Page 21 of Chicks, Man

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Looking forward to our time together, I leave Levi’s office without another word. Braydon and I make small talk while he picks up a sub sandwich from the food cart outside the building and we settle at his desk. When I pull out my notes, our eyes graze and we’re both sporting goofy grins.

“Okay, what do ya feel like learning today?” he asks. While he unwraps his turkey sub, I pull out my notepad and flip through. I sneak a peek at Braydon as he takes another bite, then bring my eyes down, hiding my giggle at a piece of lettuce hanging from his mouth.

“I must look like a savage trying to get this sandwich down,” he mumbles, his mouth full. I catch myself staring at his lips longer than necessary, and when he notices, he brings his fingers up, wiping some mayonnaise off. I flush with embarrassment at getting caught checking him out and throw my attention back to my notes.

“No, you…um, look fine.”

“Just fine?” he asks.

I raise my eyes. “What does that mean?”

“Well, I was hoping I looked more than just fine. Like handsome. Or hot. I’d even take cute, though guys hate being called cute.” I can’t believe he’s being so blunt. Calling out the attraction I think we’ve both been noticing this past week. I shake my head, smiling even more. He’s definitively attractive. And funny. I can see something more happening outside of our work flirtation.

“I’m not sure about all that, but I find you somewhat…fun.” I smirk, trying to hide my building laughter. His mouth drops, a theatric gasp leaving his lips.

“Fun? That sounds horrible! It’s like when you ask someone if the person is good looking and their response is they are super nice. Ouch.” He brings his hands to his chest, as if I wounded him. “That hurts. I was hoping I’ve impressed you enough with my stellar knowledge, you’d be obliged to maybe go out with me when I finally got the courage to ask you.”

It’s my turn to gasp, and he shoots me a silly grin. “You want to go out with me?” I ask, shocked.

“Of course. I think you’re amazing. Smart, kind, and if it matters, I think you’re more than fun. I think you are absolutely stunning.” It’s been a long time—okay, maybe never—since anyone has said something so nice to me. I’m beyond flattered and conclude I would have a great time going out with Braydon.

“Well, I guess maybe we should go out sometime,” I return.

His eyes widen in excitement. “Really?”

“Unless you were just messing with me.” I panic. Guys don’t normally ask me out—scratch that, they never ask me out. Shoot! Maybe he is just messing with—

“I would love to take you out. And sooner rather than later, in case you change your mind.” I giggle at his good-natured charm. He’s not as tall as Levi or as built, but he’s got a nice smile. His eyes are hazel with this beautiful green speckle that make him that much better looking. Whereas Levi’s hair is dark brown, Braydon’s is a dirty shade of blond. And why am I comparing him to Levi? I shut that down real fast. I need to get over that long-lost fantasy. Levi hasn’t made any sort of pass at me—not that he ever has—but he’s been kind and considerate. Like a friend. And I get it. Sadly, I do.

“Yes!” Shoot, did that come out too eager? He probably thinks I’m desperate. But the sooner I banish Levi out of my thoughts, the better. “I mean, yes. Sooner is better. How about tonight? I have nothing planned.” Because I don’t ever have plans. Geez, can I make myself look any more pathetic?

Braydon nods and opens his planner. “Tonight. Hmmm…special date with Hannah Matthews.” He scribbles in his planner. “There, it’s set. You can’t back out now.” A subtle blush spreads across my cheeks, and I find myself smiling at the thought of what can come out of this…us.

“Agreed. No backing out.” A bashful giggle flees my lips. His goofy grin matches mine and we sit there, enjoying the silent flirtation, until someone walks by and breaks the moment. His hands disappear under his desk and he begins nervously slaps his thigh. “We should probably get to work so we can finish up and focus on that date. I have the best pizza place in mind.” Right. Work.

“Of course, I’m probably keeping you from your busy workload. What was the one case you said you were swamped with?” Confusion forms around his eyes. “The one you were just telling me about?”

“Oh yeah! The…um…child services case. Christine actually asked to assist on that one, so I threw her a bone. Can’t have all the cases to myself.” He winks causing me to giggle. “Speaking of cases, fill me in on the newest case they have you sitting in on? The Miller case, right?”
