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Unable to sit idle any longer, I grab a set of keys off of the rack near the door and head out to one of the trucks. I drive all day long, putting distance between myself and Sutton, but just like the lonely fool that I am, I end up parked across the street from the fucking vet clinic just in time to see Molly’s smiling face in the window as she turns off the open sign.

It takes everything in me not to climb out of the truck and slash every damn tire on his fucking Tesla.Chapter 11Molly

“Last one?” Owen asks as I close the door to the kennel and stick my fingers through the grid to scratch the weary head of the sick kitten someone found on the street earlier.

“Last one,” I verify.

“Did you turn off the open sign?”

Turning back, I find my boss leaning against the doorframe with his arms casually crossed over his chest.


“Ready for our date?”

Smiling in his direction, I let a coy smile play on my lips. “You said yesterday that it was only dinner, that it’s not a date.”

“It doesn’t have to be a date, but—”

His head cocks to the side as the smile I’ve already grown accustomed to after only two days of working here lights his face up.

“But what?”

“It’s Friday, it’s evening time, and it’s only going to be the two of us.” He ticks each thing off of his fingers.

“Seems pretty date-like, if you ask me.”

“Would it be such a bad thing if it was?”

“Well.” I hold up my hand just like he did a second ago. “You’re handsome, you’re nice, and you haven’t looked at my tits one time since you met me.”

As if drawn by my words, his eyes dip slightly before they snap back up to meet mine.

His throat works on a swallow in the same shy way it does each time I act a little more forward than I presume he’s used to.

“I don’t date,” he randomly spews.

“Really?” He’s honestly too handsome to be single, but his lack of female interest is my gain.

Honestly, I see him as more of a friend. My heart just isn’t ready to open back up for anyone or anything right now, but staying home crying into my pillow at night only gives me a headache and puffy eyes in the morning. It doesn’t resolve a damn thing, and I’m tired of torturing myself.

“I mean, I went on a few dates in college, but haven’t even worried about looking since I came back home to take over the clinic for Dr. Prescott.”

“So, you have like a fuck-buddy or something?”

His eyes widen as my hand slaps over my mouth. It’s not the first time in the last forty-eight hours that something like that slipped from my lips. The question wouldn’t even cause someone to blink an eye back at the clubhouse, but I’ve been distanced from society too long it seems. My tact for appropriate conversation in mixed company could use some serious work.

“I don’t… you know—” He circles his hand in a circle in the vicinity of his crotch.

Confused, I just stare at him. “You don’t have a fuck-buddy?”

Jesus, why did I repeat myself?

“Sex,” he clarifies with another rough swallow. “I don’t…I mean I haven’t… done that.”

“Are you serious?”

I’m met with several slow blinks before he answers. “Is that a deal-breaker? I mean, you wouldn’t be the first girl to walk away after finding out. I usually at least get halfway through dinner before that topic comes up in conversation, however.”

I must look like a tarsier monkey with wide, unblinking eyes as I just stare at him in shock. How the hell do I go from Briar with his decade-long celibacy and millions of secrets, to the super-hot, yet untouched veterinarian who just laid his business at my feet like it’s normal for a thirty one year old man to not get laid. I almost ask him if Briar put him up to this, or if someone else from the MC threatened him if he even thought about touching me.

“If you want to cancel our non-date, I’ll understand. I promise it won’t make things weird in the office.”

“A virgin?” I clarify.


“Are you,” my eyes drift to the front of his slacks before rising back to meet his, “is there something wrong with your… um… penis?”

His laugh belts out as his head begins to shake. If the smile on his face is any indication, he’s not offended by my brazen question.

“My penis is fine, I assure you.” He shifts on his feet, clearly uncomfortable when he notices my eyes shifting from his face to his crotch.

I now understand the guys in school who were fascinated with the girls who made it to their senior year still virgins. I’m almost as tempted as they were to try to seduce that gift from him, which makes me realize I’m the biggest asshole in the world.
