Page 57 of Chicks, Man

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“Thanks, Vanessa.” He turns to me. “Hannah, I have a ton of files to go over today. Clear your lunch schedule. We’re going to work through it.” I nod, biting the inside of my cheek to hide my excitement. He’s fighting off his own mischievous grin and nods, heading in the opposite direction of his office to the conference room.

I practically skip to my desk, my cheeks sore from all the smiling and laughing I’ve done over the past twenty-four hours—shoot, ever since we started this. If my younger self knew she’d be sleeping in Levi Dent’s arms, having the most amazing sex ever, she would have fallen over and died! A giggle erupts up my throat, and I cover my mouth.

“Aren’t we in a chipper mood today.”

My head whips toward my desk to find Braydon sitting in my chair. “Hey…uh, what are you doing up here?” I offer him a half smile, hoping it masks my concern. Levi’s probably already in the conference room, but if he were to forget something and see him… I take a quick glance toward the conference room.

“To see you, of course. I called you again last night. Wanted to see if you wanted to go out for Chinese and a movie.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I had a ton of work to do. This case is wearing on us all.” Translation: I had so much sex, my right leg may be out of place.

“No problem. What’s on your agenda today? Wanna go to lunch?” Shoot. I feel like a jerk. He’s been nothing but nice to me and doesn’t deserve the cold shoulder coming his way.

“Um, darn. Not today. I have a huge project Levi has me on and I need to work through lunch. Raincheck?” His smile doesn’t match the scrutiny in his eyes. Oh god, don’t call me out…

“Sure, raincheck.”


“Well, have a great day!” I say, signaling it’s time for him to get up. Levi might come back for a pen or a file or a notepad. Thankfully, he takes my cue, swivels once in my chair, and gets up.

“You too. Don’t be a stranger, okay?” he says before heading toward the stairs.

When I put my bag down, I notice my computer’s on again. “Hey, were you on my computer?”

He turns, eyeing my laptop. “Oh, yeah, sorry. I was checking my email while I was waiting for you. Hope that’s okay.”

Strange. I nod. “Yeah, of course.”

“See ya.” And he’s gone.

The second the clock hits noon, the doors fly open and the entire team hustles out of the conference room. They’ve been in there for four hours without a break. I spot Levi in a deep discussion with my dad as they walk this way. I straighten my blouse and adjust my hair. Once they’re near, I stand.

“Hey, baby girl. How’s your morning been?”

“Great. Busy. And yours? You in there finalizing the Miller case?”

There’s some strain in my dad’s eyes at the mention, but he clears it instantly. “Never a dull day. Hey, Mom said you haven’t confirmed if you’re going to dinner with us all on Friday? Better say yes. We have reservations at your favorite steakhouse.”

I completely forgot about dinner. Kip and Stacey set it up asking to get everyone together.

“Um…yeah, sure, wouldn’t miss it.”

“Great.” He leans in to give me a kiss and waves off Levi. The moment he’s out of earshot, Levi speaks.

“I hope you’re prepared. This is going to be a really intense lunch. If you can grab what you need and shut the door after you,” he says, fighting a smirk, then walks into his office.

Like a kid being handed the keys to the candy shop, I scoop up my notepad and walk as slow as possible into his office, shutting the door behind me.

At the click of the lock, my legs leave the ground and he has me pressed against the bookcase, knocking off a picture frame. “Fuck, I’ve been thinking about you all morning.” His lips fuse to mine in a rough, heated kiss. He’s already hard, pressing his erection into me.

“Same,” I moan, wrapping my arms around him.

“An hour isn’t going to be enough for what I want to do to you.” He bites at my lower lip, pushing up my skirt and finding my panties. “Goddammit,” he growls at the wetness between my legs. “Always ready for me. Love it.” I moan again, allowing my head to hit the bookshelf when a finger breaks past my folds. He pumps in and out, working me up, the quivering of my body telling him it won’t take long before I’m exploding all over his fingers. “Levi,” I whimper as he thrusts, knocking off a book. We both start to laugh, and he slams his mouth on mine to mask our sounds.

“You were made for me. This cunt. Perf—”
