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But on horseback, you met the world face to face. At the moment, the world was snowing in Jager’s face. The Russians had given him a fur hat, a padded jacket, and felt boots, so he wasn’t chilly. Now that he was inside some of it, he discovered for himself how good Russian cold-weather gear really was. No wonder the Ivans had given the Wehrmacht such grief the winter before.

He leaned down, spoke confidentially into the horse’s ear. “If anyone ever asks the Kremlin about this, they’ll be able to say they gave me all the help they thought they could, but I just didn’t make it back to Germany with this stuff.” He slapped a saddlebag again. “But do you know what, Russian horse? I’m going to fool them. I’m going to get there whether they want me to or not. And if they don’t like it, they can go piss themselves for all I care.”

The horse, of course, had no idea what he was talking about. Not only was it a dumb animal, it was a Russian dumb animal. Till recently, it had been either pulling a plow for the enemy or carrying a Red Army cavalryman into action. But for the time being, its fate and his were bound together.

The snow muffled the animal’s hoolbeats. Its body heat warmed the insides of his thighs and his rear end. His Panzer III, he remembered fondly, had had a heater that would warm all of him. On the other hand, he liked the horse’s grassy smell better than the oil, petrol, cordite reek of the panzer.

“Yes, that’s how the Kremlin wants it, horse,” he said. “They needed German help to get this metal, but do they want the Reich to have the benefit of it? Not on your life they don’t. They want to be the only ones who can make bombs like this, yes they do. They will use one on the Lizards, and if they beat the Lizards, wouldn’t it be nice for them if they could hold one over Germany’s head, too? But I already told you, horse, I don’t intend to let that happen.”

He peered ahead through the spattering snow. Unfortunately, what he intended to let happen and what would in fact happen were not necessarily one and the same. He didn’t think he was inside what had been Soviet territory before the war any more, but rather in what was formerly Polish-held Ruthernia. Much of that land, after getting overrun first by the Russians and then by the Germans, was now in the Lizards’ hands.

And here, as perhaps nowhere else on earth, the Lizards had their willing puppets-their quislings, the British would have called them, Jager thought with wry amusement. In Moscow, he’d listened to Moishe Russie on the shortwave a couple of times. He’d judged the man a hysteric, a liar, and a traitor to mankind.

Now… now he was not so sure. Every time he tried to laugh off what the Jew said as just another atrocity story, he kept remembering the scar on the side of Max’s neck and the Jewish partisan’s obscenely embellished tale of slaughter and horror at Babi Yar. Much as he wanted to, he didn’t think Max lied. And if Max’s horror was true, then Moishe Russie’s might be, also.

Riding a horse alone through winter gave-you a chance to think, maybe more of a chance than you really wanted. What had the Reich been doing behind the lines of the territory it held? Jager was a field-grade officer, not a policymaker. But German officers were supposed to think for themselves, not blindly follow superiors’ orders like their Soviet or Lizard counterparts. He could not for the life of him see how massacring Jews moved the war effort forward even a centimeter.

Massacring Jews might in fact push the war effort back It had driven the Polish Jews who survived into the Lizards’ arms. A lot of those Jews lay between Jager and the Reich. If they spotted him and let their new masters know a German was loose on their territory… if they did that, the Russians’ scheme would be realized in full.

“Stupid,” he muttered. What did Jews do in battle against the Reich except get in the way like any other civilians?

He rode by a deserted farmhouse, shook his head. So much devastation. How long would people take to recover from it? Even more to the point, on what terms would they recover? Would they be their own masters, or slaves to the Lizards for untold centuries to come? Jager found no sure answer. Humanity had discovered ways to hurt the Lizards, but not to beat them, not yet. Maybe-he hoped-he held a way to beat them in his saddlebags.

The road he was following (actually, it was more of a track) took him into a stand of pale-barked birches a few hundred meters past the farmhouse. He unslung his rifle, set it across his knees. Unpleasant things and even more unpleasant people could lurk among trees. He showed his teeth in a not-quite-humorless grin. A few weeks before, he’d been one of those unpleasant people, or so the Lizards. would have said.

A man stepped out from behind a tree trunk. Like Jager, he wore a mixture of Russian and German winter gear; also like Jager, he carried a rifle. He didn’t aim it at the German, but he looked ready to use it. He said something in Polish. Jager didn’t know any Polish. He weighed his chances as he reined in. If he could get in a quick, sure shot-no guarantee while on horseback-then set spurs to his mount, he had a chance at getting away from this… bandit?

The fellow might have been thinking along with him. “I wouldn’t try that,” he said, now in accented German-or was it Yiddish? “Look behind you.” Jager didn’t look. The man standing in the track laughed, leaned his rifle against the nearest tree. “No trick. Go ahead and look.”

This time, Jager did. He could see two men, both with guns. He wondered how many he couldn’t see. He turned back to the fellow in front of him. “All right, you have me,” he said equably. “What happens now?”

He didn’t know which nonplussed the fellow more, his calm or his clear German. The man grabbed his rifle, a Mauser just like Jager’s. “I thought you were one of those Nazi bastards,” he growled. “You don’t ride like a Pole or a Russian. I ought to shoot you now.” He was speaking Yiddish. Jager’s heart sank.

“Hold on, Yossel,” called one of the men in back of the German. “We’re supposed to take him in to-”

“If you’re going to take me to the Lizards, do me the favor of shooting me instead,” Jager broke in. Here was his worst nightmare coming to life around him. If the Lizards made him talk-and who knew what the Lizards could do along those lines? — he might imperil the Russians’ efforts with the stolen metal, and Germany’s would never be born.

“Why should we do any favors for a German?” Yossel said. Jager heard snarls from behind him. Here indeed was pointless cruelty coming home to roost.

But Jager had an answer. “Because I fought alongside Russian partisans, most of them Jews, to get what I’m carrying away from the Lizards and bring it back toward Germany.” There. It was done. If these were truly the Lizards’ creatures, he’d just done himself in. But he was done in anyhow, the instant the Lizards found what his saddlebags held. And if his captors were men…

Yossel spat. “You’re a fast liar, I give you that much. Where was this, on the road to Treblinka?” Seeing that that meant nothing to Jager, he spoke a word of pure German: “Vernichtungslager.” Extermination camp.

“I don’t know anything of extermination camps,” Jager insisted. The men behind him growled. He wondered if they would shoot him before he could go on. He spoke quickly: “I never heard of this Treblinka. But one of the Jews in the partisan band came back alive from a place called Babi Yar, outside Kiev. He and I worked together for this common good.”

Something changed in Yossel’s face. “So you know of Babi Yar, do you, Nazi? Tell me what you think of it.”

“It sickens me,” Jager answered at once. “I went to war against the Red Army, not-not-” He shook his head. “I am a soldier, not a murderer.”

“As if a Nazi could tell the difference,” Yossel said scornfully. But he did not raise his rifle. He and the other-well, what were they? soldiers? partisans? merely bandits? — talked back and forth, partly in Yiddish, which Jager could follow, and partly in Polish, which he couldn’t. Had the Jew in front of him looked less alert, Jager might have made a break. As it was, he waited for his captors to figure out what to do with him.

After a couple of minutes, one of

the men behind him said, “All right, off the horse.” Jager dismounted. His back itched uncontrollably. He was ready to whirl and start shooting at the least untoward sound; they would not find a passive victim, if that was what they wanted. But then the fellow he could not see said, “You can sling that rifle, if you care to.”

Jager hesitated. The invitation could have been a ruse to relax him for easier disposal. But the Jews already had him at their mercy, and no fighting man with even a gram of sense left an enemy armed. Maybe they’d decided he wasn’t altogether an enemy, then. He slid the sling strap over his shoulder, asked, “What do you intend to do with me?”

“We haven’t decided yet,” Yossel said. “For now, you’ll come with us. We’ll take you to someone who can help us figure it out.” Jager’s face must have said something, for Yossel added, “No, not a Lizard, one of us.”

“All right,”, Jager said, “but bring the horse, too; what he has in those saddlebags is more important than I am, and your officer will need to know of it.”

“Gold?” asked the fellow who’d told Jager to get off the horse.

He didn’t want the Jews to think he was just someone to be robbed. “No, not gold. If the NKVD doesn’t miss its guess, I have there some of the same kind of stuff as the Lizards used to bomb Berlin and Washington.”

That got a reaction, all right, “Wait a minute,” Yossel said slowly. “The Russians are letting you take this-this stuff to Germany? How does that happen?”

Why don’t they keep it all themselves? he meant. “If they could have kept it all, they would have, I’m sure,” Jager answered, smiling. “But as I said, it was a joint German-Soviet combat group that won this material, and however much reason the Russians have to dislike us Germans, they know also our scientists are not to be despised. And so…” He slapped a saddlebag.

Further colloquy, now almost entirely in Polish, among the Jews. Fmally Yossel said, “All right, German; if nothing else, you’ve confused us. Come along, you and your horse and whatever he’s carrying.”
