Page 47 of Chicks, Man

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“Okay. More like a washed-up, D-list celebrity.”

“Shut it. Take the compliment.” We go in for a hug, and I repeat the same embrace with my brother and parents. Dad begins making small talk with Braydon, while my traitorous eyes search the ballroom. I don’t see him. Maybe he won’t show. Save me the—

“Good evening all.”

My shoulders tense, and I can’t stop my eyes from squeezing shut. Even his voice ruins me. I open my eyes and inhale a deep breath for strength. I can do this. Whatever hussy he has on his arm won’t have any impact on me. It won’t—are you kidding me!—affect me.

“Well, look who the cat dragged in. Didn’t realize you knew how to wear a dress.” Rebecca laughs, pulling Levi close to her, her arm draped over his. The phony smile I worked so hard on keeping falters.

“Rebecca,” Levi warns, taking a step forward. “Hannah, you look lovely tonight.”

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

“Thanks, Levi. You too.” I’m furious at myself for allowing my voice to sound weak. I refuse to let him see he just won. He hurt me with this one. His eyes spear into mine, waiting for something. A white flag? To congratulate him? Forcing myself to reel it in, I search for my date. “Ah, Braydon. Would you be so kind to escort me to the bar?” He doesn’t miss a beat, probably because free booze is the best booze, and grabs my hand, leading me away. The tightness in my chest doesn’t let up, even with the building space between us. Braydon doesn’t waste time and orders multiple shots of tequila. After we consume a second shot, my heart still hasn’t stopped racing.

“Got to use the bathroom. Be right back. Don’t lose our spot.” He bends forward, slapping a quick kiss to my cheek, and takes off toward the restrooms. I signal the bartender for another round, grabbing my phone to scroll through my social media while I wait.

“You should probably slow down on those shots. The night’s still young.”

His voice at my back is like a million needles taking aim at my heart. I don’t even bother to face him when I speak. “I’m sure we won’t stay long. Have other plans. Ones that don’t consist of staying in this stuffy dress.” It was low of me. And a complete lie. I don’t even know why I said it.

“That’s a shame. The dress fits you like a glove. You should stay in it longer. Allow others to enjoy you in it.” I clamp my eyes shut and inhale for strength. My eyes open, and I snag the shot, taking it down. Then I whip around.

“Shouldn’t you be over there complimenting Rebecca’s dress?” I snap.

“I already did. Now I’m here complimenting you. You really do steal the show tonight, Han.”

The nerve. My hands begin to shake. “You’re a grade-A asshole.”

His relaxed smile falters and his eyes light like a Christmas tree. “Watch it.”

“No, you watch it!” I raise my voice, causing a few attendees to stare our way. Levi grabs my arm, and without causing a scene, drags me away from the bar down a less busy hallway. “Let go of me!”

“Not a chance.” He doesn’t stop until he reaches for a door, finding it unlocked, and pushing me inside it. I stumble forward, and when I spin around to give him hell, he’s already on me. “Wanna take that asshole comment back?” He leans forward, stealing the space between us.

“No. How could you bring her here?”

“How are you pretending he’s the one you want?”

He’s not. “Braydon? Because he’s not a liar.” I want to say more, but I trip backwards into a chair, grabbing for something to steady my fall, which ends up being Levi’s large bicep. “And he doesn’t flaunt woman after woman at me—Jesus, stop walking, I’m going to fall!”

“He’s a little shit box who has no idea what he has. And I’m not a liar. I made a decision based on what I thought was best for you.”

My nostrils flare like a bull. “You have no right to tell me what’s best for me!”

He reaches out and latches around my waist, crashing my body firm against his chest. “He had no right to be at the lake. That place is for family. He had no business being there with you when I wanted you there for myself.”

My breathing stops. My words escape me.

“Cat got your tongue? I threw him at your father because that way, you’d be all mine. Ever since you tricked me—and yeah, I’m putting it out there, you tricked me, I can’t stop myself from wanting you. Needing you all for myself. Would I have gone into that closet if I’d known it was you? Fuck no. Am I glad I did? You bet your ass. Because at least I’m adult enough to admit it. Unlike you, who continues to hide behind the truth.”
