Page 81 of GRIND

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My heart ached for him. "I'd love to watch you play, Liam," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Something changed as he looked back up at me, and for the briefest of moments, I thought I saw something way more that pushed the envelope of just the lust we shared. "I'd play for you. I'd win for you."

It was a simple enough statement, but I felt my heart swell twice its size.

We headed back toward the Satterwhite's house in silence, as if something big had shifted between us. Whether it was for pure conversation or whether he was just curious, Liam finally got to the question I was worried about. "So what was with you and the ex, anyway?"

I groaned. "It's kind of a long story."

Liam glanced at me as we continued walking, raising a brow. "I've got nothing but time on my hands this weekend."

Knowing that he wasn't going to simply let it go, I sighed and explained briefly how I wasn't happy with the way Josh treated me, and especially wasn't looking forward to the promise of life with the Banks family. "Annnd… He never once gave me a single orgasm."

Liam let out a low whistle as we finally made it inside. "Not once? Not even a little one?"

I quickly shook my head. "Nope, and you… You've given me already too many to count, so it's not like it was impossible or something."

Glancing around to make sure we were still alone as we headed into the kitchen, Liam leaned in closer. "So let me get this straight. You did a guy for like four years and he never once made you come? Ever?"

"I know, it sounds so pathetic."

"Did he even try?"

"Kind of?" Embarrassment flooded through me. I almost felt ashamed not on Josh's behalf, but on my own.

"He just… I don't know how to explain Josh," I said, wishing we could change the subject. "He's a rich, entitled, lazy lover for sure. I don't know, that's just who he is."

I could hear my mom and Randy moving around somewhere in another part of the house, and Sage’s loud snoring upstairs again. I felt like if we were too close, if anyone overheard the conversation… They'd know somehow what was going on between me and Liam. I didn't exactly know how to feel about that, either.

Liam shed his over clothes, stepping quickly out of his boots. "Okay, but why did you… How did you fall in love with him, Al?"

I sucked in a quick breath, trying to study myself. The way Liam softly spoke my nickname surged through me like something intimate. I loved the way it sounded on his lips. "I was in college. And Josh, he was the talk of the town, or sorority, I guess. Maybe I was just drawn to his prestigious family… Who knows?" I knew that wasn't really the case, because like I’d said before to my own sister, I'm no gold digger.

Something flashed in Liam's eyes again, and without turning to see if anyone had suddenly sneaked up on us, Liam pulled me close, hoarsely whispering, "Come here, now." Wrapping his hands deep within my hair, which was damp from the melted snow, he pulled me behind the corner of the room to where the door to the large garage was, hiding us from view of the rest of the house.

"I can't take this torture," he whispered against my cheek, pressing his mouth against mine. And just like that I let everything go, giving every thought in my head a quick push to the left as Liam consumed my attention completely, his mouth hot on my frozen lips.

I gasped for air but Liam never pulled back, only dragging his lips further down along the sensitive skin of my neck. "You… Me… Fire… Scotch. I'm going to show you how a man should take his sweet time tasting the sweet nectar of his goddess."

Chapter 10


* * *

In the back of my mind I knew that at some point someone was going to wonder where Aly and I had gone off to. No one else realized that we had been spending so much time together just in the past two days, so surely someone would get a little curious. But it hardly mattered to me. Sage was up in her room again, practically comatose as sick as she was, Dad and Kay were probably up in their room doing the same damn thing that I wanted to do with Aly, although I tried not to think about it, which led me to having even more fun alone time with Aly herself. You couldn't ask for a better set up than that.

In my head I saw the perfect way to spend the next couple of hours, and grabbing my favorite bottle of bourbon from the liquor cabinet, I imagined just how amazing it would be to be able to do this anytime I wanted to with Aly.

When she had told me before that she'd watch me play… It sent shivers down my spine. The random women that I’d been with since my mom had died… None of them had given a damn about me like Aly had. None of them would offer something like that, and I wouldn't have expected it nor wanted it from them, either.

Feeling extra frisky, I grabbed that same bottle of maple syrup and headed upstairs to where Aly was waiting in my bedroom, hopefully completely naked if I had anything to do with it.

Yes, I would be proud to play again for Aly, and imagining her cheering me on in the bleachers was giving me an incredible hard on. It just didn't make sense that a beautiful goddess like Aly, perfect in every way, it seemed, had never had a man truly take his time going down on her. I glanced down at the bottles of syrup and bourbon in my hand and grinned to myself. I really was going to be taking my sweet, sweet time with her.


I rushed around the room, feeling like a chicken with its head cut off. Liam would be returning to the room in any moment, and I was only half undressed, wondering if I should just stay in my bra and panties or take it all off and wait for him in my birthday suit. Did I want him to strip me of my clothes slowly, seductively like last time? Or did I want him to dive in, quite literally, and take me right away? Both options seemed incredibly delicious in my head, but I wasn’t even given a chance to think it through fully when the door slowly cracked open, Liam's beautiful blue eyes peering around as he took in my half-naked form.

Slowly stripping me, that is.

He emerged through the door, quickly pushing it shut without taking his eyes off of me, letting them rove all along my body from head to toe. Sucking air in between his teeth, he slowly shook his head from side to side. "My, my, you are a gorgeous spectacle to be seen."

His words trickled down from my brain to my heart, slowly, tickling along the way and sending a want flooding right between my legs. I don't know how it was so easy for Liam to know just the right thing to say to me, but he had a certain knack for it, that was for sure.

"Over here," he said to me, pointing to the small fireplace on the other side of the room. It wasn't nearly as large and intricate of a mantle as the one in the living room downstairs, but it was small and quaint, and easily roared to life as Liam switched on the gas.

I followed him, sitting down beside him, looking at him curiously as he produced a pillow and tucked it back behind me.

"Lie back."

Two simple words, a command that seeped through my bones, lighting every nerve of mine on fire. I couldn't move but somehow I did anyway, slowly reclining until my head was on the pillow behind me. I couldn't see what Liam was doing, but I heard him moving, and when my feet were being pushed apart, my thighs being opened until I was fully exposed to him, my breath wheezed out of my chest. The anticipation was already killing me. What was he going to do?

The soft blanket under us was warm, but it was no match for Liam's hot hands on my thighs, his thumbs gingerly stroking the apex between my already swollen mound and my thighs. "It's hard to believe that someone couldn't give you the kind of pleasure you deserve. I just want to let you know, if I could, I'd make you come over and over again, all day, if you let me. It would be my pleasure."

I quickly blinked, feeling as though I was both trapped in my own skin and my pulse was racing. The fire was only furthering the heat that was brewing inside of me.

Liam nestled his face against my covered mound and I cried out, biting at my fist when his warm breath breached the gauzy fabric of my underwear. He hadn't even really touched me and I was already so close…


could feel his smile against my leg, and his fingers slowly slipped under the waistband of my underwear, tracing the soft skin there before slowly pulling it down, exposing the tiniest bit of skin. But instead of pulling them down all the way, Liam's tongue dragged slowly along the hem, on each side of my panty-clad pussy, his tongue both rough and soft at the same time. I was shuddering.

"How upset would you be if we ruined these?" he mumbled against my skin, lightly tugging at my underwear.

They could've been the most expensive, designer pair of underwear I’d ever bought, and I would gladly pay him to rip them right off me. "Not at all upset," I managed to reply, my voice breathless.

"Mm, good." I heard the sound of a bottle pop open, and Liam sat back on his knees, making me want to cry out in agony just from the absence of his face between my thighs. "Bourbon?" he asked, offering a small glass of it to me.
