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“I wish I knew because it’s weird. Lucas turned her into a vampire to get revenge on her father, and he’s never thought of her as a lover or anything, but I get the feeling she might have the hots for him. She’s not too fond of me, and I can’t tell if it’s because I’m a witch or because Lucas spends more time with me than her now.”

“And she’s what, like three hundred years old?”

“I think so. It’s too late to do the math in my head.”

“I wonder if you’d get sick of someone after that long together.”


bsp; I fake an offended gasp. “Are you saying you’d get sick of me?”

“If I had to be with you for all eternity? Ummm, yes.” We both laugh and then trek a while in silence. The forest is calm tonight, and the air beneath the trees is cool and refreshing. There’s always been something alluring about a dark forest to me. Maybe it’s the mystery of it. The slight danger. Maybe it’s the way magic is fostered in nature, that out here, my perspective always seems to shift, and for a brief moment, it feels like everything is going to be okay.

“Thanks again for leaving with me,” I tell Kristy as we get to her car.

She pulls her keys from her pocket. “I’ll be expecting that chocolate cake tomorrow.”

I laugh. “I’ll see what I can do.” I hug Kristy goodbye and wave as she drives down my driveway. I turn around to go inside and come face-to-face with Lucas.

“Jesus,” I exclaim, jumping. Lucas laughs over the fact he startled me. I conjure a small string of blue energy and hit him with it. “That’s not funny. Do that again and I’m putting bells on your shoes.”

“Like an elf?” He’s still smiling, and pale moonlight bathes his handsome face. Striding forward, he takes me around the waist.

“Exactly like an elf. I think striped tights and a pointy hat are in order too.”

“If that gets you going, I’m willing to give anything a try.”

I roll my eyes. “Take me to the north pole, Lucas.” I toss my head back dramatically. “I want you to do me in Santa’s sleigh.”

“I take that back. I’m not willing to try anything.”

I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. He runs one hand down my back, inching toward my thigh.

“You’re back sooner than I expected.” He curls his fingers in, bunching up the material of my dress.

“I kind of ran out of there the first chance I got.”

He slips his hand under my dress, long fingers brushing the tender flesh on my thighs. “As much as I’d like to believe you came back here so I can fuck you, I’m sure there’s another reason.”

“That was a good motivator.” I slide one hand down his chest. “But yeah, there’s always another reason,” I sigh. “The Grand Coven suspects me of Satanism.”

“And I take it that’s bad?”

“It is. Forbidden, really. Remember how I told you that once upon a time, witches used to think we needed to be given powers in order to practice magic?”

He nods. “And now you know you don’t, but some witches still want more power.”

“Right. That’s dark magic. Dangerous magic. The Grand Coven tries to monitor it the best they can, but those who do make deals with demons, or even the Devil himself, usually aren’t in sanctioned covens.”

“And if you are?”

“It would go to trial. I’d immediately have my powers bound, and it would go from there.”

Lucas tips his head down, staring into my eyes. “Could they bind your powers? They seem too great, too powerful, to be contained by a simple binding spell.”

“There are temporary wards that block witchcraft, but a full on binding is complicated. It wouldn’t be simple.” I move in closer, resting my head against Lucas’s chest. The fact that I can be this close and don’t hear his heart beating is still a little weird to me. “The entire Grand Coven along with the council of my own coven would all work the spell together.”

“But you could still break it.”

“I suppose. I mean, pretty much all spells or curses can be broken if you understand the magic that went into it. Why? Are you worried they’re going to find me guilty or something?”

“Just covering all my bases.” He brings his head down and kisses my forehead. “And just for the sake of this conversation, if a witch bound your powers and then unfortunately had her heart ripped out, would the spell die with her?”

Pursing my lips, I look up at Lucas. “I’m not too sure, actually. But no murder.”

“You’re no fun.” He tightens his grip on me and then picks me up, moving at vamp speed to the porch. “No one questioned you about the extremely handsome vampire who very much enjoys fucking you, did they?” he asks, sitting down on the steps with me in his lap. I resituate, keeping my arms wrapped around him.

“That’s exactly how they asked about you.”

“Damn. They forgot to mention that I’m rich too.”

I laugh, heart swelling in my chest. Fuck, I love him so much. “I left before anyone had a chance to question me. Evander overheard them and warned me. He didn’t say anything about them talking about a vampire, though.”

“That’s good.”


Lucas gently runs his fingers up and down my arm. My eyes fall shut, and I listen to the crickets and katydids singing around us. Sitting right here, snuggled in the arms of my boyfriend, I feel so safe and so in love. He makes me happy. Makes me feel like nothing bad will happen. He loves me, as I love him. We’re good together, and in a sense, Lucas keeps me grounded. There’s a logical side to him, though it might be buried deep beneath his protective nature. But he’s good for me, as I am for him.

How can anyone say this is wrong?

“Have you heard anything else from the VC?” I set my purse down on the bench at the foot of Lucas’s bed.

“No.” He pulls his black t-shirt over his head as he walks into his closet.

“Good, because between the Grand Coven and the VC, I’m about ready to go live off the grid and answer to no one.”

“You don’t have to live off the grid to answer to no one,” he says, coming back out and buttoning a white dress shirt. My stomach tightens when I look at him. I swear Lucas could wear anything and make it look sexual. Because right now, wearing black dress pants and that button-up shirt, he’s looking like an undead Christian Grey who’d love to play with me all night. “I don’t answer to anyone but myself.”

I cock an eyebrow.

“And you,” he adds with a grin.

“Good answer.” I sit on the bench, watching Lucas get dressed. Who knew seeing him put clothes on could be almost as erotic as watching him take them off. He finishes buttoning his shirt and rolls up the sleeves. “It’s different for you, though, I think. Witches and covens go hand in hand. A lone witch is an easy target for hunters and demons alike.”

“There’s nothing easy about you.” Lucas advances, dropping to his knees and pushing my legs apart. I swallow hard, feeling his hands slowly move under my dress. “Alone or with a coven, you’re powerful, Callie. Don’t let the fear that’s been institutionalized by society force you into following rules you don’t believe in. Blind faith is just that—blind. Find something you believe in and refuse to let anyone alter that belief.”

“And what do you believe in?” I ask, voice a little breathy.

“Myself.” He parts my legs more and puts his head in between, bunching my dress up around my waist. I lean back, resting my elbows on his bed and scooting forward on the bench, offering him my core. He opens his mouth, gently running his tongue over the still-tender bite wound on my inner thigh. He turns his head and kisses the other, causing my eyes to flutter shut.

He hooks his fingers in the sides of my underwear and pulls them down. There’s no teasing tonight. Lucas knows what he wants and he’s going to take it. Tossing my panties to the ground, he dives back in, tongue lashing against me. I bring one hand up, taking a tangle of his hair in my fingers, and watch him eat me out, bucking my hips against his face.

He slips a finger inside me, rubbing me in the perfect spot, movements matching what he’s doing with his tongue. It doesn’t take long before I come, body shuddering from the rapid onset of pleasure.

Fangs drawn, Lucas moves out from between my legs and takes me around the waist, pulling me to my feet. I have to hold onto him in order to stay on my feet, and he holds me against him for a brief moment, giving me just enough time to suck in air and regain my bearings. Then he spins me around, bending me over the bed. I hear him un

do his pants before he steps in, hard cock pressing against my ass.

Gathering my hair in one hand, he pushes it over my shoulder and kisses my neck as he enters me, big cock filling me completely. I hold myself up, turning around to steal a glance at him as he fucks me. He slides one hand around, going between my legs, and rubs my clit as he thrusts in and out.

My mouth falls open as another orgasm builds up, but this time he pulls out a moment before I get my release. I’m panting, heart racing, and desperate for more. Lucas picks me up and moves onto the bed, falling onto the mattress with me on top. I take his big cock in my grasp, but instead of climbing back on, I slowly lower myself and take it in my mouth.

Lucas groans, reaching down to touch me as I suck his cock. I swirl my tongue around the tip and move down again, taking him as deeply as I can. I repeat the same movement a few more times before he pulls me up, rolling us over and pinning me against the mattress.

He moves between my legs and puts his mouth on my neck, fangs pressing into my skin. There’s only a second of hesitation, but that’s all the time he needs to make sure he’s biting me in the right spot. There are a lot of dangerous places to puncture the neck, and thankfully for the both of us, Lucas has perfected his technique and knows exactly where to bite.

He drives his cock inside me the same time he bites me. I cry out, bending my legs up and balling his shirt in my hand. Every bite hurts, but the pain subsides quickly. He feeds off me mostly during sex, and the quick jolt of pain enhances my pleasure, which is never something I thought I’d be saying.

I’m bleeding into Lucas’s mouth. He’s drinking fresh, rich blood from my body. Yet with him, it’s so fucking hot. He speeds up his movements, groaning as he laps up my blood, driving his cock deep inside. He’s close to coming. I move my hand to his head, taking a tangle of his hair again. Magic sizzles at my fingers, but I make no attempt to put it out. Instead, I bring my hand down to the back of his neck, and little pulses of raw energy shock him.

He lets out a growl, driving in deep. He takes in another mouthful of blood, sucking so hard it almost hurts.
