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“Hey, baby.” The idiot man doesn’t even wait to see who’s intruding on his private moment before he speaks.

Rookie fucking mistake, dude.

“Where’s that chick?” he asks as he scrambles to cover his less than spectacular dick. I close the door. “I’m not into guys.”

Piper will kill me if I gut this guy in here.

“Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of this type of carpet? I wish you guys would keep that shit in the rooms with hardwood.”

I’ve heard it all before.

But, the more he talks, the more my hands itch to end him here and now. It was bad enough watching him stare at her tits for thirty minutes, but waiting in here with his cock out, like that’s how Molly deserves to be treated, is unbearable.

“You were told to stay away from her,” I remind him.

All of the new guys are told at the gate who’s off-limits. Pete remembers every single face that comes past him. I’ve never seen him before, so that means he was warned tonight to stay away from both Molly and Zoe.

“She put her tits in my face, man.” The guy scrambles off the bed and starts pulling his clothes back on.

This ignorant bastard was a pawn to her, part of her plan to get me alone, and man did it fucking work. I followed her like the lost fucking puppy that I am. I played right into her hand.

Jesus, the warmth of her tongue on mine.

Clearing my throat, I take a step closer. “I don’t care if she walked up to you naked and tried to pull your cock out, you were told not to touch her.”

His eyes flash from my clenched fists to the Vice President patch on my cut.

“Are you going to kill me?” I narrow my eyes at him. “My girlfriend is pregnant, man. I’m going to be a dad.”

People want to turn their noses up at us, but I’d never be caught in a room stroking my cock while my pregnant woman was back home wondering where I was. People think bikers don’t have morals, but it’s the general population of fucking society that has no real code of ethics.

“We don’t kill people,” I lie easily. “But if I ever see your face again, I can’t promise that we won’t start.”

“I’ll never come back,” he vows as he tries to slide past me.

“I said I wasn’t going to kill you,” I hiss as I grab him by the collar of his t-shirt and punch him in the nose. “I didn’t say you were getting out unscathed.”

He doesn’t fight back, doesn’t raise his arms to retaliate, and I realize the guy is smarter than he acted tonight. The bloody nose works two-fold, a warning for what can happen, and a sign for Pete that the asshole has been eighty-sixed.

He scampers away the second I release his shirt, throwing the door open so hard the doorknob bangs against the plaster.

I’m antsy, itching to fight or kill or—

“Fuck,” I hiss when my own nose explodes in pain.

My arms reach out, gripping the man by his shoulders, shocked that the piss-ant guy has the balls to sucker punch me, but the familiar texture of a leather cut under my fingers doesn’t belong to that asshole. My hands are gripping my president.

“Why the hell did you hit me?” I hiss, releasing him immediately after realizing who he is.

“For reminding me that my little sister is growing up,” he snaps before taking a step back. “Keep your filthy fucking biker hands off of her, or a busted nose will be the least of your worries. The next time she tries to jump into your arms, you better just let her fall to the ground.”

See the conundrum?

The club is what we both live for. It’s what I know we will both eventually die for but being the vice president and his best friend still doesn’t make me good enough for his baby sister.

I could confess my feelings right now. I could tell him even though I’m confused most days, Molly is the only girl I can ever imagine spending the rest of my life with. She’s the only light in my dark world, the only one who pushes the demons back into the shadows. But he doesn’t want to hear all of that. How do you tell someone that their little sister is the only girl you can imagine slipping your cock inside of after being celibate for the last damn decade?

It’s simple, you can’t. Any of those things alone is enough for him to make sure I never lay a finger on his sister. The combination of all of them? Well, that’s enough for him to curse every member of my family for generations to come.

“Something you want to say?” he pushes.
