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“Is it just me or is this really awkward?” Quinn leans in, resting her plate of appetizers on her belly.

“It’s awkward. I feel like we should leave.”

Her aunt Belinda comes over, arms extended. Quinn’s eyes widen, and she nods, putting on a fake smile. We’re at Dean and Kara’s wedding shower, and Quinn and Dean’s relatives are more excited about Emma’s upcoming birth and the house Quinn and I are building together than the wedding.

Kara has been giving Quinn the stink-eye all afternoon, and Quinn and I retreated to the back of the venue, trying to escape the limelight. Quinn hands me her plate and gets up to hug her aunt. She winces when she stands, making me even more glad she’s done with her job in Chicago. Emma is due in a month and the round ligament pain has gotten worse, as well as Braxton Hicks contractions. She’s been a trooper though, hardly complaining at all. I’ve been working a lot of nights and weekends, paying my dues as the new guy on the team, and she’s been dealing with a lot of this alone.

“Uncle Greg sent me over to look at this ring. He said it’s impressive,” her aunt coos, taking Quinn’s hand. “He wasn’t kidding!”

It’s over the top, I’ll admit, but I’ll be able to pay it off in a year…or two. She lets go of Quinn’s hand and rubs her belly. I can see Quinn grit her teeth. She hates when people touch her stomach.

“And you’re still in the wedding party?” her aunt goes on.

“Uh,” Quinn starts, eyes darting to mine for help. Kara tried to play it off as being concerned for Quinn’s well-being, but even Dean finally admitted she’s being petty. Kara doesn’t want the attention on Quinn, and since Quinn’s bridesmaid dress doesn’t fit well anymore, Kara thinks she’ll stand out ‘in a bad way’ in pictures. As of right now, Quinn has been officially kicked out of the wedding party, and it’s been a mess since she got the boot.

Mrs. Dawson is upset. Quinn’s feelings are hurt even though she’s trying hard not to show it. I wasn’t sure if I should refuse to be a groomsman with Quinn getting kicked out. In the end, Quinn assured me she’s fine with me being in it. It’s Kara acting crazy, not Dean. And things were strained with Dean long enough there’s no point in making it a problem again.

I know he’s torn between standing by his wife-to-be or his sister. I’d be torn too, though I can’t imagine Quinn turning into such a bitch over a wedding. We decided on a destination wedding, and while we didn’t want to do any actual planning just yet, we did have to book our date before the venue filled up.

“Maybe. We’ll be cutting it pretty close to when this little girl makes her debut.”

“You haven’t dropped yet,” her aunt goes on, running her hands along Quinn’s waist. “My guess is you’ll be a day or two past your due date.”

“Hey, if I am, then at least we’ll make it through the wedding.”

Her aunt laughs and talks to Quinn for a bit more before leaving. Quinn sits next to me again, letting out a sigh of relief. She tries to get comfy, propping her feet up on a chair across from her and rests her head on my shoulder.

“And now I have to pee.”

Chuckling, I set her plate down and get up, holding out a hand to help her to her feet. I walk with her to the bathroom and wait for her in the hall right outside. Quinn takes my hand when she’s done, and I pull her in for a quick kiss.

“Did I tell you I loved you yet today?” I ask, lips brushing against hers.

“Only once.”

I wiggle my eyebrows. “One time isn’t enough.”

She smiles and slides her hands along my waist. “I know.”

“Gross, guys,” Dean says, coming down the hall.

Quinn kisses me again just to mess with Dean. “You’re still not used to us being together?”

“No, I think it’s cool. But I’ll never be used to seeing anyone shove their tongue down my sister’s throat.”

“That’s not all he shoves his tongue down.”

“I fucking hate you,” Dean says with a grin, shaking his head.

“Is Kara okay?” Quinn asks, turning the conversation serious. “I’m sorry everyone keeps asking about the baby. Jackson was the last new baby and people are excited.”

Dean waves his hand in the air. “She’s being dramatic, but can you blame her?”

Yeah, I can. But I don’t say anything. Quinn winces and leans on me.

“You okay, babe?” I slip my arm under hers for support.

“Yeah.” She rubs her stomach. “I’ve had enough practice contractions that real labor should be a breeze.”

“Let’s hope,” I say with a laugh. We go back to the party and hit the buffet one more time. Quinn makes it halfway through her plate when she starts to feel even more uncomfortable.

We’re both happy for a reason to leave early, and I help her to her feet and held her hand on the way out. We get stopped by another Dawson relative, who’s talking to Quinn’s mother and Kara.

“Look at you!” she exclaims, coming in for a hug. I think she’s one of Quinn’s cousins, but I can’t remember her name. “You look good for being eight months pregnant. I looked like a hot mess from five months out.”

Quinn laughs. “I feel like a hot mess. I can’t believe I have a month left to go. I’m huge.”

“You’re tiny. You remember how big I was after my third. I looked like a Mack truck.”

Quinn shakes her head. “You looked great, and you do now.”

“Thanks for lying,” her cousin says. “Ohhh look at that rock! Damn, girl!” She looks at me. “You did good.”

I smile. “Thanks. I knew it would take something special to get her to say yes to me.”

“Isn’t being pregnant before your wedding reason enough?” Kara says, trying to be funny but the insult is there.

Quinn’s cousin makes a face, looking uncomfortable. “Hey, I was pregnant when I walked down the aisle. No one knew it yet, but I was.”

“It’s modern times,” Mrs. Dawson says. “All I care about is getting another grandbaby. Married or not, I’m looking forward to holding that little girl. Though I am excited to help with wedding planning. They’re getting married at The Grand Floridian in Florida!”

Kara purses her lips, looking annoyed. She turns away, finding someone else to talk to. Quinn looks even more uncomfortable, and I want to take her home, rub her feet, and hopefully lay down and take a nap along with her.

“Thanks, Mom,” Quinn says quietly.

“Are you two headed out?” Mrs. Dawson asks, realizing we were walking toward the door.

“Yeah,” Quinn tells her, hand on her stomach again. “I’m having bad Braxton Hicks a

nd need to lay down with my feet up.”

“Should you go to the hospital and get checked out?”

“She’s not in real labor,” I say, needing to be the one to convince Mrs. Dawson that Quinn’s okay. She believes me over Quinn since I’m a doctor. Years of med school and residency paid off just for this. “But she should rest and drink water.”

“Okay, take care you two. Call me if anything changes.”

Quinn hugs her mother. “I will. Love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, hun. And you too, Archer.”

Big fluffy flakes of snow fall around us when we step onto the sidewalk. I hold tightly onto Quinn, making sure she doesn’t slip, and get in the car. She sinks into the passenger seat, and I start up the engine, giving it a minute to warm up before leaving. We’re close to home and are inside our little cramped apartment in five minutes. We change into pajamas and settle on the couch. Neville snuggles with Quinn, and Bellatrix rubs against me until I pick her up and pet her.

“Wes is thinking about dropping out again,” Quinn says, reading a text from her phone. She shakes her head. “He’s going to give us all whiplash with this.”

“He needs to run for sheriff,” I agree. “He’ll be great for the job.”

“I know!” Quinn agrees. “I think he’s hesitant about being away from Jackson more than he already is.”

“I understand that.”

Quinn responds to whoever she’s texting and puts her phone on the coffee table. I lean over and kiss her, then run my hands through her hair until she falls asleep.



I look in the mirror, making sure my hair is okay. It’s the morning of Dean and Kara’s wedding, and I’m not feeling the greatest. I’d say I’m nervous, but I don’t think that’s the case. I got invited back into the wedding party at the last minute, and I really do think Kara feels bad about going psychotic over the details of her wedding.

I wasn’t the only one who felt her wrath, and after her sorority sister threatened to drop out, Kara changed her ways. Still, things are tense between us, and Dean was given shit by Kara for hanging out with Archer. It bothered me, pissed me off even, and then I hit week thirty-nine and stopped caring about pretty much everything except getting this baby out of me.
