Page 27 of GRIND

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Cory barely had a chance to dart his tongue out, licking at it, before shockwave after shockwave tore through me, the lightning all around us nothing compared to the electricity shaking my very bones as I rode his stubbled face, hard. “Unngh! Fuck!” I cried out, my entire body quaking.

I was granted only a moment to get a grasp on the situation before my legs were pushed farther apart and Cory’s thick cockhead slid between my dripping wet and still spasming slit. His groan said it all, and he threw my legs up over his shoulders, my feet barely reaching as he slammed home deep within my pussy.

The bed shook underneath us as Cory relentlessly fucked me with all his might, his brute strength easily holding my hips in place as I took it all, as deep and hard as he went. The intensity in his eyes, the way his fingers dug into the fleshier part of my hips, his rhythm changing to grind himself against me… it was all too much.

“So. Fucking. Tight. Jesus fucking Christ, Emma…”

My chest heaved with every thrust. “Fuck me harder, Cory. More!” I cried out, shouting for more each time he pulled out.

And when his thumb began making small quick circles around my already super sensitive clit, stars burst behind my eyelids, my mouth opened wide, and I thought for sure I’d break the glass of every window in the room as I let out a long, wailing shriek, falling apart all over again.

Cory was right behind me, gripping even tighter if possible, and letting out a roar of satisfaction, spurting his release deep inside of me, coating my insides with his hot warmth.

The sheen of sweat on his forehead matched mine, and as he laid down next to me, spent, I looked out the window, breathing heavily yet more satisfied than I’d ever known before.

As I approached the edge of sleep, my mind fogging over, I heard Cory whisper, “Happy birthday, Emma,” before I was finally out cold.

Chapter 5


* * *

Slipping out of bed without waking Emma was easier than I expected as I looked back over my shoulder and watched her for a moment, smiling to myself as I realized there was a tiny little pool of drool right next to her mouth on the pillow. It didn't matter… Nothing could replace the devilish scene in my head from last night.

Right as I got to my room my phone rang on the nightstand, the sound of AC/DC blasting through the speaker. Well, I knew who it was then…

But it'd already gone to voicemail by the time I picked it up, my mom's name flashing across. Tentatively I listened to her voicemail, wondering what kind of crazy news she had for me today…

"Hey honey, I was hoping you'd be up already. Guess not. Well… I've actually got some pretty amazing news. Are you sitting down, because I hope you are. I know I told you all about my boyfriend, but you've yet to meet him. Let's just say you're going to meet him much sooner than I anticipated. He um, proposed to me a few nights ago and I said yes," her voice chuckled into the phone, laced with excitement. I almost dropped my phone, slowly closing my eyes as I listened to the rest. "Can you believe it? We’re having the wedding very soon but we’re thinking a little bit something more low-key and exciting. Just call me back when you can, okay? Can't wait to tell you more!"

The dial tone clicked in my ear and I groaned to myself, not sure how to take what my mother thought was amazing news. I hadn’t even met my wannabe stepfather or whatever, but the idea of someone coming in and replacing my own father's memory since he was no longer here didn't sit well with me.

Glancing out the window, I realized the sun was pretty high overhead, meaning I lost a good chunk of time already. I sauntered into the kitchen and started working on brewing some coffee to help wake myself up. The dark liquid gold poured into the pot, unfogging my brain one drop at a time. I almost didn't hear the soft footsteps coming from the direction of the bedrooms.

"Good morning, hello?" Emma called out, her voice echoing throughout the house, shifting everything inside me in an instant.

"In here," I replied, opening the cabinet to pull out two coffee mugs for us.

"Mmm, that smells like heaven," her voice said closer behind me, and when I turned to hand her the hot mug she smiled. "Thank you. I don't suppose you have any creamer?"

I didn't actually, but that wouldn't stop me. "I can have Beckett pick some up. He wouldn’t mind at all."

Emma scoffed, waving her hand. "No, no. It's really not that serious. I'll just stir in some sugar. I'm guessing you probably have some of that that though, right?"

I grinned back. "That I do have. In the pantry next to you. Somewhere along the back wall I think."

Handing her a spoon, I blew on my coffee as I took a slow sip, watching her look around inside the pantry while muttering something about it being bigger than her dorm room.

If she had a hard time looking at me before, whatever it was must have faded away because she had no problem smiling over her mug at me once she stirred in the sugar, her brown eyes crinkling in the corners. Only then did I realize she was wearing her white dress again, with her strawberry blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. The little bit of makeup smudged under her eyes did nothing to hide just how goddamn gorgeous she was.

My phone buzzed again, the wind in my sails gone. And just as I suspected, it was my mom again, probably wanting to gush about her ridiculous decision to get married to a man she barely knew. I pushed my phone away, not sure if I could handle dealing with such an onslaught of insanity this early in the day.

Running my hand through my hair, I wondered how my mom could do something on a whim like this. She was known for having a good head on her shoulders, yet lately, it was one new crazy thing after another. I teased her before, telling her it must be that mid-life crisis everyone was always talking about. When she told me she wanted to take sky-diving lessons after being scared of heights her whole life, I nearly spit out my wine.

My dad would've loved to go do the crazy things with her, and maybe that was why it was so upsetting to see her only now wanting to do them. With someone else, no less… I leaned back against the counter facing Emma as she absent-mindedly flipped a page of the newspaper spread out over the kitchen island.

The idea of some new guy coming into our lives and trying to replace Dad's memory was hitting me harder than I thought it would. I couldn’t get the image of my mom and dad taking me for a stroll down the beach during one of our more low-ley summer vacations. Nothing was ever that simple, not when you were the son of Wesley Shire, heir to the entire Shire Oil Industries business. But this particular day was, and I remembered seeing the smiles on both my parent's faces as the Texas sun set.

Who the hell did this guy think he was, anyway? I bet he was probably close to my age, wanting to marry into money, no doubt. I shook my head at the thought, wishing I could just let it go.

"You okay?" Emma asked, tilting her head to the side and holding the mug up to her mouth.

I focused on the way her lips pursed over the edge of the mug, remembering how delicious she tasted. A smile finally spread across my face. "Absolutely."

Chapter 6


* * *

The sun broke through the line of clouds in the distance, shining right into the kitchen window, setting a halo of light around Cory's light brown hair. He may look like an angel now, but he was sure a naughty thing last night…

I stirred my spoon around in my nearly empty mug just for the heck of it, unable to keep myself from looking at Cory out of the corner of my eye. It was still hard for me to believe everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours. I went from celebrating my birthday with a group of my drunken, embarrassing friends, to nearly crying about being too poor to pay for a giant broken wine bottle, to being asked out to dinner by a sexy and mysterious cowboy who just happened to own the whole place.

Not to mention the amazing sex… No, there was no way I'd ever forget that. Not in a million years.

Cory was pretty quiet this morning, though, considering how much he talked to me last night. I didn't

really know what to make of it until he looked back out the window and brought up the sunshine too.
