Page 13 of Chicks, Man

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“Not so fast, sweetheart.” I grip her bicep, pulling her back to me. “You were about to tell me something?” Her eyes resemble those of a scared kitten. I’m ashamed to admit I’m turned on by her timidity. Her doe eyes, bright with embarrassment. I’m tempted to talk dirty just to watch her cheeks explode in flames of discomfort.

“I have nothing to say to you.” She sticks her chin out, but can’t hide how badly she’s trembling. I take a step toward her, forcing her back against the wall. Leaning in, I speak low. “We had sex, Hannah. Against my will. I would have never fucked you if I knew it was you.” My words turn sour as they leave my mouth. I didn’t mean them the way they came out, but the damage is already done. The hurt washes over her gentle features. Her bottom lip begins to quiver. Fuck.

“That came out wrong. You know what—”

I don’t get to finish because she lifts her foot and kicks me in the shin. Dammit with that move. “Ouch! What the hell, Hannah?”

She pushes past me, but not before stopping to face me. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but if I did, I would also regret doing anything with someone as cruel as you. You’re definitely not the person I held in such high regard years ago, but I only have my horrible judge of character to blame.”

With that, she flees down the hallway and out to the backyard.


Five in the morning is here before I’m ready, and my alarm starts to blare. I slap the snooze button and throw my blanket over my head. I’ve barely blinked by the time the alarm goes off again. There’s no way that was nine minutes. I hit the snooze once more, flipping onto my back, trying to pry my eyes open. Big day. First day. Huge day. So huge, I manage to fall back asleep because my alarm wakes me up once again. “Ugh, the devil’s device,” I groan and flop to my side, shutting it off.

“Time to get up, baby girl,” Mom sings as she opens my door. I pop up, confused at why I was sleeping in the first place, and glance at my clock.

Shoot! “I’m awake!” I jump up and spring out of bed ten minutes behind schedule. How did I fall back asleep! I practically had one foot hanging out of my covers. Ugh. I race through the shower and quickly blow-dry my hair. I wanted to straighten it so it looked perfect for my first day, but my “I need more sleep” illness took that option away from me. I twist it into a neat-as-I-can bun and pin it tightly to my scalp. I laid out my outfit last night—well, I laid out my entire week, but I wanted to be prepared, and look professional. This is the day I have been dreaming about. I’m starting at Matthews and Associates.

Grabbing for my computer bag, I throw the strap over my shoulder and race downstairs, where my mom is pouring a cup of coffee for my dad.

“There she is. Ready for your big day, baby girl?” Dad chirps, folding his paper and setting it on the kitchen table.

“Yes, extremely.” I sit down as my mom sets a plate of eggs in front of me. I thank her and wait for my dad to take a sip of his coffee before I bring up the speech I practiced all night long. The speech where I ask, without sounding like I’m begging—which I am—to be mentored by someone other than Levi.

I was shocked—no, I was floored—when my dad said Levi works at his firm. Not that I keep track of him…okay, I have a Google notification on his name, but still! My dad’s firm? How was I not informed? I followed Levi from afar as he went to college on a full scholarship, when he turned down his opportunity to go pro, and then went off to law school. When the notifications stopped coming through, I assumed, once he was out of the sports spotlight, his name became irrelevant, hence the lack of notifications. It was then I started to lose track of him, which wasn’t the worst thing, since my obsession was a bit out of control. I needed to grow up and put my time and heart into someone who wasn’t my brother’s best friend. When I did what I did, I thought that’d be it. Our paths, with the exception of Kip’s wedding, hadn’t crossed in years, pretty much since he fell off the grid, why would it start now? I know I was naive in thinking I wouldn’t see him at one of Kip’s get-togethers or a family function now that I was home, but never this soon. And at my dad’s firm. My firm. And to top it off, he’s my mentor!
