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“The county would say he still needs to go to the shelter—”

“No.” Her voice was firm. “I don’t trust those places.”

“Crawford County’s is better than most,” he answered.

“That’s not good enough for me or Rusty,” she said. “Can’t you reach out to the current owner and see if they would allow me to adopt him? Or give me the number and I’ll call them? He’s a loving dog and I think he just needs a home in Marietta.”

“He might still wander,” Quinn warned her.

She looked down into Rusty’s warm brown eyes. He gazed steadily back at her, his tail thumping. “But he might not,” she answered, petting him. “He might be happy with me.”

“First, we should get him checked out. Make sure he’s healthy.” Quinn glanced at Noah. “Can you do a physical? See if there is anything we should be worried about.”

Charity heard how Quinn said we. If there is anything we should be worried about.

His words warmed her. She liked having him on her team. “That’s probably smart,” she agreed.

“Can we leave him here now, or do we need to make an appointment?”

“We could take him now. But if you’re not planning on boarding him for the night, be back before we close.”

“He needs to be fed,” Quinn added. “I’ll pick up a bag of whatever food you recommend, but he hasn’t eaten this morning, and he only had people food last night.”

“We’ll take care of Rusty,” Noah promised. “And we’ll make some calls and let you know what his current owners want to do.”

Charity gave Rusty a hug and told him she’d be back for him in just a couple of hours. Quinn left his number with the front desk, and asked that he be called as soon as they had any news, one way or the other.

Outside the office, Charity faced Quinn. “Thank you,” she said gratefully. “For all your help with Noel.”

The corner of his mouth curled. “You’re not going to call him Rusty?”

“He answers to Noel.”

He laughed. “You’re something,” he said, drawing her into his arms and holding her there a moment before releasing her. “I better get to the Gallaghers. It’s supposed to be very busy today.”

She’d liked being in his arms. She’d felt good there. “I’m going to be working on the tree,” she said.

“I’ll let you know when Rusty can be picked up.”

“Can I bring him to you?”

“I think you should.”

He reached for his keys but he didn’t walk away.

She couldn’t make herself leave, either. “Quinn?”

“Yes?” he answered, his gaze locking with hers.

She felt lost in his eyes, and she held her breath as emotions washed over her. She liked him. She liked him so much. Did he have any idea how she truly felt? Finally, she exhaled and then said, “For the record, I like being on your team.”

His jaw eased and his smile was crooked. “For the record, I do, too.”

Charity thought about Quinn and Noel all day, and she itched to go see Quinn but she would never get Amanda’s dress done, or the tree decorations made, if she kept running around instead of staying in one place and working.

She was about to call Dr. Sullivan’s office when Quinn phoned her. “I’ve just heard from Noah. They want to keep Rusty Noel overnight,” he said.


“Noah has to file some paperwork with the county, and he needs to have Rusty there when he processes the paperwork requesting adoption. It’s a county ordinance.”

“Noel is not going to like being there all night.”

“I know, and it’s frustrating, but it’s just for the night. We should be able to pick him up in the morning.”

“Okay,” she said, reluctantly, trying not to feel discouraged. She was tired and lonely and she really wished she and Quinn could have more together time. She felt like she was only seeing him in little stolen moments now and then. “So how is it going there?”

“Great. Slammed. We’ve gone through so much stock. It’s getting a little thin in the yard. Sawyer said we might need to go to the back lot and get some more trees.”

“You sound excited about that.”

“It is kind of exciting. I like the work. Speaking of work, I better go. It’s hectic here at the moment. I’m sorry.”

“No, that’s okay. Just take care of yourself.”

“You, too.” And then he hung up.


Charity spent Sunday morning in Bozeman buying ornaments and the craft supplies she needed for the Gallaghers’ tree. She was just finishing shopping when she got a text from Quinn that she could go pick up Rusty.

She returned to Marietta and collected the retriever who was delighted to see her, and together they headed out to the Gallaghers.

The tree lot was filled with families and Quinn was being pulled in so many directions that he nodded at Charity but couldn’t break away to talk. Hoping that things would slow, Charity went into the Gallaghers’ cute log cabin house and visited with Jenna while they made a batch of Grandma Gallagher’s famous sugar cookies before Charity took another walk around the festive barn, still hoping Quinn could break free, but it didn’t happen.

She bundled her arms across her chest and exhaled. She missed Quinn. She missed being alone with Quinn. She missed feeling special and important to him.

And there was nothing inside of her that just wanted to be his friend.

She wanted to be his, and only his, and she wanted him to be hers. It was time he knew that, too. It was time they figured out their relationship and she’d been the one holding back but she was done playing it safe.

Charity checked that Noel was safe with Jenna and Sawyer, before returning to her car and driving home.

Rather than dwell on the fact that Quinn had been too busy to spend time with her, she’d just tackle her very long to-do list, and at the top of her list, was painting tiny red dashes to look like thread on the four-dozen ping-pong balls.

By midafternoon she’d painted all the balls and washed her brushes and was plugging in her glue gun to take on the next task when Quinn called.

“Your sister and her husband have just shown up here,” he said, “and they’re cutting me loose. Apparently they spoke to Rory and Sawyer and they’ve all conspired to send me away from here. I have to leave, now, and I’ve been given strict orders to go do something fun.”

“Those are your instructions? To do something fun?”

“Yes. That’s why I’m calling you. I need your help. Can you possibly think of something fun we could do together?”

Warmth rushed through her and she found herself smiling. “Well, you could come over here and hot glue ribbons onto plastic sleeves with me.”

“Hmm, I wouldn’t call that fun.”

“We could grocery shop.”

“Definitely not fun.”

“Wrap gifts?”

“I’m really beginning to think you don’t know how to play.”

She smiled at his scolding tone. “Or… we could do something boring like ice skate.”

“Funny girl. I’m leaving here now to pick you up as Miracle Lake is calling.”

She unplugged the glue gun, got to her feet and stretched. “You don’t have to come all the way into town. I can meet you there.”

“No, I’ve missed you. I look forward to catching up.”

“What about Rusty Noel?”

“He can stay here. He loves all the activity and attention he gets. I’ll get him on my way home.”


Quinn pulled up to the small blue house on Chance Avenue and called Charity. “I’m out front,” he said, when she answered. “Shall I come to the door? I’d like to say hello to your dad. It’s been a long time since high school.”

“Maybe next time,” she said, sounding anxious. “Dad is watching some crime show and Mom is napping and Mom never sleeps so I’d just as soon let her keep sleeping.”


“Okay, I’ll just wait out here then.”

“I won’t be long. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
