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We’re all served red wine, and once we put in our order, I take Logan’s hand and get up, saying we’re going to walk along the water and take a few pictures. Diana, Peter, and another couple are down there, doing the same thing.

Logan takes my hand and we walk down to the water, going in ankle-deep. I get out my phone to take a few selfies.

“Want me to take a picture for you?” Diana asks, and I know it’s her way of saying sorry for overreacting earlier. She’s never been one to outright apologize.

“Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks.” I hand her my phone and step back to Logan’s side. He puts his arm around me, and we both smile.

“Do something cute,” Diana tells us. “Kiss or something.”

I look up at Logan, knowing that if we refuse to kiss, it’ll be a dead giveaway that we’re not really together. He knows it too, and I can see the what the hell do we do reflected in his eyes.

“Come on!” Diana giggles. “Kiss her already!”

Logan’s lips part and his eyes lock with mine. This isn’t the way our first kiss is supposed to happen—if it ever were to happen at all. It’s not supposed to be forced or done for a show.

It’s supposed to happen because I can’t stand to go another minute without feeling his lips against mine.

But then he reaches forward, gently tucking my hair behind my ear. He trails his fingers down my cheek and down to my chin, tipping my face up to his. His hand around my waist pulls me closer, and I twist, turning my body toward his.

And then he kisses me.Chapter 19DanielleFireworks.

All I see are fireworks.

Waves crash against the shore, spraying our legs with water. A big one could sweep us out to sea, and I don’t think I’d notice.

Because Logan Dawson is kissing me.

The second his lips touched mine, I knew we weren’t acting anymore. Everything faded away, and right now, all I feel is him.

His lips against mine.

His arms around me.

His hips brushing against mine.

My heart is beating so fast I can feel my pulse throughout my entire body. Every nerve in my body tingles, and the heat that’s rushing through me threatens to burn me from the inside out.

Logan slides his hand down my back, fingers resting right at the top of my ass. He moves his other hand from my chin to my hair, and my long locks tangle over his fingers. My lips part, welcoming his tongue into my mouth. Knees threatening to buckle, I reach up, needing to hold onto him for support.

Once my arms are around him, Logan pulls me in even closer, smashing my breasts against his chest. I grip him tight, holding him like my life depends on it. And right now, I suppose it does. Because I will wash out to sea if he stops kissing me.

Logan leans forward, bending me back as he slips his tongue into my mouth. A small whimper escapes my lips, making him kiss me even harder. He curls his fingers, taking a fistful of my hair.

I can taste the strawberry margaritas on both our lips, but kissing Logan is more intoxicating than any sort of alcohol.

Someone shouts something, maybe telling us to get a room? I’m not sure. Their voice is just a distant echo over my pounding heart. I push my hips up against Logan’s, suddenly overtaken by desire. I feel Logan’s cock through his pants, starting to harden against me. I sweep one hand down his shoulder, over his chest, and to his belt.

All the desire and emotion we’ve pent up over the year that we’ve been friends comes rushing out at a dizzying rate, and I want nothing more than to give in and give Logan everything.

Need for him swells inside me, and Logan starts to bunch up my dress with his fingers. I move my hand to the buckle on his belt, ready to undo it, pull it out of the belt loops, and unbutton his pants.

Suddenly, we both break apart at the same time, realizing how close we’re coming to laying each other down right here in the sand, in front of my entire family and a few dozen strangers.



Logan just kissed me, and it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. The entire world faded around me in a way I never thought possible. That kiss was the thing romance novels center around. The subject of poems and love songs.

And if one kiss is that amazing, doing anything more…I don’t know if I can handle it.

Breathless, I suck in air, blinking up at Logan. He’s staring back at me with the same look in his eye, one that says what the hell just happened as well as why the hell didn’t we do that sooner?
