Page 19 of Dominate

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“Hold your fire! I think we’ve got her.”

The kids begin jumping up and down with excitement. Embarrassed by my predicament, I just want to crawl in a hole and hide. When I wipe the wet hair away from my face, I notice his hand extended down to me.

“Truce?” he offers with a smirk on his gorgeous face.

“Truce,” I reply, nodding and taking hold of his hand.

Immediately, I feel the same surge of energy pass between us that happened the last time. Once I steady myself, I look down to see mud all over my legs and shorts. My tight green shirt is now soaked and clinging to my body. I’m sure I look like a nightmare.

“We got you, Mommy!” Kason cheers as he bounces up and down.

“Yeah, you sure did.”

“Payne was awesome! He told us all where to hide.”

“Well, you guys certainly got me good.” I glance down at my soaked top, mortified at how my nipples protrude through the thin fabric.

“Who wants pizza?” Kyra chimes in as she walks out of the house carrying a tall stack of pizza boxes.

Thank God!

Kason pulls Payne over to the table with him to eat, giving me an opportunity to go in the house and change.

My soaked clothes are practically glued to my body. After a small struggle, I manage to wiggle out of my bottoms and pull off my top over my head. While grabbing for a towel in the bathroom, I make the stupid mistake of looking at myself in the mirror. Fuck! With my stringy curls stuck to my mud-smeared face, I look like a drowned rat.

After quickly washing off my face, I reach for a brush and begin vigorously working it through my matted hair. Once I’ve gotten most of the tangles out, I throw on some dry, baggy clothes and head back out to the party. I don’t even bother putting makeup back on. Maybe my sloppy appearance will revolt him.

I’m rounding the corner in the hall when I spot a large shadow move toward me. Startled, I let out a loud shriek. Payne suddenly steps around the corner, and I lean against the wall, fighting like hell to catch my breath.

“Shit! You scared me!”

He braces his hand on the side of the door facing beside of me. The closeness of his body makes me weak at the knees.

“Kason’s looking for you. Kyra told me you went in here.”

I’m going to kill her.

She knew I’d be in here changing. What if he’d seen me? Just the thought of it makes my face heat. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if he had.

Stop it!

“Yeah, well, thanks to my little shower outside, I had to put on some dry clothes.” I laugh nervously.

“What a shame. I happen to like you wet.”

Jesus! There goes my dry panties, again.

Payne pushes off the door facing and walks out the kitchen door, leaving me breathless from the exchange.

Once I’m finally composed, I return to the party, making sure to stay as far away as possible from him. Thankfully, the rest of the party seems to go by quickly. Before I know it, I’m tucking a very sleepy birthday boy into bed. He yawns and stretches his arm protectively over the new stuffed dinosaur Payne had given him. I snuggle into the bed beside of him and kiss him goodnight.

“I love you, baby.”

Still rattled from last week, I’d spent all day dreading going back to work. I’m sure Mike’s still pissed at me for leaving early the other night. I guess it’s better I face his wrath now and get it over with. After I put my stuff at my station, I head on down the hall to talk to him. I knock on his door and peep my head inside, but he’s not in his office. Closing the door, I head down the other hall to see if he’s out on the floor somewhere. As I open the bar door, I notice him talking to Bret and some other guy. Mike turns and spots me, waving me over to them.

“Hey Honey, come meet our new bouncer.”

When I reach them, the guy turns to face me. Instantly, I freeze. Payne’s dark familiar eyes roam my body with such an intense hunger that I feel my clit throb.

What the fuck?

I narrow my eyes at him and cut to the chase.

“You’re the new bouncer?”

“Do you two know each other?” Bret asks with wide eyes. I don’t answer him. Instead, I continue glaring directly at Payne.

“Can I have a word with you?”

Looking more than amused, Payne nods his head and follows me out into the hall. Since there are people everywhere, I wave him on back into Mike’s office and close the door behind us, hoping to keep our conversation as private as possible.

“What the fuck is going on, Payne? Why are you here?”

“Mike offered me a job. Is that a problem?”

“Damn right, it’s a problem. You can’t work here.”

“Oh, really? And why is that exactly?” He comes closer to me and I back away.

“Because I work here, that’s why.”


“No one knows I work here, not even Kyra. I can’t risk you slipping up and telling her that we work together.”

“So, you’re worried about me? Why the secret?”

“Everyone has secrets,” I reply.

Raising his eyebrow, he inches closer to me. I anxiously back away until I feel my ass hit the front edge of Mike’s desk. Just like in my kitchen, Payne places his hands on each side of me and leans in closer, caging me in place.

“And sometimes people hide behind those secrets.”

My eyes can’t help but zone in on his mouth. That beautiful, perfect mouth. I want those lips on me so fucking bad I can taste it.

Kiss me.

“Please… I-,” I close my eyes and feel his hot breath against my face. He removes one hand but keeps his weight against me. The electrifying feel of his touch sends me trembling beneath him as he traces his fingertips down my face.

Dear God, I want him to fuck me right here on this desk.

“Don’t worry, Honey. You’re secret’s safe with me.”

He gently lifts his body off me and turns to walk out, leaving me lying there panting and unable to move. This has got to stop! My body can’t keep reacting to a man this way. There’s no room for it in my life.

Since I work at this club, I’ve no doubt in my mind that he already thinks I’m some easy lay, a slut. There’s no way in hell I can tell him why I’m really here, so the only thing I can do is keep my head up and not let him make me feel ashamed of this.

When I make it back to the dressing room, I’m nervous as hell. For the first time since I started working here, I’m terrified to go out on stage to dance. He’s my neighbor, for fuck sake. I can’t take my clothes off in front of him and pretend it doesn’t change things between us.

Mike comes in the door and claps his hands to get our attention. “Girls, let's get a move on! I’m not paying you to stand back here and chitchat. We’ve got men in the lounge looking for some company.” He looks over at me. “Honey, you’re up after Angel’s set.”

Shit. I’m not even fucking ready.

My hands are shaking so badly that it’s taken me forever to lace up the black lace outfit I’ve chosen for my first routine. Straightening the last black silk stocking, I attach my garter to the top and slide my feet into my glossy, black heels. I’m cutting it close to my time, but I make it to the backstage steps just as the announcer says my name.

The seductive lyrics of The Weeknd’s ”Wicked Games” begin playing from the speakers behind me. Like always, I take a deep breath and bravely step into the spotlight. Gripping my hand firmly around the pole, I lift my head and glance out over the congested club floor. Like a magnet, my eyes are drawn to his dark, sultry gaze. With my next unsteady breath, everyone in the room fades away. It’s as if the crowd is no longer there and I’m only dancing for him.

Just him.

My body moves in perfect sync with each seductive beat of the music. Even though I want to fight to be stronger, his demanding eyes control me, own me. I play with the sides of my thong, teasing him a bit, before dropping them

to the floor. When I spread my legs to expose my pussy, there’s no shame, or guilt. As I tug on the final lace of my corset, a strange rush of excitement fills every inch of me. Lost in his dark, hypnotic stare, I drop the garment to the floor, wishing deep down for him to take me right here in front of everyone.

When I grind on the pole, it’s his cock I feel. It’s so erotic watching him, watch me, that I can’t explain it. He makes me feel wanted and desired, in a way I’ve never felt before. The darkness that surrounds him should send me running, but it doesn’t. I’m drawn to him; pulled to him in a way I can’t comprehend or control. When the song’s finally over, I’m startled by the loud applause that erupts around the room. Through the haze of green bills flying around me, I remain locked with his heated stare.

I want you, Payne James.


Fucking hell!

That little vixen was taunting me with that dance. She has no fucking idea the things I want to do to her, that I’m going to do to her. Every move she’d made on that stage had held me under her hypnotic spell. As I watch her wrap her black robe around her body, it takes all of my self-control to not take her right here in front of everyone, to punish her for making me want her so fucking bad. Shielding her from the crowd, Tim wraps his arm possessively around her and pulls her tightly to him. My hands clench to my sides as fury washes over me.

“Honey’s really something, isn’t she? She always kills it on stage.” Bret’s voice interrupts my thoughts of wanting to break Tim’s neck. As he busily cleans glasses off from the surrounding tables in the lounge, I decide now is the perfect time to ask him questions.

“So, how long as she been dancing here?” He sits the last glass on his tray and then wrinkles his forehead as he thinks hard.

“Honey’s been here longer than me, so I’d say a few years or so, maybe. Most of the girls here don’t even last six months.” I still have a ton of questions for him, but I don’t want to push my luck by seeming too curious about her. Bret returns to the bar, and I go back to keeping an eye on things up front.

So far, no one had booked Honey for Ultimate Climax, but after that steamy performance, I’m sure that will soon change. I know I can’t keep her out of that room forever, but I am going to make damned certain she doesn’t go back in there tonight.

That is, unless it’s with me.

By the time midnight rolls around, I’ve already broken up several fights and thrown a few drunken punks out on their ass. The more the crowd grows, the angrier I become. Every time I see someone eyeing Honey in the lounge area, I want to rip their fucking throats out and feed it to them. I don’t know how in the hell I’m going to make it through her next performance without seriously injuring someone.

When I notice Honey heading backstage, I signal to Bret that I’m taking a break and head through the door behind the bar. If I hurry, I can beat her before she gets too far down the hall.

“What the-,“ Devyn gasps as I grab her arm, pulling her toward the back exit. Once we’re outside, I release her and watch her stagger backwards.

She tries to push past me, but I block her efforts and smile.

“Are you fucking crazy?” Her voice is full of disbelief.

“Rest assured, I’m quite sane.” I can’t help but drag my eyes down her body. Seeing her in a short black nightie and thigh-highs is enough to make any man crazy with desire. I have to ignore my dirty thoughts and get back to my plan. It won’t be long before someone will be looking for her.

“Let me back in the fucking building, Payne. I don’t have time for your games.”

“I don’t want you dancing again tonight.” The request had come out more as a demand. Even as I watch a look of shock spread across her face, I don’t back down. I’d already known she’d give me hell for the comment. It’s why I’d said it in the first place. If she only knew how hot she looks when she’s angry. My growing erection is a proven indicator of that.

“What? Who the hell do you think you are? You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

Her sudden defiance makes me want to throw her over my knee and punish her for speaking to me that way. I’ll allow her to be angry, but she will respect me.

“I’m fucking serious.” I grit through my teeth.

Unable to stop myself, I grab hold of her and shove her against the brick wall, forcing her hands above her head. There’s no way she can ever understand how hard it is for me to not be harsher with her. I lean my body into her and savor the energy passing between us. For a moment, it’s so intense that it steals my breath. By the way her protruding nipples bud out underneath me, I know this is turning her on as well. Swallowing my desire, I lean in closer.

“Why are you doing this to me, Payne? Why” she whispers, blinking up at me. The once headstrong woman is completely vulnerable and weak in my hold.

“You don’t belong here. I want you to go tell Mike that you quit.”

A look of shock registers in her face as the fight returns in her.

“What? No! I’m not quitting!”

I tighten my hold on her arms above her. “Why are you working at a place like this anyways? Is it the money? Do you need it that badly?”

“I’m not answering that. I don’t have to explain myself to you.” She snaps, narrowing her gorgeous eyes at me.

Once again, I grit my teeth. Goddamn it! I just want to shake some sense into this woman. “Oh, really? Well, answer this question. What kind of mother takes her clothes off for a room full of horny men? Not a very good one, if you ask me.”

The overwhelming hurt that registers in her eyes feels like a sharp dagger, stabbing deep into my chest. The comment had been meant to hurt her. I’d wanted it to shake her up and see how wrong all of this is, but I feel immediate remorse as soon as it falls from my lips. Horrified by the lengths of my actions, I release her arms and endure the harsh slap across my face. I more than had it coming. She deserves so much more than this. At some point, she’s got to realize that, too.

“Fuck you! You have no fucking right to judge me!”

“Maybe you’re right, but you can’t stand there and honestly tell me that this is where you belong. Selling yourself, every night to strangers? Don’t you think any more of yourself than that?”

She pushes hard against me and I back away. “It doesn’t matter what I think of myself. You don’t know a fucking thing about me, or my life. What I do, or who I do, is none of your goddamn business, so fuck off!”

“… or who I do…”

The comment makes me clench my fists in anger.

I don’t stop her from storming back into the building. Instead, I release my clenched fists and follow her back inside, smiling at the way she stomps down the hall.

You had a chance, Devyn Wilder. Now, you’re about to find out just how much of my fucking business you really are.

I casually walk to the bar and take out the Ultimate Climax book underneath the counter. Bret raises his head and curiously looks over to me.

“Someone just requested Honey.” I lie, jotting her name in the opening. I scribble something down on the notepad beside of me and rip the paper out.

“All right. I’ll get Tim to send her the request,” Bret says holding his hand out for the paper, but I shake my head.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll run it on over to her.”

Nodding, he returns to pouring drinks for customers. I tuck the book back under the counter and make my way out the side door.

Muffled moans and loud breathing can be heard coming from Mike’s office. As I walk past the door, I see the new girl bent over his desk, taking a hard fucking from behind. Both seem oblivious to his door being wide open, for any and everyone to see. The two of them together certainly explains his erratic behavior the other night.

Tim’s coming out of the door with one of the other dancers just as I reach the dressing room. Maybe he’s a decent guy, but he’s got his eyes set on Devyn. That’s a problem he doesn’t want me taking care of for h


Stepping aside, I wait for them to pass by before I enter. Even though the dressing room is full of beautiful, half naked women, my eyes land only on Devyn. Lacey steps in front of me and seductively bites her lip. I ignore her and clear my throat.

“Honey, you’re up.”

She glares at me through the mirror and stands, angrily brushing past me as she walks out the door. My eyes hungrily drink every inch of her in. Sweet fucking Lord! The red sequined bra and panties that she is wearing practically makes my mouth water.
