Page 5 of Dominate

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“Listen, if any of the guys out there give you any trouble, tell one of the boys. They’ll take care of it.” I start to leave, but then turn back around. “And don’t let anyone push you into doing something that you don’t want, all right? You always have a choice in things here.” Magic hesitantly nods and gives me a weak smile. The intense look of nervousness in her face still confuses me.

Had she been telling the truth about being a stripper before?

“Honey! Hurry the fuck up! He’s already announcing you!” Tim shouts from the doorway. His face is red from frustration and makes me laugh. He takes this job way too seriously.

“I’m on my way.” Just to aggravate, I blow him a kiss as I run past him.

“Jesus! Don’t run! You’ll kill yourself in those things!” he warns, pointing at my feet.

Giggling, I throw my hand up to dismiss him. Since I started working here, I’ve become quite a pro at running in eight inch spiked heels.

I make it to the stage door just in time. I hurriedly open it and step inside, placing my hand on my chest to calm my breathing. I can hear the loud catcalls and whistles erupting in the room from my introduction. “Come on guys! We know you like it sweet, but you don’t know sweet until you’ve tasted our H-O-N-E-Y!”

It’s pitch dark where I’m standing, but I know this stage like it’s the back of my hand. Head bowed; I struggle to hear the beginning of the music over the loud applause. Lights flash momentarily as 50 Cent’s, “Candy Shop” begins blaring through the club’s sound system.

This is it.

Taking a deep breath, I step closer to the pole. The stage lights rotate above me and then still, brightly spotlighting me.

Placing my back to the cold metal, I slide my body down until my ass almost touches the floor. Slowly, I stand and flip my long, thick waves of hair back against me. Men shout their obscene suggestions and I comply, bending all the way over and gripping my hands around my ankles to give them a small taste of what I have to offer.

In an instant, green bills fly all around me, sending adrenaline coursing through me. Those greenbacks are what get me through this disgusting shit. I hate these men. I hate the smell of their hunger almost as much as I hate the sickening look of need and lust in their eyes.

Do I think all men are bad?


Do I think I’ll ever find someone to love?


I’m unlovable, dirty, and ruined. This is my life. Making men pay is my happiness now.


Between the packed room and the scorching heat coming from the stage lights, I feel like I’m melting. My long dark waves fall across my face, sticking against the sweat that’s trickling down my forehead. I stare out into the darkest corner of the club and become lost in the music.

Firmly grabbing hold of the metal, I lock my arm and lean out with my body. Unhurried, I take my time circling the pole, making sure to twist my hips provocatively with each step I take around it. Once I’ve made my sexy rotation, I put my back to the crowd and push off the pole with my hands. Back and forth, I twerk my hips, in perfect sync to the heavy bass of the music. Looking over my shoulder, I target the next group of men to tease. I bite my lip and then extend my backside out for them, giving them a good view of my ass. Once again, money rains everywhere around me.

“I want a piece of that sweet ass!”

“Come on, baby! Show us those tits!”

Like always, their vulgar comments go in one ear and out the other. It’s always the same. Each and every night, I hear them over and over. Regardless, it still doesn’t make them any easier to stomach. I had thought the longer I worked here, the less it would effect me, but I’d been gravely mistaken. If anything, it’s made it worse.

Wickedly smiling at another group of men over my other shoulder, I grab onto the sides of my G-string and inch them down past my hips. Again, the men beg to see more. I continue teasing them a bit before easing my panties back into place. I intend on making them fucking wait until I’m damn ready to show them anything more. Patience is a virtue, after all.

Seduction now becomes my game. I give them a wink and push my hand up the front of my corset, tugging hard at the top of the bodice. Easing forward, I make my way to the middle of the stage. Once I’m there, I drop to my knees and crawl over to the men standing next to the platform. The bouncers hate me when I do this. It means they actually have to get off their lazy asses and protect me from the crowd. Believe it or not, I’m the only one of the girls here that allows the guests to get this close to them. It makes me stand out among the others. It’s just another part of my wicked plan, a way of waving bait in front of them.

With each prowling move of my crawl, I make sure to arch out my full tits to give them all a show. They’re practically spilling out of the top already. When I reach the side of the stage, I sit up and grind my hips on the floor while lifting my hair high above me. For some reason, men always find this sexy as fuck. I release my long waves and throw my head back, allowing them to cascade around me.

When I bat my eyes at the crowd, I can’t help but smile. They’ve become mesmerized by my bewitching performance; all waiting on edge for my next move. Choosing a face in the crowd, I lock eyes with them and slowly slide my finger into my mouth, puckering my cheeks as I suck hard.

The men towards the front of the platform reach for me, but I smile and quickly evade their advances. The two bouncers by the stage pull them back, but with what I’m about to do, it’s pointless. I grin knowingly and lift my hand up to my mouth, before blowing them a kiss. What they don’t know is that it’s about to get straight up nasty in here. Winking at the men in front of me, I slip my fingers inside the metal clasp of my leather corset and wait for just the right part of the song. I build anticipation by popping one clasp at a time, pausing until just the right moment.

With a forceful yank, I jerk the remainder of my top open, exposing my large perky tits to the room full of horny strangers. I’m rewarded with loud whistles and applause erupting across the club. Through lust filled eyes, I give them a hungry look of desire. I suck in my bottom lip in between my teeth and bite down into my flesh. I savor the pleasure radiating through my body as I rake my long hot pink nails over my skin down to the edges of my nipples. Twisting them left and right, I throw my head back to show them how much I love it.

My hands slide down to cup my heavy breasts in my hand. I give them a few hard squeezes before shoving them up towards my mouth. As I tilt my head down, I stick my tongue out and lick the tips of each erect bud. Each flick of my tongue across my nipple seems to make the men surrounding the stage to pant even more.

With a quick turn, I place my back against the pole and drop down, until my heels touch the cheeks of my ass to support me. Spreading my legs wide, I pull at the thin strings on my hips until the middle piece pulls into my clit. I gasp at the raw sensation of the material rubbing against my sweet spot. My core sweetly clenches, begging for more, needing more. From the way my panties have suddenly dampened, my orgasm is close, so very close. Harder and harder, I tug upwards, moaning at the intense build of the climax.

The overwhelming pleasure rushes over me like a warm wave of energy, causing me to forget momentarily what I’m doing. When I look down, I surprisingly find that I’d unknowingly ripped my panties off my body. A smug, satisfied smile grows across my face as an idea hits me. Stepping forward, I dangle the fabric above the crowd, taunting the men with a chance to take the panties from my hand. The men go crazy, frantically reaching up to try to grab for them. Just as someone comes close, I jerk them back away.

I take two steps back, staying close enough for them to get a good show. Raising my hand, I bring the ripped thong up to my nose and inhale my scent. The crowd anxiously begs me to toss them, but I’m not done teasing just yet. I lock eyes with the group of men to the right of the stage and lift the material to my mouth, extending my tongue to lick my arousal off the small piece of silk.

I d

rop to my knees and crawl closer, pushing my backside high into the air. Each movement I make allows the men on the opposite side of the platform to see my pink folds. Once again, I’m rewarded with money being thrown all around me. Enjoying my little game, I dangle the panties above their heads, causing a small riot in the process. With one fling, I toss them out into the wild crowd, smiling with immense satisfaction.

Like a starving pack of wild animals, they fight over my panties like it’s their last fucking meal. The winner holds them high into the air to declare his victory. His pals slap him on the back to congratulate. He looks back in my direction and smiles before bringing them up to his nose.

That’s right, smell how sweet I am.

Wearing nothing but my pink garters and silver stilettos, I begin playing with the silver belly chain that hangs around my waist. I twist my ass to the center of the platform and wait for the right part of the song. This is my favorite part.

I like being unique. I bring to the table what no other girl here does. Some girls have some mad pole skills while others get very dramatic and creative with their dance numbers. Me? Well, let’s just say I have my own personal touch, one that makes the crowd go wild. I do all the trademark moves of a stripper, but one is all my own.

The mesmerized crowd watches as I reach into my garter and pull out my secret weapon… a package of fun dip. Ripping it open with my teeth, I spread my legs wide for those in front of me, exposing my glistening, pink opening to them. Mouths instantly drop open at my boldness. The thing is, they haven’t seen anything yet.

Teasing them, I stretch out my tongue and wet the small stick. Seduction is the key. I provocatively work the stick in and out of my mouth. Back and forth, I thrust my pelvis at them, building up to the perfect moment. Tenaciously, I pull the stick out of my mouth, tracing it down past my full breasts on the journey to its final destination… my dripping wet pussy.

I pause and stop right above my mound and look at them through my hooded eyes. Some are panting while others are holding the front of their pants to suppress their hard-on. Like always, I single out one man and lock eyes with him. Then, I push the stick inside of me.

Over and over, I work it in and out of my wet opening, making all the men go ape shit crazy. And just as the song comes to an end, I withdraw the stick and dip it into the tiny packet of powdered flavoring. Eyeing the desperate fool to be the winner of the prize, I move closer and press the stick in his gaping open mouth. He’s too stunned by my actions to move, but the men around him bring him out of his daze when they slap at his mouth for the stick.

Money rains around me like a spring shower. I hurriedly shove the bills into my bag and wait for the bouncer to shield me for my exit. Tim gives me the go-ahead and I quickly step off the platform, grabbing one of the silk robes they keep beside the stage for us.

“Like I said, there is nothing sweeter than our HONEY!!!” the announcer yells into the microphone.

I cringe as he winks in my direction. He’s a fucking pervert who loves to get off watching the girls as they perform on stage. I’d caught him in the act not long ago and warned that if I ever saw him doing it again, I’d permanently rearrange his anatomy. With the little package he sports, it wouldn’t take much effort.

Tim continues blocking me from the crazed men, allowing me to make my way to the backstage door. I know the drill. No matter what happens, I’m supposed to keep walking. Instead of doing what I’m supposed to do, the chill in the air stops me like a ton of bricks. There’s something very off about tonight.

You’re safe. No one knows you’re here.

I try to brush it off, but the feel in the air is too intense for me to ignore. I pull the robe closer to my body and hug the moneybag, tighter. Desperate for an explanation, I glance around the room for some inclination to the vibe I’m getting.

Without warning, the crowd around us breaks. Frantically, I try reaching out for Tim’s hand. But just as I grab hold, I’m suddenly pulled backwards into the mass of people. From every direction, hands seem to roam my body, violating me at every turn. Panic sets in and I scream out for him to help me, pushing and twisting to get away from their hold.

“TIM!” I scream.

Relief surges through me when I spot his determined face plowing through the crowd of men to get to me. “Get the fuck off her!” I welcome his strong arms as they engulf me and protectively lead me out of the madness.

“Keep moving, Honey!” he instructs while guiding us toward the door.

The other bouncers hurriedly open it for us, blocking the other idiots that try to get a last fondle in. With one final push, Tim shoves me through the door and quickly secures it behind him.

“Jesus! Did you have to do that number tonight?” he chuckles. The moment he sees the petrified look on my face, his smile instantly fades.

“Honey? Are you alright?” He tries to approach me, but I hold my hand up in protest. I don’t want his concern. I can see, in his eyes, that he’s interested in me. But, that can never happen.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I blink hard and shake my head. “Sorry, I guess I’m just a little off tonight.”

“If that is off, I’d love to see on. Wow!” he says, winking at me. Tim is quite good looking and seems like a nice guy, but he’s not my type. Well, actually I don’t have a type because I don’t date.

Lacey is walking down the long hallway to take the stage just as I make my way towards the dressing room. She nods cordially in my direction but keeps walking past me. I honestly will never figure that girl out. She’s worked here for a year now and has fucking mood swings from hell. Like I said earlier, everyone here has their own story, but, to be perfectly honest, her story isn’t one I ever want to know.

I’ve caught her shooting up heroine in the back dressing area bathroom at least three times this year. Since I’m not a rat, I’ve never told Mike about it. As long as what she’s doing doesn’t affect me, I don’t give two shits about it. The path she’s chosen has only one ending. It’s a shame really. Lacey is a beautiful girl, but she’s also the biggest fucking bitch I’ve ever met. None of the girls here even speak to her unless they have to. Now that Raven is gone, we’ve had more than our fair share of rounds over how much stage time I get.

Sitting down in front of the mirror, I try to calm myself. My heart is still racing and I don’t know why. I have to pull it together if I am going to go back out there and work the floor. The intense feel in the air, combined with the way the hair on my arm is still standing on its end, makes me want to do nothing but run and hide. For the first time in four years, I have a feeling running might not be such a bad idea.

Chapter Six



I’ve found her.

It certainly hasn’t been easy, but I’ve still fucking done it. For me, the hunt is almost as rewarding as the kill itself. Promising clues lie in the most unlikely of places. The obvious is ruled out when the truth is usually right there, slapping you in the face. Believe it or not¸ each clue is uniquely connected to another. It’s my job to take all of them and find the missing piece of the puzzle. As I stare up at the medical building in front of me, I smile at my next puzzle piece in front of me. One slip-up is all it takes to be discovered.

Money makes people do all sorts of things. Depending on the motive, it can make people forget, or help them remember. It can help them be on the lookout or become blind. It can even make you un-hear what you’ve heard. Money is evil in nature, but then again, humans can be evil, too. In the end, we are all out for one thing… ourselves. Lesson being, money talks, my friend. And, most of the time, it talks really loud.

It only takes me fifteen minutes to bribe the busty short blonde behind the counter to search the database for the info I need.

“I’m really not supposed to be giving out this information,” she blushes at me.

Women react this way around me all of the time. Believe me, I use it to my advantage, when I want something. L

et’s just say I never have to ask twice about anything.

“I know, but I really need to get in touch with her. She’s my kid sister and I’ve been looking for her for quite some time now,” I lie.

Unsure of what to do next, the blonde looks at me sympathetically and then chews nervously on her lower lip. I wink and slide over three, crisp one-hundred-dollar bills. Her name tag comes to view, and I grin widely.


“Please, Lauren.” I let the name roll seductively off my tongue. “She’s all the family I have left,” I add, giving her a pained look. Swooning under my hypnotic charm, she returns to typing, pausing every few moments to look over her shoulder to ensure no one is watching her.

“Hmmm. That’s strange.”

Her eyebrows furrow, and she quickly hits more keys on the keyboard in front of her.

“What’s strange?” I ask, curiously leaning into the counter, hanging on her every word. It’s usually in these moments that the smallest of details can solve a case. I certainly don’t want to have come this far and hit yet another brick wall.
