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“Truth,” the People’s Liberation Army general answered in the language of the little scaly devils. He went back to Chinese: “Thanks to the missiles we got from the Soviet Union, they cannot use their landcruisers or their helicopters or even their aircraft so freely as they would like.”

Mao glanced across the table at them. “We have held Peking now since the uprising began. We hold a good many cities here in the north, and the countryside surrounding them.”

Nieh nodded. “From there to the Soviet border, the scaly devils appear only at great peril to their lives.”

“If Molotov wanted to, he could legitimately recognize us as the government of liberated China,” Mao said. “But will he do it?” He scowled and shook his head. “He does not dare, the dusty little worm, for fear of angering the little devils. Stalin was ten times the man he is. Stalin knew no fear.”

To Liu Han, Nieh murmured, “Anyone who isn’t afraid of the little scaly devils has tiles loose on his roof.”

“Well, of course,” she whispered back. “You know how Mao is. Molotov hasn’t given him everything he wanted, so of course he’s going to rant about it. He isn’t satisfied till things go exactly as he saw them in his mind.”

“That makes him a great leader,” Nieh said, to which she nodded. He added, “It can also make him very tiresome,” and Liu Han nodded again.

Mao took no notice of the byplay; Mao took as little notice as he could of anything that didn’t involve himself. He went right on talking. When Liu Han started paying attention to him again, he was saying, “-might be better off demanding recognition from the little scaly devils than from the Soviet Union.”

Heads bobbed up and down along the table. Chou En-Lai said, “I think there is some hope they may give this to us. We have shown them we are determined and we are not to be trifled with. If we send them an embassy, I think they will listen. They had better listen, or they’ll be sorry.”

“That’s right. That’s just right,” Mao said. Of course he thought anyone who agreed with him was right. He continued, “They’re already sorry. We can send them an embassy under flag of truce. If they heed us, well and good. If they don’t, we’re no worse off.” His forefinger shot out. “Comrade Liu Han! You have dickered with the scaly devils before, haven’t you?”

“Uh-yes, Comrade,” Liu Han said, taken aback.

“Good.” Mao beamed at her, his face round as the full moon. “That’s settled, then. We’ll send you through our line. You know what you are to demand of them.”

“Our independence, of course,” she answered.

“That’s right.” He nodded. “Yes, indeed. No more imperialists in our country. We’ve seen too many-first the round-eyed devils, then the Japanese, then the little scaly devils. No more, not if we’re strong enough to hold our own against them.”

“What if they refuse us that?” Liu Han asked.

“Then the fight goes on, of course,” Mao said.

But she shook her head. “I’m sorry, Comrade. What I meant was, what if they offer us something less than full independence but more than nothing? What if they offer us, say, some small area to rule on our own, or if they offer us some voice in affairs but not real freedom?”

“Refer such things back to me,” Mao told her. “They will be checking with their superiors, too. I have no doubt of that.”

“All right.” Liu Han nodded. What Mao said made good sense, though she wondered whether the little scaly devils would have anything at all to say to a representative of the People’s Liberation Army. She gave a mental shrug. The People’s Liberation Army would contact the imperialist oppressors. If they wanted to talk after that, they would.

She spent the next couple of days discussing possibilities with Mao and with Chou En-Lai. Then word came back that the little devils would treat with her. She got into a motorcar with a white flag tied to the radio aerial. The driver took her out of battered Peking and down to the scaly devils’ shuttlecraft port. Voice cheerful, he said, “This road is supposed to be cleared of mines.”

“If it isn’t, I’m going to be very unhappy with you,” Liu Han said, which made the fellow laugh.

A mechanized fighting vehicle like the one that had taken her out of the little scaly devils’ prison camp blocked the road. An amplified voice blared from it, in the scaly devils’ language and then in Chinese: “Let the negotiator come forward alone.”

Liu Han got out of the motorcar and walked to the fighting vehicle. Clamshell doors at the rear of the vehicle opened. She got in. Three little scaly devils glared at her. They all carried rifles. “I greet you,” she said in their language.

“We will take you to our negotiator,” one of them answered-no politeness, only business.

That was the last they said till the fighting vehicle halted a couple of hours later. Liu Han had no idea just where she was. Her surroundings when she left the vehicle did nothing to enlighten her. She found herself in the middle of one of the little devils’ encampments, full of drab tents.

A scaly devil was waiting for her. “You are the female Liu Han?” he asked, as if anyone else were likely to have emerged from the machine. When she admitted it, he said, “Come with me,” and led her to one of the tents.

“I am Relhost,” said the scaly devil waiting inside. “My rank is general. I greet you.”

“And I greet you,” Liu Han answered, returning courtesy for courtesy. She gave her own name, though he already knew it.

“You are not fond of us. We are not fond of you. These are obvious truths,” Relhost said. Liu Han nodded. The little devil made his kind’s gesture of agreement to show he knew what that meant. He continued, “Your side and mine have made agreements even so. Maybe we can do it again.”

“I hope so. That is why we asked to talk,” Liu Han said. “We have liberated a large stretch of China from your imperialistic grasp.”

Relhost’s shrug was amazingly like a man’s. “For the time being,” he said. He didn’t reckon imperialistic an insult; to him, it was more likely to be a compliment. “I expect we shall retake all the territory you have stolen from us.” He paused. One of his eye turrets swung toward a small portable stove in a corner of the tent, and to the aluminum pot bubbling on it. “Would you care for some tea?”

“No, thank you.” Liu Han shook her head. “I did not come here to drink tea. I came here to discuss the fight with you. I think you are wrong. I think we can keep what we have taken. I think we can take more.”

“It is usual, in a hard fight, for both sides to think they are winning,” Relhost observed. “One of them proves to be wrong. Here, I think-the Race thinks-you will prove to be wrong.”

“Plainly, we disagree about that,” Liu Han said. “We can hold. We will hold. And we can bleed you white.” That was how Liu Han thought of the phrase, anyhow; its literal meaning was, We can crack all your eggs.

“You have cost us a certain amount,” Relhost admitted, and then tempered that by adding, “but not so much as you think. And I am certain that we have hurt you a great deal more.”

That was true, gruesomely true. Liu Han had no intention whatsoever of admitting it. Instead, she said, “We can afford to lose far more than you can.” She also knew that was true; it was an underpinning of Mao’s strategy.

“What do you propose, then?” Relhost asked.

“An end to the fighting. You recognize our independence in the land we control now, and we promise not to try to gain any more,” Liu Han said.

“No. Absolutely not.” Relhost used the little scaly devils’ hand gesture that was the equivalent of a human headshake. “You spoke of cracking eggs. Your promises are not worth cracked eggshells. We have seen that too many times by now. We will not be fooled again.” He appended an emphatic cough.

Liu Han knew the People’s Liberation Army’s promise would be written on the wind, too. She wouldn’t admit that, either. She said, “We have shown we can take and rule broad stretches of territory. We do not hold others

where we can still disrupt you. You might do better to give up this land. You cannot hold it.”

“We can. We shall.” The scaly devil used another emphatic cough. “You think we are not ready for a long fight. I am here to tell you that we will fight for as long as it proves necessary. If we yield here to you now, we would have to yield elsewhere to other Tosevites later. It would mean the ruination of the Empire on this world. That shall not be.”

You understand that you would lose face, Liu Han thought. You under-stand this one stone would start an avalanche. Very often, the little scaly devils were naive about the way people worked. Not here, worse luck. Here, they understood only too well. Liu Han wished they hadn’t. She said, “Another bargain may be possible.”

“I am listening,” Relhost answered.
