Page 64 of Chicks, Man

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Stacey stands as well. “I can take her.”

“No. I mean, no, you stay. This is your celebration dinner. Levi can just take me home.” She goes in and hugs Stacey, who appears less than convinced, but offers her a hug back. Kip’s on cloud nine, thankfully not picking up any red flags. Once we go around and say our goodbyes, we’re out of the restaurant and speeding down Jefferson street to my place.

“You going to tell me what that was all about?” Hannah breaks the silence, but I’m too angry to rehash what happened. I need to get her naked and under me and prove to her she’s mine—not his. She was never his. Her sudden gasp has me whipping my attention to her, just as she reaches over to gently press her fingers to my hand wrapped around the steering wheel. “Levi, what happened to your hand?”

I wince, but still don’t answer her. I can’t. I need to ease my insecurities before I give her any answers and accept the well-deserved anger she’s going to have.

When we pull into my garage, I throw my car into my reserved spot. We walk in silence up to my condo. The moment the door shuts behind us, I’m on her.

Without question, she kisses me back with the same fervor, until we’re forced to come up for air. Her eyes are fogged over, and I love that I do that to her. “What happened back there?” she asks, her voice soft, yet laced with concern.

“Let’s just say I had a little run-in with Braydon, and it didn’t end well.”

“Oh my god, what happened? Please tell me it doesn’t have anything to do with your bruised hand.”

I take a step back, my hands running down my face. “It’s not a big deal. Nothing for you to worry about. Come on. Let’s pour a drink, then we can talk.” She’s compliant and doesn’t push, following me into the kitchen. A heavy pour of whiskey for me and a beer for her, and we’re seated on my couch, facing one another. With a big pull of my drink, I start. “I think it’s time we tell everyone about us.”

She chokes on her beer. “What? Why?”

“Why not? Do you not want people to know?” My question comes out angrier than I mean it to.

Hannah shakes her head. “No, I do. It’s just…I thought we had a plan. What happens if they don’t approve?”

I’ve put so much thought into this, I’m ready to accept the consequences. “Our plan was to see where this goes. And it’s developed into more than what I could have ever imagined. I like you, Hannah. Shit, I may…” I shake my head, afraid to admit how deep my feelings for her go. “The thing is, we chose to hide it in case it didn’t work out. But now? I can’t imagine you not being mine. I’m ready to take the next move. Together.”

I watch her lower lip quiver. Shit. What if she doesn’t want this? “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you want this as much as I do. And we’ll deal with the repercussions together.”

Her eyes swell with tears. “What about Kip? He may hate you. My dad. What if he fires you? Maybe I can leave, then there won’t be any—”

“No. You’re staying. If Jim fires me, then I’ll take it as my sign and branch off on my own. After all the shit I’ve seen in the sports industry, I’ve always thought about opening my own firm for sports players who’ve been taken advantage of by the league.”

“But you’ve always wanted to work at my dad’s firm.”

“You’ve always wanted to work there. And that won’t change. That place deserves you.”

She’s staring at me, unsure. She doesn’t feel the same way. She doesn’t want to risk—

“Okay. Let’s do it.”

“For real?”

Her shoulders raise as her smile broadens. “Why not? How can I say no to a man who’s willing to risk his life and career for me?”

I reach for her, not caring that her drink spills, and take her mouth with mine. I kiss her hard. With meaning. With promise. This won’t be easy, for either of us, but I’m willing to risk it all for her. My tongue parts her lips, and I deepen our kiss. I pull her to me until she’s in my lap, straddling my legs. I quickly get rid of our drinks, because I need both hands for what I have planned for her. There’s no need for her shirt, so I tug it up and over her head. Her breasts, perfect and inviting, call to me. I place my mouth around her nipple and suck through her lace bra, loving the way she melts in my arms. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.” My teeth graze her flesh, biting down, my cock hardening with a fierceness as she squirms on top of me. “You’re done with Braydon. I want him nowhere near you. Hear me?”
