Page 116 of Chicks, Man

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His mouth hits the ground. “How did you—?”

“Guess it pays to be annoying and nosey. Should I mention the shirt you—”

“Okay, you win!”

“Good!” I smile. “Now, if you behave, I’ll keep that little tidbit to myself. Amongst all the other things my little ears have heard over the years.” A snicker falls off Levi’s lips, and I can’t contain my own humor. But then I do something that surprises everyone. I reach out and hug him. Chase becomes deathly still in my embrace. A few moments pass, and he relaxes, putting his arms around me, returning the gesture. “Thank you for saving him,” I whisper, resting my head against his chest.

That’s when he hugs me tighter. “Nah, I was just doing my brotherly duty. I think it’s you who truly saved him.”

I smile at the memory. Chase’s and my relationship took a complete turn that day. He still pokes fun, and I still threaten, but there’s a new understanding between us—appreciation and respect.

I walk over to my dresser, opening the second drawer. Behind some old nightgowns, I stretch my hand and reach for the hidden notebook. Sentiment hits me as I open the worn cover, flipping through years of my childhood doodles. Man, did I master the heart shape at a young age. Hannah Constance Dent—

“Hope you’re not thinking about moving back in here and leaving me.”

My hands fly up, slamming the notebook closed. I twist to see Levi standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Oh no, you didn’t…just caught me off guard.” He pushes off the wall and enters my room. Panic shoots through me, and I’m not sure what to do with the notebook. “I was just….” Ugh, I know I’m caught. “I was just looking at my old notebook of ‘I love Levi’ drawings.” He comes up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist, and leans his head over my shoulder.

“Well, come on, show me.” His warm breath skates against my ear. I take a large breath, pushing down the embarrassment. Closing my eyes, I flip the page open. I keep them shut, unsure which page it opens to, knowing every single one is a bit overkill on the crush status. “Wow. You really nailed the whole heart thing. Is that us kissing?”

Gah! I shut it and turn in his arms. “This was a long time ago. I was a kid.”

“So, what are you saying? You don’t double heart me now?” Ugh…why didn’t I throw this away?

“Yes…I mean, no. I mean…yes! I still double heart you. Probably add another heart. It’s just embarrassing, okay?”

His lips curl into a smile that melts me. “I think we look cute kissing. And if you care to know, I double heart you too.” I feel his smile when his lips touch mine, basking in the softness of his mouth as he takes his time kissing me and parting my mouth so our tongues can dance in a slow rhythm against one another. This is the moment I live for. The reason why I fight. Why I refuse to give into the dark path Connor Miller tried to send me down. When our breathing becomes labored, he pulls away, his eyes mirroring mine. Happy. Content. Perfect.

“Come on. Let’s go whip Chase’s ass in volleyball so we can leave. You’ve been torturing me in this bathing suit. I really need to take you home and get you out of it.”

I take his hand, and we walk side by side through the house, until he’s opening the sliding glass door for me. As we exit into the backyard, I spot Stacey.

“Hey!” I boast, excited to see her. Levi releases my hand, and I reach out and give her a hug, trying to work around her growing belly. “How are you and my little niece or nephew feeling?” I pull away.

“Today’s a good day. No sickness or food cravings, so Kip’s happy. He gets to chill without running all over town. There’s this diamond in the rough Chinese place across town. It’s become a staple in my and the baby’s appetite—”

“Get out! I didn’t know you were going to be here!” That voice. My eyes roll so far in the back of my head, I hope Levi is still standing behind me to catch them. I let Stacey go, and turn back, seeing Rebecca licking her lips at my man. “It’s been too long.” She goes in for a hug, and I’ve never loved Levi more when he dodges it.

“Oh hell no.” He jumps to the side.

Her eyes widen in confusion, then they lock on me. “Oh, you two are still a thing? Wow, thought that was just the whole pity thing.”

Okay. That’s it!

I take a step, ready to pummel her, when Stacey reaches for my shoulder, stopping me. “Actually, Han. I got this.” Stacey moves me to her side and takes center stage. “You know what, Rebecca? I’ve had enough of you and your tacky insults to my sister. Hannah is the nicest, most considerate person I’ve ever known. And Levi here is one lucky man to have her. And if you cannot show an ounce of respect, then you need to leave.”
