Page 9 of Chicks, Man

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“Geez, kiddo. Why so feisty? Hey, Levi, can you show my sister—”

I kick my brother as hard as I can in the shin.

“Ouch! Shit, what the hell did you do that for?”

I don’t answer because I’m already running past him into the banquet room. I get lost on the dance floor and pop out on the opposite side. I weave through family and strangers, thankfully exiting out the side door. My heart races so fast, I worry it’s going to jump out of my chest. I run down the hallway to the stairwell, not bothering with the elevator. I climb up five flights before my lungs finally give out and I collapse against the cement wall.

Bringing my hands up, I run them through my hair, wiping the thin layer of sweat building on my forehead. My hands shake as I attempt to pull my hair into a ponytail, not caring it’ll mess up my ridiculous hairstyle, then place my palms over my beating heart.

“Holy cow,” I pant, trying to catch my breath.

I did it.

“Holy flipping cow!” I begin to laugh at myself. I just had sex with Levi Dent. I shake my head, my laughter transforming into more of a cackle. The sound of a door opening a few flights below me has me throwing my hands over my mouth, holding my breath. The clanking of heels hitting the concrete stairs, and I continue to hold my breath while they make it to the floor below me and exit to the floor.

I slide down the wall, taking in a deep breath. My legs are still shaking. I close my eyes, the blackness a reminder of the supply closet. I wrap my arms around my stomach, brushing against my tender breasts. I bring my knees up to my chest, the soreness between my legs prominent. I can still feel his strong hands all over my body, raking over my skin. With every touch, squeeze, pinch, he brought me to places I’ve never been. His seductive words set my skin on fire. His lips were so soft and greedy as he kissed, sucked, bit. The feel of him inside me, his moans, his praises…it was more than I could ever fantasize. Better.

I didn’t want it to end. I could have stayed in that closet forever.

But then, he had to bring reality to its head. He asked for more. I was right when I said I didn’t think past getting Levi in that room. I didn’t think how I would get out of the room without exposing myself. But I knew once those words left his lips, I was already caught. He wasn’t going to allow me to slip through without being identified.

God, I wish I could have told him it was me without judgement.

But that was just a fantasy.

So I ran.

The doors open again, and laughter echoes throughout the stairwell. I jump to my feet and run two more flights before I exit onto the seventh floor and run to my room.

The drive home is quick. I got on the road in time to miss the mid-afternoon traffic. Downloading an audiobook the night before kept my attention. Pulling into my childhood neighborhood, I take a left onto Clinton Street and wave at Mr. Johansson, our old science teacher from high school. The sun is out, and the trees are in full bloom. Growing up in an older neighborhood, the trees are thick and overgrown, creating a beautiful tunnel of greenery. Taking a right onto Fairview, my house comes into view and I groan at the cars lined up down the street. “Small family party my butt,” I mutter.

I park my car in the driveway and spot Stacey’s car and my brother’s Tahoe first. I haven’t talked to him since the wedding. To be on the safe side, I was up early and gone before anyone saw me. I texted Mom telling her I had to get back to school and skip the champagne brunch. My brother called a few times before he left for his honeymoon, but I declined each one. I couldn’t bear to answer any questions or have him yell at me for what I did.

But his messages were always kind. And no mention of Levi. He didn’t know. Levi didn’t tell. But why?

As much as it ate at me wondering, there was no way I was going to dig into the whys. I needed to leave it alone. Avoid. Deny. Ignore.

I grab for my computer bag and jump out of my car. I trek up the driveway, enjoying Mom’s hibiscuses blooming gorgeously. Opening the front door, my mom spots me instantly.

“My baby is home!” she yells, scurrying toward me and pulling me into her motherly hug. “Congrats, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

I wiggle out of her hold. “Thanks, Mom. I thought you said family only,” I mutter low. There are way more people than expected.
