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Mind you, the sun has set, and darkness is beginning to consume the sky, but Guy Lucie is determined to get every single decoration down.

“Son of a bitch!” he shouts, his jolly holiday demeanor long gone. Ever since Christmas came and went, his mood has taken a clear nose dive. No more Santa suits, no more hot chocolate, no more presents and cookies, Ava’s dad has now hit the wall of post-holiday blues.

Poor guy.

On a quiet chuckle, I walk over to the window and slide it open. “Everything okay out here?”

He groans and meets my eyes, his body still perched on the ladder. “Gonna have to buy new lights next year because these sons of bitches are junk! Should’ve never bought lights at Big Lots!”

I bite my lip, fighting the urge to laugh. “You need some help?”

Guy shakes his head, and for the first time since Christmas Day night, a small smile lifts the corners of his lips. “Nah, son. I appreciate the offer, but I almost got it.”

I look past him, out into the yard, and disaster lays before my very eyes.

A snow-covered graveyard of deflated Santa Clauses and reindeer and snowmen is spread across the lawn.

“You sure?” I ask, even though I know I’ll have to head out soon for Zach’s bachelor party. Ava already left for Kate’s bachelorette party about two hours ago.

“It’ll be all right.” Guy shakes his head. “Think I’ll just call it a night and get it situated in the morning!” he calls up toward me as he starts to slowly descend the ladder.

I make a mental note to get up a little earlier tomorrow morning and try to fix the mess before my daily run. Surely, Mr. Christmas himself could use a little help getting through this very difficult time.

Once he reaches the bottom of the ladder safely, I shut the window and head back into the bathroom to brush my teeth, but I get sidetracked when my phone pings with a text notification.Ava: The party hasn’t even started yet, and I’m pretty sure this is going to end in a shitshow.I smirk.Me: That wild?Ava: More like, that much alcohol. We haven’t even finished dinner, and both of my sisters and two of Kate’s friends are already blitzed.Me: And you?Ava: I’ve been peer-pressured to join in on the shenanigans. Kate all but shoved two Jell-O shots down my throat on the damn party bus.Me: Poor Ava. Getting bullied by the bride to drink.Ava: Very funny.Me: Be safe, okay?Ava: I will.I almost slide my phone back into my pocket, but something urges me to send another text.Me: P.S. I miss you already.Her response comes in quick and makes me chuckle.Ava: I miss you too. Have fun at Zach’s bachelor party, but not too much fun, okay? Don’t fall in love with a stripper or something.Me: That would be impossible.Ava: And why’s that?She’s reaching here, and I’m more than willing to lend a hand.Me: Because I’m already in love with someone else.Ava: Yeah?Me: Yeah.Ava: Me too.Those words urge a smile to my lips.

Over the past several weeks, so much has changed between us.

No longer just friends, Ava and I have become way more than that.

And even though we haven’t officially discussed what we are or where we go from here, I’ve never felt happier.Me: I think I’m going to tell her soon…Ava: Ditto.Me: What’s the girl’s name that you’re in love with?Ava: Shut up. You know what I mean. But I’m not saying it through a freaking text message. ;)Me: I do, and I agree. See you after the parties?Ava: I can’t wait.Same, Ace. Same.

With the biggest fucking smile that’s ever consumed my face, I slide my phone back into my pocket and proceed to finish getting ready for a night of bachelor debauchery.

In about thirty minutes, a stretch limo filled with Zach and Landon and a bunch of the groom’s friends will arrive at the Lucie house.

But I only manage to get my teeth brushed before my phone vibrates against my hip.

Hope blooms and I check the screen, but when I see it’s not Ava, my lungs deflate a little.Trevor: I just had an interesting conversation with Billy.With a growing tightness in my chest, I shoot him a quick response, silently praying that this conversation isn’t headed where I fear it’s headed.Me: ?Trevor: He says that December 20th was your last day. Like, for good.Ah, fuck. I guess Billy didn’t wait for my official go-ahead to tell the team about my permanent leave.Trevor: Something you maybe need to tell me, man?I stare down at the screen of my phone, trying to figure out the best way to handle this situation, but Trev doesn’t give me any time. He changes tactics, and my phone begins to ring with Incoming Call Trevor flashing on the screen.

Double fuck.
