Page 33 of Her Filthy Italians

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Marco fetches a warm cloth from the bathroom and wipes me. “You did good, tesoro. I hope you enjoyed it.”

“I did.” And it’s true. I doubt I’ll be able to repeat the experience anytime soon I’m so sore, but I loved having them both inside me.

They hold me between them, and soon they are snoring like they don’t have a care in the world. I play with their hands while I wait for sleep to overtake me. Neither Marco nor Alessio mentioned that I should have gone to the guest room, and the idea didn’t occur to me either. Whatever happens, I’m here in their bed for the duration of our relationship.

Our short-term relationship.

My breath catches on a sigh. It’s going to hurt like hell when this all comes to an end. Which it will do. There’s no question of any other outcome. I’m going back to the States in the spring.

And what about Framassi? The mobster must know that Alessio is onto him, or pock-faced dude wouldn’t have warned me to stay away from him.Chapter Twenty-OneMarcoI’m at the airport dock, waiting for Giorgio to arrive in the speedboat with Sefi. I needed to work late and couldn’t get to the Guberman on time to meet her. Usually Alessio steps in to walk her home when I can’t, but he’s been held up too.

I pace the pier, checking my Rolex and thinking about her. A month has gone by since she moved in with us. Some might say Alessio and I have taken advantage of a young woman far away from home in a foreign country to fulfil our needs, and I’ve searched my soul on that issue. But Sefi isn’t a push-over. She’s a strong, independent woman who knows her own mind. She was under no obligation to hook up with us… she did so of her own free will.

Shame that her freedom of movement has been curtailed by that fucking creep Framassi. But the pock-faced shithead who scammed her would have done so even if she’d never met us. Okay, Framassi seems to have found out about her relationship with Alessio, but he said the mafioso would have threatened her anyway. Most tourists who report scams leave the city after a few days. Framassi must have been unsettled by Sefi’s continued presence in Venice. Either that, or he has plans for her…

The thought makes my skin crawl. Framassi is a known sex trafficker, and Alessio is worried that the motherfucker has set his sights on our beautiful angel. I drag my footsteps as I pace. We’ll do everything in our power to protect her. With heavy hearts we’ve even suggested that she return to the States, but she said she wouldn’t let a mobster spoil her experiences of this city…

I stare toward the slate-gray water and my spirit lightens as I spot my boat. Giorgio nudges it alongside the dock and I hop aboard.

“Ciao, bella.” I hold out my arms and Sefi steps into them. “How was your day?”

“Awesome.” Her blue eyes shine. “I took charge of a group of school kids. Showed them around the gallery and talked to them about the exhibits. It was fun…”

I kiss her sweet lips. “So proud of you, tesoro.”

Her smile is radiant, like the sun has made a home in her heart. “Aw, thanks, honey.”

I tilt my head toward her. “Excited about tonight?”

“What do you think? Of course, I’m excited. It’s not every day a girl gets to go to a masquerade ball at the Venice Carnival.”

We move to the stern of the boat and sit down. I pull a blanket over our knees and she nestles into my side. “Will Alessio be able to get away from work in time?”

He’s been caught up in a murder investigation. A dead prostitute found floating in the Lagoon. “I hope so,” I say, unsmiling. “Can’t imagine going to the ball without him.”

“Me neither.”

She asks me about my day, and I touch briefly on the visit of our Spanish production team. “They’re leaving tonight for Madrid. We tied everything up in the meeting this afternoon.”

“That’s good.” She meets my eye, her expression turning serious. “Camila just called me.”

“Oh?” When Sefi told her sister about Framassi, Camila also tried to persuade her to return to the States… but to no avail.

“Camila said she’d managed to get time off and will be visiting at the end of the month. I think she wants to check for herself that I’m okay and not in any danger…”

I rub a hand through my hair and think for a moment. If Camila looks anything like her sister, she’ll capture Framassi’s attention without fail.

“She can stay in our guest room. I’m sure Alessio will agree.”

“Cool.” Sefi pecks me on the cheek. “Shame she won’t be here for the Carnival, though.”


“Can’t wait to see you and Alessio in your fancy dress outfits.”
