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“Never a bad idea. Zoe suggested Briar when I told her TJ never takes me seriously.”

“Briar would be a good coach.” Lynch nods. “I’ll set something up for when we get back. Stick to the clubhouse until then. Zoe, come with me. I need to show you something.”

She bites her lip and springs off of the bed. Relief washes over me when my door closes behind them. Her squeal of excitement ensures my secrets are still safe. For now.Chapter 20Briar

Banging on my door makes me jolt in my bed.

“Open the fucking door!” The banging continues.

A quick look at the door and I realize it isn’t locked.

My eyes are darting behind me on the bed, finding it empty when the heavy wood swings open and crashes against the wall behind it. I’m relieved when I look in the direction of the bathroom and see the door standing open, and the light turned off.

“You act like you’re confused you’re alone,” Lynch sneers at me. “Something you need to tell me, Brother?” He’s asked me that question more in the last couple of weeks than he has over the last ten damn years.

“Got wasted last night,” I confess running my hand over my face. “Don’t know how I got in here.”

I won’t mention the ache in my balls and saying anything about Molly will only end in bloodshed, so I keep my fucking mouth shut to that end. I’m a smart man when there isn’t a tempting little blonde in my bed.

“Get the fuck up. We were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago. You’re making us late.”

I know my time with her wasn’t a dream when I walk into my bathroom. The heaviness in my balls and the reluctance my cock gives me to piss are both sure signs of my orgasm.

“Fuck,” I grumble as I step into the shower.

If Lynch had opened that door while his little sister was still wrapped around me? I shake the thought away because I don’t think it's above him to murder me in front of her.

The shower takes longer than I initially anticipated because fuck if I can get on my bike with the memory of her hot cunt against me without jacking off. The release is less than satisfying.

My go-bag is packed, so after dressing, I grab it and head out.

“How’s the headache?” TJ intercepts me in the hallway, turning to keep stride with me as I walk past him.

“Manageable,” I mutter as we cross the living room and make our way out the front door.

“I figured Molly would’ve bitched you to the moon and back when you woke up.”

Just as the foolish words leave TJ’s mouth, my eyes meet Lynch’s. He’s standing just off the porch, glaring in my direction.

“Molly is inside?” My president’s eyes dart between TJ and me as he waits for one of us to answer him.

“Not that I know of,” I answer with a shrug.

His mouth opens, but before he can grill me his phone rings. His eyes stay on mine as he holds the phone to his ear, grunting out a “What?”

“Saved by the bell,” TJ hisses in my ear as he pushes past me to climb on his bike.

“No, baby. I didn’t realize it was you.” Lynch walks away to talk to Zoe in a more private location when a couple of the guys begin chuckling at his apologies.

I don’t bother to look anyone in the eye as I tie my duffle bag to my bike. I know it’s not the end of the conversation. Lynch doesn’t get distracted and forget things. We’re merely putting off the inevitable. I’m certain the topic will be revisited when we’re alone in Detroit.

I’m looking forward to having my ass on my bike for the rest of the day. The only thing I want in my face is the wind for the next several hours.


Nine and half hours on my bike isn’t long enough to clear my head. Lynch didn’t make eye contact with me once during the three stops we made for gas, but I feel his stare on the side of my face when we pull into the hotel.

“Careful,” TJ warns when Lynch disappears into the lounge to grab key cards for everyone. “He seems on edge.”

“You need to get off my dick,” I hiss in his direction.

TJ chuckles, the knife in his hand twisting against his skin. “Speaking of your dick—”

I walk away from the whole crew, leaving them to wait for our president. TJ knows. Well, he must suspect. It isn’t the first time he’s made off-handed comments about Molly and me, but even as jokingly as he brings the subject up, he never flat out asks me about her. As cool as he thinks he is with the idea of Molly dating someone from the club, I’m certain he wouldn’t be as blasé if he knew the truth.
