Page 60 of Chicks, Man

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“What’s Friday?”

“Family dinner? Hello. I literally just told you about it, are you not listening to me?” Oh yeah. Man, I’m a bad friend. He just told me he’s having a baby and I’m fantasizing about how I made a sundae off his sister last night.

“Oh…yeah. Sorry. But what does he have to do with dweeb boy?”

“Pop said she’s bringing him.”

Over my dead body.

I slept like shit.

Probably because I didn’t have a warm little body next to me. Or because I drank too much driving myself mad about Hannah and her non-boyfriend. I walk into the office and spot Hannah already sitting at her desk. She’s wearing a pale gray skirt with a top that brings out her eyes. “In my office. Now,” I snap, walking past her. I’m sure my attitude is a surprise, because it sure is unexpected. But I need to get a few things straight before I lose it.


“Shut the door.”

She does as she’s told and waits. I rein in my anger and step around to face her. “What’s the deal with you and Braydon? Are you dating him behind my back?”

Her eyes go wide. “Braydon? No! Why would you think that?”

“Because your entire family does.” I might as well be her boyfriend. I sound like a jealous one.

“Well, I’m not. And I thought that was a good thing. So they don’t pay attention to us. That’s what you wanted, remember?” Fuck, it is what I wanted, but is it what I still want?

“What’s wrong? Why is this suddenly bothering you? Do you…you want to end this, don’t you?” Her eyes blaze with panic. My chest constricts at the thought of us not being an us. I swallow the space between us and wrap her in my arms.

“Fuck no. I’m sorry. That’s far from what I want. I just…I don’t like the fucking kid. Even if it’s a ruse. He’s trouble.”

She snuggles her head into my chest, and I squeeze her tighter, needing her close. “He’s harmless. But if we want to keep us secret, we need him. Stacey was asking questions about us at lunch the other day. She suspects something.”

That’s not good. If she shares her thoughts with Kip, I’m a dead man. “I don’t like that kid. We need to find another way.”

“Want me to come out and tell my family I’m a lesbian? That’ll take you right off their trail. Not that they’d be all that shocked since I’ve never even brought home a guy before recently.” I chuckle, feeling some relief. I’m glad to hear I’m the one who’s giving her all her firsts. Showing her how she should always be treated. Cherished.

Kissing the top of her head, I say, “No, then I’d just be jealous of your fake girlfriend.”

She pulls away, and I want to fight to keep her in my arms all day.

“You realize, if you took the job, you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else filling it.”

“What job?” I’m back to being on edge, worrying she’s going to leave the firm and I won’t get to be near her every day.

Becoming nervous, she bites her bottom lip, and I find it sexy as hell. “Boyfriend. But it was a joke. That would be—”

“I’ll take it.”

“What? Really?”

I pull her back into me, her breasts snuggled up against my chest. “I said I want the job.” Her chin lifts, her expression morphing into shock. I laugh. She’s so damn cute. “So, girlfriend. What do you say we get this god-awful day over and you tell your parents you’re sleeping at Becky’s? I’ll cook you my specialty—delivered pizza—and we’ll watch mindless television until we fall asleep.”

Her eyes light up. God. Beautiful.

“Sounds perfect. Except we have family dinner tonight.”

Fuck, that’s right. “Scratch the pizza. Just dessert then. But knowing it will be some time before I get you home, there’s something else I need from you.”

“What’s that?”

“Ditch the dweeb. He’s absolutely not coming to dinner tonight. I can’t come as your date, but I sure as hell don’t want him there. We will have to figure something else out as our decoy. Just to get rid of him, I may take you up on the whole lesbian idea.”

She takes too long to agree with me, and I fear having to spank her silly, but then her arms wrap around me, hugging me. “Got it, boss.”

Dammit, she knows how to get to me.

“Good. Now, let’s make up for some lost time. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet, and I have the perfect meal in mind.”


We’re on our way to the restaurant straight from work, Levi insisting we drive together. No one questioned why I wasn’t driving myself, or why I came into work with Levi all week. He told Dad he’d give me a ride after we finished searching for some files Levi said went missing. The windows are down, and the wind is blowing fresh air though the car. Some eighties band is playing on the radio, and my heart skips when Levi holds my hand as he drives. He’s holding my hand!
