Page 5 of Chicks, Man

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I swipe my hands over my face, trying to snap out of it. God, I must need to get laid if I’m standing here wondering how good little Hannah Banana Matthews would squeeze my dick if I made her come. I rotate, requesting a refill from the bartender, when a large hand lands on my shoulder.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Chase says from behind me. I loop back around to see him smiling like a fucking idiot—which is never a good thing.

“No thanks, whatever it is,” I reply, giving my attention back to the bar.

“No way, dude. You’ll want this surprise. Trust me.” I turn back. His eyes gleam with trouble. I don’t even want to fathom what he’s set me up for. Just as I’m about to decline again, Ben walks up.

“Yo, change of plans.” We all stare at Ben, me more out of curiosity.

“Change of what plans?” My eyes narrow on my two best friends who seem guilty as fuck.

“Bro, you are going to thank us. We just set you up with a hot chick. She’s not going to ask you to hold hands, meet her parents, and snuggle. She’s going to fuck you like you need, then she’s going to leave. No attachments. Simply a place to get your dick wet.” Chase smiles, and I instantly want to object. I am not that guy. I’m not a person who can just have sex with a girl. I appreciate those hand holding moments, the closeness of a good snuggle, the scent of a woman you want to have in your arms. God, I am a fucking pussy.

“Just say yes. This chick? She’s going to make all your problems disappear.” Ben’s about to burst out laughing. “Chicks, man. Think about how much your sad, lonely dick wants to be inside one,” Chase pokes.

And fuck, he’s right. My dick does want to be in someone.

“Do it, do it…” both Chase and Ben begin to chant. Kipley laughs…until everyone shuts up and Stacey walks toward us.

“Hello, boys, what’s so funny?” She smiles, wrapping her dainty arms around Kip.

Chase steps forward. “Oh nothing, just trying to fix Levi up with a nice girl.”

Stacey’s warm smile spreads across her face. “That’s sweet. Anyone would be grateful to have you, Levi.” Her kindness sobers me some. It’s that kindness, my own kindness, that got me into this position. God, with every single girlfriend I’ve ever had. “Well, hope you boys don’t mind, but I’m going to steal my husband for a quick dance.” Kip bends down, sweeping his wife off her feet, and we all watch as he carries her to the center of the dancefloor.

Fuck being the nice guy.

I face the bar, slamming the drink the cute bartender refilled for me, then face Chase. “Fuck it. I’ll do it.”

Chase howls, and Ben slaps me on the shoulder. “You’re gonna love this. Go to the left and meet her in the supply closet, third door down—”

“Change of plans. Opposite direction. Go right, three doors down,” Ben cuts in.

Chase looks at Ben, confused, and Ben shrugs. “That’s what Hannah Banana just told me. Other room was locked or some shit.”

“Hannah told you this? Since when does she—you know what? Whatever. Right, three doors down. She’ll already be in there and ready. Enjoy, buddy. And make sure to wrap it up!” Chase laughs, pushing me away from the bar.

I stumble away from the bar, but manage to swing around and give them both the middle finger. I walk out of the banquet room into the large foyer. So, little Hannah Matthews is in on this, huh? I wonder if she thinks I’m a pig. She probably wishes it was her I was coming for. I always noticed the way she looked at me. Her constant flushed cheeks. Her gawking. God, I bet she definitely wishes this was her. Fuck, I probably wouldn’t say no if I found her little self waiting for me in the supply room. But then I remember she’s still Kip’s little sister and he would kill me. She’s also still little Hannah Matthews.

I begin to repeat the directions out loud so my drunk brain understands. I can’t believe I’m actually going through with this, but maybe I’ve been doing things wrong the whole time. No attachments, no feelings—just physical.

I knock softly on the door, letting this chick know I’m here. I wait under five seconds before opening the door and closing it behind me, leaving me in pitch-black.

“Hello?” The low sound of measured breaths confirms I’m not alone. “You going to come here, or do I have to come to you?” I start unbuttoning my shirt, fumbling with my buttons. Two small hands startle me as they wrap around mine, assisting me with my shirt. The delicate scent of flowers and vanilla permeates around me. It’s girly and light, and damn if it doesn’t make my dick spring to action.
