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“I remember you telling me Dick’s into holistic stuff now, right?”

“Yep. Seems that way. I asked about it, and he told me to have lived and survived through some of the crap he has, he has to believe in a higher power.”

“Deep,” Daisy said.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“So has this helped you to make a firm decision?”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, Tabs. You and I both know that you’re there for two reasons. To be there for Simon during this time, but to also figure out if you can become his old lady. I’m not an idiot. I know exactly what you’re doing. I think all of us know what you’re doing.”

Tabitha groaned and sat up. “It wasn’t my intention.”

“But you’re doing it?” Daisy asked.

“It’s … hard.” She wrinkled her nose.


“I don’t know.” She glanced around her room. Simon was out with Devil doing some club stuff. Lexie was already in bed, and Tabitha had all the children monitors in her room in case anyone ever needed her. Josh asked if she wanted to watch a movie, but she’d refused, and he’d gone to bed in a sulk. “I guess because I miss you guys so much.”

“Don’t go blaming us. That’s not fair.”

“I’m not blaming you. Far from it.”

“I hear blame in that voice.”

She snorted. “You’re being a bitch.”

“You love me for it.”

“You’re right, I do. Any new developments with Anthony?”

Daisy’s smile faded. “Don’t start.”

“Come on, don’t be so obtuse about this.”


“I’ve decided to start using a new vocabulary. What do you think?”

“I think your vocabulary is certainly not obtuse.” Daisy winked at her.

Tabitha scrunched up her nose and stuck her tongue out. “Bitch. I know you’re trying to change the subject.”

“I’m not. Me and Anthony, supposing he talks. If he likes a girl, wouldn’t he talk?” she asked.

“He does talk.”

“To you. Have you ever thought he has a crush on you?”

“Not at all. Believe me. He totally digs you. Don’t you like that?”

“I don’t know what I like,” Daisy said. “It’s easier to just see him as a friend.”

“Why don’t you ask him out on a date?” Tabitha asked.

“I’m not doing that.” Daisy jerked back, shaking her head.

“Why not?” She moved to sit up against her bed.

“A girl doesn’t ask. I mean, sure, I’m all for taking control of our lives, but come on, you can’t be serious. What if he rejects me?”

“I guarantee he won’t. Oh, and when you ask, have me there so I can watch.”

“You’re not even in the same town, weirdo,” Daisy said.

Tabitha couldn’t stop smiling. “That’s what cell phones are for, nerd.”

“I miss you. I miss this.”

“Me too.”

“I hate to say this, but I want you to come home.”

“Soon,” Tabitha said. She couldn’t get away from the fact she was getting homesick. Even though she got to see Simon every single day, she missed home.

“You’ve gone all sad and I feel like crying. We’re not going to cry. What am I going to do if he turns me down flat?” Daisy asked. “I don’t think I can handle that.”

“How about this, if Anthony turns you down, I will totally freak out my parents in a bikini and dance. Maybe even do a striptease.”


“Yep, I will make sure I get grounded for my entire life.”

“You’re that confident he’s going to say yes?” Daisy asked.

“You know me. I won’t make bets I won’t win.” Tabitha smiled. “Come on, you’ve got to ask him.”

“And if he does say yes?”

“You go on a date and tell me all about it. Even if he kisses you, I want to know.”

“But … I don’t know. I’ve never been on a date.”

“And you think I have?” Tabitha frowned. “Wow, I have never been on a date.”

“You and Simon are always together.”

“Exactly, we’re never on a date. This sucks. Like big time. I’m going to force him to take me on a date.” She nodded her head. “That’s what I’m going to do.”

Daisy giggled. “I have a feeling Simon is going to hate me.”

“Not if he loves me he’s not. I’m going on a date and there’s going to be flowers.”


Simon was nervous.

He hated to be this way, especially with Tabby. She wanted to go on a date. She’d been so freaking fierce about it that it had kind of concerned him. He figured they were living their lives as constant dates but according to Tabby, he was getting out of everything, and he didn’t want to disappoint her. So, he’d done the only thing he could and went to his dad.

Devil had helped him to buy some flowers and even rented a suit. Now he felt like a fucking penguin, and he held a bouquet of flowers that cost a fortune. He stood in his dad’s office.

“Don’t laugh,” Simon said.

“I’m not laughing.”

“You’re a terrible liar.” He glared at his dad while trying not to wriggle in this suit. “How do men wear these things?”
