Page 38 of Dominate

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The name fits her perfectly. She senses someone staring at her. Confused, she looks up and glances across the room. Her eyes lock onto mine, and the breath leaves my chest. My eyes roam her body and take in every detail, scanning for anything that I might have missed before. She holds the money tightly against her, almost as if she is embarrassed.

Why is she doing that?

Most strippers aren’t modest, so this is mind-blowing to me. She breaks our stare and moves to step off the platform. I know she saw Honey grinding on me, but to be honest, I don’t think about that right now. I want her to look at me again. As if I have willed her to my command, she turns and shoots me another glance. This time I see hurt in her eyes. She blinks and turns to walk backstage.

Normally, hurt is the last fucking thing I care about. I’ve sent many girls out the door the minute I see tears. Girly emotions are not my thing. I’ve been taught to respect people, but I’ve also never been allowed to feel anything. I’ve been loved, but I’ve never been in love. It’s who I am and who I will always be. For some reason, with this girl, it’s different. I don’t want to see the hurt in her eyes. The pain I wish to give her is pleasuring, not like this. I can’t understand why the hell I even care, but I do.

I shove Honey off my lap and stand to go after Raven. Honey pulls at my arm and leans in to whisper into my ear.

“Take me to Ultimate Climax and we can have some fun.”

The only person I’m taking into that room is Raven, and I’m headed to get her right now.

“No, thanks.” I throw her another fifty. She nods and smiles at me, but I just grab my coat and head to the door that leads backstage.

A dickhead bouncer stops me at the door.

“Sorry, no one is allowed backstage.”

“I would like to request the girl that just left the stage. I believe her name is Raven.” I shove a bill in his hand in hopes of convincing him to be helpful.

“Raven, huh?” His face breaks out into a wide, wicked smile. Something about the look in his eyes makes me instantly want to punch him in the face.

What the fuck is going on with me? She is just a fucking stripper.

“Yeah, well, our girl Raven is a tough one. She doesn’t do the floor or the room. She just dances twice a night, and that’s it. You just caught her first performance. She’ll be up in another hour or so. I’m sure some other girl will be happy to keep you occupied until then.”

“I’m sure they can, but I would like to speak to her,” I demand through gritted teeth. This motherfucker is pissing me off. He doesn’t know what he is up against.

“Look dude, you’ll have to wait like the rest of them in here do and try talking to her then. Our Raven draws big crowds in on the nights she works. She’s the only one of the girls here that performs twice in the same night, but if you’re thinking you’re going to get some, she don’t put out. I know I’ve tried.” He snickers and I smell the stench of his breath.

I don’t give him the satisfaction of a response. If I do, he will be on the floor.

I growl under my breath. I am not used to being told no or not getting my way when I want something. Walking back over to my table, I grab up my untouched whiskey. Throwing it back, I embrace the burn as it makes its way down my throat. The bouncer still has me seething with anger, so I move towards the bar and motion for another round.

Suddenly, the bartender yells a girl’s name, bringing me out of my daze.

“Lacey! Boss said he wants Raven up before you tonight. Go tell her for me.”

The girl nods her head and turns to leave.

I reach out and grab her by the arm before she can move any farther.

“I need you to give Raven something when you go back there, please,” I say while taking a pen off the bar and writing on the back of one the club’s business cards. Jotting down a ridiculous number, I hand it to the girl and prepare to finally get my way in that back room with Raven tonight.

I sit back, turn up the rest of my drink, and smile. She would be a fool to turn down that amount of money. No one turns down Jaxxon Ryder.
