of his embrace. “You can count on me. Even I can’t fuck up an airport pick up, right?”

“It’s that sense of humor,” he mutters to himself. I raise my eyebrows at him. “Sorry. I often ask myself why I keep you around and I just realized the answer is, it’s your sense of humor.” He winks at me.

“Huh. And here I was thinking it was my good looks.” I chuckle.

I step into the elevator, my smile disappearing as soon as the doors close.

Always look him in the eye and act in control, even if you’re not feeling it. They’re two of the most important tactics I employ when I’m around Alberto. I can’t risk him thinking something is wrong even for a second.

I lean against the wall of the elevator and dig my phone out of my pocket, taking the opportunity to check for missed calls. Nothing, but I guess no news is good news, right? They wouldn’t reach out to me unless they absolutely had to.

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