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“We don’t know it wasn’t, either. I remember my mother babbling about a baby dying. She did that when she was drunk. She’d also weep, apologize. I didn’t understand. My father never explained. When Mom got on a jag, he’d hustle her out of the room before I could ask questions. But recalling those times got me thinking. What if Constance’s baby died and I’m the one they replaced him with?”

“No.” It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be. That would make Zack a non-American born on Russian soil, and thus constitutionally unable to serve as POTUS. He’d be impeached. Dishonored. The repercussions of that were too horrible for Roman to even contemplate. “Impossible. You look so much like your father.”

“We both know my father likely had an affair with Natalia Kuilikov. God knows he was never faithful or even terribly discreet. Maybe he got her pregnant, and I’m the result. It would explain so much. If that’s true, the Russians would have the perfect reason to ensure I made it to the White House. Once I was sworn in, they had a nearly foolproof way to blackmail me into doing whatever they want. Which could be anything. We have sanctions against Russia right now. Putin is looking to expand his power base. They could ask me to look the other way as he annexes another part of the old Soviet block. They might want me to pull out of NATO altogether. I won’t do it. They’ll have to kill me before I’ll betray my country.”

Roman clenched his fists. Zack had been thinking about this possibility a lot, and he hated to admit it…but this theory made far too much sense. “Have you asked your father?”

“Asked him what?” He laughed, the sound bitter. “He’s not in his right mind. Hell, most days I’m the only person he remembers.”

Once it was clear the dementia had completely overtaken Frank Hayes’s mind, they’d tried to put him in a memory care facility. But the man was a master of escape. Once he slipped out and tasted freedom, he inevitably found himself surrounded by the press. Or maybe the scumsuckers found him and took advantage of the old man’s state. Either way, reporters snapped pictures of him walking the streets in his robe and slippers, ranting that his son was never around.

Whenever he and Zack secured Frank in the White House, the man was calmer, as though proximity to the son he’d invested his life in quieted the demons ravaging his brain. He still had moments of lucidity. Not many, but every so often Roman would hear Frank talk about how proud he was of his son and share a fond memory or two. “But there are times he remembers the past.”

“They’re getting fewer and further between. Let’s see what we can find out while we’re in the UK,” Zack replied. “If we come up short, once we’re Stateside again I’ll try to probe him about the past. Maybe he’ll have useful information, if he can recall anything. I spoke to his nurse earlier tonight. Seems he’s okay right now. He thinks I’m in another part of the White House working.”

Frank could be difficult when his son was gone. They’d catch him roaming the halls, looking for Zack—his last link to a normal life.

The gravity of the political tangle they were in sucked the air from the room. Roman shifted and glanced at the clock again. Worrying about Gus was far preferable to worrying about Zack’s future as the leader of the free world. Not that he could keep his mind off the vixen for more than a minute or two.

“Where the fuck are they?” Zack asked, in sync with him as always. “I should have left her at home.”

“If you had, you wouldn’t have been able to watch over her. We shouldn’t let Gus too far out of our sight, either. Her father already lost his life over this plot. I can’t lose her too.” He sat back, realizing how possessive and protective his words had come out. “I mean, Dax… He couldn’t handle losing his sister.”

“Sure you did, buddy. Let me give you some advice. Ditch the Brit for tomorrow’s event. Take Gus instead. Bend a little. You know you want her. You’re both older and wiser. Try again.”

He shook his head. “I can’t. Even if I do, it’s got to be kept quiet. The last thing we need is the scandal pages making a big deal out of me dating someone who… Well, we all know the rumors.”

“Are you serious? Fuck the rumors. You know damn well they aren’t true.”

“Some of them are. She did sleep with Mad. And everyone in the free world thinks she had sex with you, too. Do you want some rag putting together one of those maps connecting us with a million and one lines running through Augustine’s square?”

“So we’re back to me being a whore. Nice.”

Roman whipped around to the sound of her voice. Naturally Gus chose that moment to stroll in. Liz followed her. Both women looked stunning in low-cut designer cocktail dresses made to catch the attention of any heterosexual man with freaking eyes. Liz’s blonde hair flowed around her like a halo while Gus’s sun-stroked brown curls and vampy lipstick made her look like sultry sin personified. The angel and the she-devil. They’d likely had every man in London panting after them.

“Elizabeth, I thought I made myself clear.” Zack stood, his eyes turning steely. “You were to stay here unless you’re working, and then you are only allowed to leave if someone I approve of accompanies you.”

“They were out having a few drinks.” Connor sauntered in behind them with an easy smile, waving a hand as though telling them to cool off. “And they weren’t alone. They had three Secret Service agents with them. They weren’t even far, just a couple of blocks away.”

Roman could bet they’d had a Secret Service escort. He knew a few of the detail would have had time off tonight. Had Augustine gone looking for Matthew Kemp? Had she spent the evening flirting with him? Making arrangements to meet up with him later for a hot fuck?

“Then why the hell didn’t you find them more quickly?” Zack asked. “You’ve been gone for hours.”

“I spotted them about an hour ago. I thought they deserved some time out, like the rest of us. As neither one of these lovely ladies is attached, I didn’t see any reason I should play dad and drag them home like wayward girls. So I watched over them and let them have some fun,” Connor replied, his tone even.

“That wasn’t what I asked you to do. I asked you to find them and bring them back immediately,” Zack spit out. “And Elizabeth, if you disobey me one more time, you’ll find yourself in custody.”

Liz frowned. “With the same hot Secret Service guys we just spent the evening with? Count me in, Mr. President.” She gave him a terribly sarcastic salute. “And I’ll be up bright and early. I know you have a date tomorrow night. We’ll need to make sure your tux is press

ed and you’re presentable. You’ve clearly done some drinking tonight. I’ll make sure the cook brings you my momma’s patented hangover cure.”

“I’m not drunk,” Zack shot back.

It didn’t slip past Roman that this was the same argument Zack and Liz had earlier, the roles merely reversed.

“Still, your date tomorrow night is barely twenty-two. We’ll need to work overtime to ensure you don’t look like a creepy old man next to her. You getting so little sleep won’t help the cause.” Liz turned to Gus with a hug. “Thanks for tonight. I had a blast. I’ll see you in a few hours, and we’ll go over our schedule.”

Gus winked her way. “Bright and early, sister.”

Liz stopped when she reached Connor. “Thank you for giving us breathing room and time. It was good for me to see some of the world and realize how many possibilities are out there. I appreciate it very much.”

“I meant what I said, Elizabeth.” Zack seemed determined to get the last word.

“You always do, Mr. President. Right up until the moment your words become an inconvenience. Don’t worry. I won’t give you trouble and I’m done making a fool of myself. I thank you for being so concerned about my and Augustine’s welfare that you would send your friend after us. I’m so sorry you had to wait up. Bless your heart.” With that parting shot, Liz turned on her heels and strode away.

Roman winced and glanced at Zack. Yeah, he knew Liz’s last words were the Deep South’s equivalent of fuck you.

Gus smoothed out her skirt, using the gesture to smother a laugh. “On that happy note, I’ll go to bed myself. You two can continue plotting world domination or whatever.”

“No, you’re going to stay right here because we’re having a talk,” Roman insisted. It was time to put his foot down. He couldn’t tell her why they were acting this way, but he could damn straight let her know he wouldn’t put up with her rebellion anymore.

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