Page 62 of Chicks, Man

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“Saved you a seat!”

Saved you a seat. God! I want to rip her hair out.

Left with no other choice, I break away from Levi and walk around the table, right as Braydon goes in for a hug. I consider ducking for any flying objects in our direction. “Hey, I couldn’t find you, so I caught a ride with your dad.”

I want to ask why, since I have no recollection of inviting him. “Yeah, no problem,” I reply, taking my seat instead.

“Now that everyone’s here…” Kip starts, standing and holding his drink up. There’s a full glass of red wine in front of me, and without asking who it belongs to, I snatch it up and inhale a huge gulp. Unfortunately, the expensive pinot noir does nothing to soothe my nerves. Two more large sips, and I hit the bottom of my glass.

Mom nudges me. “Honey, slow down. He hasn’t even told us the news yet.”

Stacey’s pregnant. Rebecca’s a tramp. Braydon needs to beat it. Oh yeah! I’m dating Kip’s best friend and having the most amazing sex known to man. Cheers! I’ll take the filet.

A huge sigh slips from my lips, and I mumble, “Sorry.” Putting my glass down, I tuck my hands in my lap. My butt jumps two feet off my chair, knocking my knees into the table when Braydon’s hand touches mine under the table.

“We wanted to start off by saying thanks to everyone for coming tonight. We have the most important people with us to share a very exciting announcement.” Kip gazes down at Stacey with such affection, then back to the family. “We’re having a baby!”

Everyone goes nuts. My mom starts to cry, and while she’s distracted, I grab her wine glass and chug it. My dad stands to congratulate my brother. I wish I was sharing in the enthusiasm, but my eyes are set across the table at a hussy who has her claws in my boyfriend. I vaguely hear Braydon excuse himself to go to the bathroom over Rebecca’s squeaky voice.

“So exciting. Isn’t it, Levi?” Rebecca places her hands over Levi’s, acting as if she even cares about a baby. She slides off her chair, closing in on him, and leans forward to whisper something in his ear. This time, I wonder if he’s smart enough to duck because my glass is about to bounce off her head. I just don’t understand why she doesn’t get the hint. That what? He’s secretly dating you and is no longer available? Correct. Because I don’t see him removing her hand. Also correct. Darn it. She finishes whatever she’s whispering and follows up with a giggle.

“Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna use the ladies’ room.” She winks at Levi, then is up and sashaying toward the restrooms. My eyebrows shoot up, curious what the hell that was about. There’s no doubt I’m shooting daggers at Levi. When his eyes meet mine, his burn with the same fury.

“Excuse me,” he says and stands, dismissing himself, also making his way toward the restrooms. What in heavens—?

“Hannah, baby, isn’t this just wonderful?” Dad says as my eyes follow Levi until he hits the hallway and disappears. “Another Matthews. Just wonderful!”

Yeah. Wonderful. Where are they going? He wouldn’t be meeting her in the bathroom, would he? My mind is playing evil tricks on me. Rebecca is currently ripping Levi’s clothes off as they both laugh at my expense. Oh god. “Waitress! Refill!”


That’s it.

He’s done for.

I’ve had enough with that little turd thinking he has a chance with her. I don’t care if this blows our cover, I’m willing to risk the consequences to make sure he stays the hell away from my girl.

I get up, excusing myself, and follow Braydon toward the restrooms. I’m probably not thinking this through, but all I can think about is kicking that shit’s ass. I whip around the corner and slam into Rebecca.

“Oh, wow. Just the person I was waiting for. I knew you would take me up on my offer—”

I rip her hands off my shoulders as her lips almost make contact with my neck. “What? What’s wrong? No one will miss us. We can sneak away in the bathroom. I’ve been thinking about—”

“Rebecca, stop. I can’t grasp how to express this more than I already have. I’m not interested. At all. Not the slightest bit. I suggest you spend your energy and time on someone else.” Her lips form a thin line. Her expression morphs into anger, but I don’t give her the chance to lash out. I gently move around her and storm into the bathroom, catching Braydon as he washes his hands.

“Great news, huh? I bet Hannah’s excited for her—”

Without further thought, I take him and slam him into the wall. His body buckles under my hold, and a grunt escapes his mouth at the impact. “What the fuck—?”
