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And now that she knew who he was, she really wanted to avoid him, but Bette had other plans. But there were lots of people who would be better tour guides than her. Rory and Sadie. Troy and Taylor. Trey and McKenna. Even her sister Charity would be better because Charity worked in real estate now and loved doing the whole here-is-Marietta-isn’t-it-wonderful song and dance. Amanda wasn’t interested in selling Marietta, and she definitely wasn’t interested in making more awkward, small talk with Tyler. She and Tyler could fake being cordial in front of Bette, but they would never be real friends.

In her room, Amanda changed into her pajamas, pulled her hair into a ponytail and washed her face. After applying one for favorite night creams, she brushed her teeth, and went to the cozy little living room with the steeply vaulted ceiling to watch TV. She clicked through her list of recorded programs and selected a rom com she’d taped but hadn’t seen yet and was just watching the opening scene when her sister Charity called.

“We have to cancel tomorrow night,” Charity said, when she answered.

Amanda paused her movie. “What’s tomorrow night?”

“Tricia’s surprise birthday party! How could you forget?”

The Wright sisters had been friends with Tricia Colton since they were young as they’d all grown up on the same street, Chance Avenue, and four years ago Jenny Wright had married Tricia’s older brother, making them all even closer. “It’s been a busy week,” Amanda answered on a yawn, “and a really long day. But forget about that, why do we have to cancel the party?”

“Tricia’s being sent to a travel agent training session in Denver and can’t get out of it since she’s the only one that really knows the new software they’re using in the office.”

“Does she know about the party?”

“No. It’s a surprise. I invited everyone, so I’ll call everyone and cancel, but do you still want to meet up with me? I haven’t seen you in ages and could use a night out. Besides, from what I’m hearing, you’ve lots to tell me.”

“I do?”

“You were seen with a very handsome man three times today.”

“I was?”

“Sources tell me you were together at your hair salon, midafternoon at the Graff, and then again for dinner at Rocco’s.”

“Then your sources probably told you that he also happens to be Bette’s grandson.”

“Does that mean he’s not attractive?”

“No, he is, but remember those old Harlequins we read in high school, the ones we got from the thrift store that were from the 70s and 80s? Where the hero was darkly handsome but also insufferable? Well, that’s him. Handsome and insufferable.”

“Ooh, that sounds promising.”

“Not promising, not at all.”

“I think I have to meet him myself.”

“Why don’t you invite him to Grey’s? Have a drink with him, play some pool, fall in love—”

“Will I?”

Amanda glared into her phone. “Maybe, but hopefully not, because then you’d be living in Texas with him and Bette.”

“Well, why don’t you fall in love and live in Texas with him and Bette?”

“Because I love Marietta and I have a business here, and a smart-mouthed sister here.”

“Then don’t tell me to fall in love with him. That just shows me how much you already like him.”

“I don’t.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow after work at Grey’s. And bring hot stuff. I’m dying to meet this guy,” she answered with a laugh before hanging up.

Amanda growled, then hung up, and then laughed because Charity knew her better than anyone and Charity suspected what Amanda wasn’t willing to admit—Tyler Justice was handsome and fascinating and everything Amanda might have liked—if he wasn’t Bette’s scheming grandson. But he was, and that was that.

Amanda wasn’t a gym girl. Charity loved her Pilates and yoga and barre classes, but Amanda ran. She’d been on the cross-country team in high school, and running had helped her cope with anxiety in college, and she’d continued to run three to four times a week because it cleared her head and gave her a chance to focus on her goals before a long day at the salon.

Early Wednesday morning she woke and dressed for a run, pulling her long hair into a tight ponytail before knotting her running shoes, and venturing out.

Very few cars were on the streets at six. The sun was just beginning to peek over the mountains, casting a golden glow on the horizon. Amanda ran down Church Avenue, crossed Court, and cut through Crawford Park to run along the banks of the Marietta River. This was her favorite route, and she followed the river past the rodeo and fairgrounds, deserted except for the stacks of lumber beginning to arrive for the new grandstand.

Her breath clouded on the cold air. Her ponytail swung back and forth. She was running at a clipped pace, but she’d settled into her stride, and her feet thudded on the ground in an even rhythm. As she ran, the sun continued to rise over the mountains, turning the sky yellow and pink. She loved having Marietta to herself. It always calmed her, centered her, and made her appreciate all that she’d accomplished. Life was good. Very good—


She startled at the male voice, and nearly tripped over her feet as she turned to face the runner who’d approached.


“Where did you come from?” she asked, pulse racing, but not the good kind. He’d genuinely scared her. She hadn’t thought there was anyone else out here on the running path.

“I’ve been behind you since the fairgrounds. I wasn’t sure it was you until just a moment ago.” He was wearing black running pants and a black hoodie. “How far are you going?”

“To River Bend Park and back.”

“That’s where I’m heading.”

“How did you know about the park?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little map. “The front desk had some running suggestions for guests. They said the trail to the park should be good since there’s been no snow in a couple weeks.” He shoved the map back into his pocket. “Would you object to company?”

“I don’t want to hold you up,” she answered.

“You won’t. You’re fast.”

“Well, feel free to pass me anytime you want,” she answered, starting to run again.

He dropped in next to her. “I will.”

Running wa

sn’t the same with Tyler next to her. She couldn’t relax, and struggled to settle in to a steady tempo. Instead she felt as if she had two left feet. Her breathing was ragged. Her muscles felt tight. Her good mood was inexplicably gone.

At the park she slowed to a walk, and then she used one of the benches to stretch her hamstrings.

Tyler was doing the same. She tried to ignore him though. It was nearly impossible. He wasn’t breathing hard at all, and his running pants hugged his quads and hamstrings, while the fabric wrapped his glutes. He had long, muscular legs, and a great butt. She hated that she noticed, but he had big shoulders and muscles everywhere. From a purely physical perspective, he was pretty much perfect. But from a personal perspective, he was really getting under her skin.

“Go ahead,” she said, gesturing to the path. “I think I’m going to just take it easy and walk back.”

“Happy to walk back with you, unless you don’t want the company?” He glanced at her, his green gaze inscrutable.

No, she didn’t want company, but how could she tell him that? She promised Bette that she would be nice to him, and she would be nice to him, even if it killed her.

“Company would be lovely,” she lied.

His lips quirked. He looked amused. “How often do you run?”

“I try to get out here a couple mornings a week, and then in summer, I’ll run after work, because we have such lovely long days. In June and July it stays light until well after nine o’clock, but then we pay for it in winter with really short days.”

“Do you have any other favorite places to run?”

“In good weather I’ll head up to Miracle Lake, but I won’t do it now. Too much ice still. And if I’m short on time, I’ll do a big loop around downtown, from Crawford Park, around the courthouse, down Bramble, over to the Wolf Den, past the Depot, the Graff, to the park, and back home.”

“The Wolf Den?”

“It’s a bar, a bit on the seedy side.” She flashed him a smile. “But there are plenty of men who like it. Karaoke on Mondays, ladies’ mud wrestling on Thursdays and pole dancing nightly.”

“Here in Marietta?”

“We’re right off the highway. Truckers love it. You should check it out.”

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