Page 111 of Chicks, Man

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Connor was the one on trial, but those wolves fed her to the jury like she was at fault.

“She was in love with me. We were going to have a future until he ruined it.”

The defense fought hard to make Hannah out to be the monster.

“A lover scorned, out for revenge. What better way than with the privilege of daddy’s company? Sink her claws into a properly raised boy, deprived of love, and enjoying the attention of this attractive, promiscuous girl.”

“No evidence shows Connor set the fire. Who’s to say Miss Matthews didn’t set it and her self-inflicted injuries refrained her from fleeing the house? Connor was still in the house. He wanted to help Hannah, but was brutally attacked before he was able to do so.”

“He ran out of fear. And when he came to see if Hannah was okay at the hospital, he knew he had to sneak in or they wouldn’t let him see with his own eyes. That’s when he was brutally attacked for the second time.”

It only took their own witness to alter her back into the person she was: the victim.

“Clara got what was coming to her.”

“I thought I killed her, sure as hell didn’t expect her to show up in court today…”

The jury wraps up, and we’re notified of the quick verdict. We’ve been summoned back into the courtroom for deliberation. Everyone is silent as we make our way from the cafeteria, Hannah tucked to my side. She’s been quiet since the break. It’s driving me mad not to drill her on what’s going on in her head, but now isn’t the time. I stall while Jim and Cheryl, then Kip and Stacey, enter the courtroom. Blocking the entrance, I turn around, needing just a bit of reassurance.

“You sure you want to sit in on this?”

She nods, unable to hide the tiredness in her eyes. “I’m fine.”

She’s not. I sense it in the way her shoulders slightly slump. “Listen, we’re all running on a low battery here, but soon it will be over, and I’m going to take you home. Run us a bath. Then, if you ask nicely, we can watch all my old high school football games since I know you love them so much.” That earns the smile I’ve been craving all day.

“I’ll accept your offer, but only if I get to wear nothing but your hoodie. It’s kinda a thing for me when I super fan over you. Amongst other things I do.” Resilient. Sexy. Mine.

“Deal,” I reply as Jim calls for us to take our seats.

I escort Hannah down the center and stop at the aisle directly behind my seat as the jurors make their way back to their own. I’ve had wins under my belt in the courtroom, and I’ve had losses. Today is not about winning or losing, because I know how this unfolds. It’s about justice, and for all the innocent lives lost. It’s about Hannah finding peace and allowing everyone affected to move on.

Benjamin Miller used his son as a pawn to do his dirty bidding. He may have been a victim too in some way, but he chose his path. He chose, on his own, to kidnap Hannah and torment her. He chose to go against the law when he walked into that hospital determined to finish what he started.

Before I take my own seat, something or someone grabs my attention. My eyes focus and lock on Gregory Hill seated in a wheelchair at the back of the courtroom. A sudden onset of guilt shoots through me at the thought of him having to hear Connor’s testimony about his mother. Our eyes lock, and we share a silent moment.

“All rise,” the bailiff calls, and Judge Foster enters the courtroom. “You may be seated.” I break our contact and stand alongside Jim. Judge Foster takes his seat. “I have been notified the jury has reached a verdict.” He peers at the row of jurors.

“We have, your honor.” A woman sitting at the end stands, handing the bailiff a thick piece of paper. He walks it over to the judge, who takes it and reads the ruling. “Proceed with your findings.”

Silence lingers in the air as the woman unfolds a piece of paper holding Connor Miller’s fate. My eyes flicker to the defense table, Connor’s expression cool and collected. He’s so lost in his head, he thinks he’s getting away with this. My head buzzes with anticipation while we wait, the woman taking her damn time. I see cases all the time. Her expression. Fuck no. He’s actually going to get away with this. My lips form a rigid grimace as hers open and begin to speak.

“We the jury, find the defendant guilty of the charge of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder in the first degree. Guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud, including false claims of identity, corporate fraud, and bribery.”
