Page 34 of Chicks, Man

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The rush of the cold water smacks onto my hard-on, causing me to groan as I go under. It was either bruise my dick or risk Hannah seeing what she did to me.

I break through the surface, whipping my hair back out of my face. I wipe the water dripping down my face and catch Hannah standing at the edge of the dock. It’s a damn good thing my lower half is under water. My dick is a resilient motherfucker and hasn’t gone down.

Hannah’s pink and white bathing suit is modest on top, covering her full chest, but leaves nothing to the imagination with her bare legs. The sun offers her skin a nice glow, and her cheeks are flushed from the heat. She is absolutely stunning. While I still battle with what she did—and why—there’s something about Hannah Matthews that intrigues me. Makes me want to get to learn everything about her, inside and out. There’s no doubt I want her. My dick pops up to salute her every time she’s near, and I finger-fucked her in my sleep for Christ’s sake.

I freaked the fuck out when I fully woke up, realizing what had happened. I was having the best dream ever—until I realized it wasn’t a dream. My fingers were deep in her warm cunt, stroking her, listening to her soft moans. When she screamed and jumped off the mattress, I panicked, scared I assaulted her, possibly still drunk and forced myself on her. I felt like a huge asshole, fearing Hannah was going to rat me out the second I heard Stacey’s voice outside the tent. I threw my hands over my face, waiting for the wrath. That’s when I smelled her, brought my finger to my nose and inhaled. I’m a sick fuck, but it was heaven. Would it make me even worse if I tasted her off my finger next? She was doing things to me I couldn’t explain. I want to be so mad at her, but I can’t.

Because I want something from Hannah Matthews in a deep way. I’m just afraid to admit to myself what that is.

“You gonna come in?” I ask, needing to get her body out of full view and into this water so there’s less for me to see.

“Debating. I hear there are monsters that eat people in there,” she teases, reminding me of the time we were all up here and Chase really laid into her.

“Are you chicken? Too scared to find out?” I start making clucking noises, egging her on. My dick perks at her glowing smile, and now I’m rethinking her joining me.

“What if I get sucked under? It’s going to be all your fault.”

“I’ll tell everyone you put up a good fight before you went down.” I waggle my brows, waiting for her to make her move. She backs up, catching me off guard. Getting a running start, she cannonballs into the lake.

The large splash causes me to lose focus on where she lands. I wipe the water from my face and spin around, waiting for her to pop up and scare me. She was always a little ninja when she was younger, coming out of nowhere when we would be doing something we shouldn’t have been.

A few more seconds pass, and I do another spin. Where the fuck is she? “Hannah?” I call her name, spinning again. I stare at the water, searching for air bubbles, but nothing. No riff whatsoever.

“Okay. You win. You can come up now,” I say, my nerves coming through in my voice. “Hannah, for real, this isn’t funny.” I dip my head under, trying to open my eyes, but it’s too murky to see. I pull my head back up to take a large breath and scan the water around me to see if she’s come up, panic gripping my chest. Maybe she hit something when she went down. Caught her foot on something. Fuck, she could be stuck, freaking out—

A break in the water causes a huge splash and Hannah pops up. She laughs, wiping at her face, and I grab her, pulling her body into mine.

“What the fuck, Hannah? I thought you hurt yourself.” I’m suddenly angry. Frazzled at the thought of something happening to her. Being so close, she has no choice but to wrap her hands around my neck.

“Sorry, I was just playing.”

“You were under forever. I thought you drowned. How was that even possible?”

“Years of practice holding my breath. I guess when you’re kind of a loner and have nothing else to do, you teach yourself how to stay under water the longest.”

I watch her eyes soften, the sad truth in her voice ruining me. All those years we picked on her, made her feel alone…she felt alone. I want to kick myself for how I treated her. Not that I took part, but I never stopped it. I stood by and watched Chase dig at her every chance he got. Ben wasn’t any better. I want to tell her she isn’t alone anymore. I want to kiss the sadness off her lips and tell her I’m so fucking sorry for never being there before.
