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Behind me, Darren shrieks and struggles to get to his feet.

I cringe at Darren’s screams and Gambler’s growls.

I turn as he lashes out, kicking Gambler in the shoulder.

“No!” But my cry is useless. Gambler barely notices the kick and instead latches onto Darren’s ankle.

Darren screams and drags himself toward my closet door. He shakes Gambler off and as the dog goes back for another bite, Darren makes it into the closet.

My closet door thumps shut. Gambler hits it with his front paws. Furiously he scratches at the wood, eager for another chunk of the man on the other side.

“Good boy,” I wheeze out. “Come here.” I clap my hands, but the dog ignores me.

Instead, he sits in front of the door and whines.

“Never mind. You stay there while I call 911.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you, bitch!” Darren yells.

“Come and get me,” I shout back, feeling wildly out of control. “Oh, wait you can’t. Gambler’s waiting right outside the door.”

“He bit me!” Darren shouts, indignation coloring his words.

Maybe Darren’s right and I’m a bitch, but damn if I’m not grinning ear to ear.


Strike back is almost back to normal.

“Pass me a new roller,” Liam asks, holding out his hand.

“What the fuck are you doing that you’re going through them so fast?” Keegan wings one across the room.

“Hey!” Jake yells. “Stop throwing shit.”

“No, just a roller,” Keegan jokes. Then he throws one of the fluffy paint rolls at Jake’s head.

“Aren’t you happy we came by to help?” Liam asks with a big grin.

“Yeah, it’s a real treat,” I grumble and check the time.

“What’s wrong now?” Jake asks, clapping me on the back.

“Just thinking of stopping to see Aubrey.”

He rolls his eyes. “You’re like a desperate teenager, bro. Let the poor girl have a night hanging out with her sister.”

“Sully,” Brady calls from the currently empty weight room. “Come look at this.”

While I’m on my way over, his police radio crackles. I only catch the last number of the code the dispatcher gives. “—Nine at 33 Calloway Gardens, Apartment B.”

“Shit, that’s Aubrey’s address.” I’m already reversing direction before I finish the sentence.

“Sully!” Brady calls after me. “I’m on it.”

“What’s going on?” Jake asks.


Brady’s radio crackles again, but I’m already headed out the back door.

I tear out of the parking lot with Brady on my tail, lights and sirens filling the air.

The road’s empty and he passes me.

It’s a short drive and I almost flip the Jeep making the turn into her apartment complex.

I’m behind Brady, pounding up the stairs and vaguely aware people are standing around the courtyard watching the drama unfold.

More sirens in the distance.

Aubrey’s door flies open before Brady even bangs on it. Her jaw drops.

“An officer’s here. Thank you,” she says into the phone.


“Oh my God.” She throws herself at me. “What’re you doing here?”

“Reunion can wait. What’s going on?” Brady asks.

“Darren broke in. Attacked me. Gambler has him cornered in the closet.” She shivers and I hug her tighter.

Brady meets my eyes and raises an eyebrow. “Who’s Gambler?”

She points to the door across the hall. “My neighbor’s dog. He was barking like crazy when I got here, so I brought him over until Ty got home.”

“What kind of dog?” Brady’s hand grazes the can of mace at his hip.

“He’s a pit bull, but he’s very friendly.”

Brady grumbles something and heads toward the bedroom.

“Wait!” Aubrey yells. She turns in my arms, frantic. “I don’t want them to hurt Gambler. He’s done nothing but protect me.”

“He won’t,” I assure her. “Brady knows how to handle dogs.”

“Let go.” She squirms out of my hold. “I’ll grab his leash and take him out of the bedroom.”

Brady holds up his hand. “I can’t have you getting hurt. Stay with Sully.”

An outraged snort is all the warning she gives before ducking past Brady. He shakes his head but doesn’t attempt to hold her back.

She shoves the door open and claps her hands. “Gambler. Come on, boy. It’s safe now.”

A few seconds later she returns with Gambler wiggling and trotting next to her. “Good boy,” she keeps repeating.

She sits in the far corner of the couch. Gambler puts his head in her lap, happily wagging his tail while she pets him.

I’m torn between going to her or punching this motherfucker in the face when Brady finally drags him out.

Brady seems to sense my dilemma. “Wait here.”

Aubrey entire body trembles and I shrug off my hoody, wrapping it around her shoulders.

“I’m fine, Sully.”

Fine my ass. I crush my mouth against her lips. Her fingers cling to my shirt, keeping me close while she whispers some of what happened. “He…he wanted to take me with him.”

“I’m so sorry.” I press my forehead against hers. “I never should’ve let you out of my sight.”

“I can’t live like that,” she protests.

She could’ve been seriously hurt. Or that asshole could’ve taken her with him to God knows where.

I wrap my arms around her tighter, assuring myself that she’s safe.

“Get off her!” someone roars behind me.

Oh, fuck yes. Bring it on.

Aubrey reels back, eyes wide and focused on something beyond my shoulder. I turn to face the man who’s responsible for ruining so much of Aubrey’s life.

No time to plan a method of attack. Instinct takes over. I push Aubrey behind me and catch Darren with a hard left hook.

It’s almost comical how fast he hits the ground. Granted, he’s handcuffed, but hey, he came at me.

“Sully!” Brady shouts.

Darren grunts and plows his foot into my stomach.

“Back off,” I growl at Brady.

I grab Darren by his neck and haul him to his feet. “Contact her or come near her again and it’ll be your last mistake.”

“All right, Sully,” Brady says in the same tone he used with the angry pit bull a few seconds ago. “I got this. Take care of your girl.”

“If you got it, why’d he come charging at me?”

Darren stupidly opens his mouth. “She’s not his girl.” He glares at me. “You’re not good enough for her. She’s mine. She’ll always be mine.”

“You don’t listen very well, motherfucker.” I land a quick jab to his throat that finally shuts him up. It also closes off his air supply and he collapses in a fit of coughs and sputters.

“Oops.” I give Brady an unapologetic smile.

“Dammit, Sully,” Brady says with a smirk. “Now I have to fill out a report.”

“Make sure you use my full name.” I protected my girl and I won’t regret that.

Brady gives me a lopsided grin. “Clumsy asshole tripped on the stairs. Happens all the time.”

Behind him, another deputy sheriff laughs. “Bet he bangs into the car roof too.”

“Damn, you really are clumsy.” Brady snickers. “Maybe the jail infirmary can check that out for you.” He hauls Darren to his feet. The coward’s still wheezing and the two officers drag him out the door.

“Sully,” Aubrey whispers behind me. My eyes close for a brief second. I hate that I exposed her to more violence, even if it was fast and justified.

One of her soft hands presses between my shoulder blades and a calmness washes over me. “Are you okay?” I ask as I turn around.

She throws her a

rms around my neck and buries her face against my chest. “Thank you.”


She shakes her head and burrows tighter against me.

“Paramedics are here,” Liam says from behind me.

I lift my head. “Where’d you come from?”

“Are you kidding? We were right behind you guys.”

I glance out the door and Keegan waves at me.


Gambler rubs his head against my leg.

“It’s okay, boy. They have him,” Aubrey says, trying to soothe him and probably herself.

A spot of dried blood on her neck catches my attention. “Jesus, did he cut you?”

Her eyes are glassy and unfocused. “I think so,” she whispers.

“I’ll get someone for her,” Liam says. He points my way. “You stay put.”

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