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“Do you remember the test whipping, Abigail, before you even met Ms. Donovan?”

“How could I forget? Looking back, it wasn’t the most severe but it was my first, so I was terrified.”

“I was there, the entire time, watching.”

“You were there?!?” Where?

“I was in the closet, watching the entire time.”

“But you trust all these people, like you said they are all pre-cleared and wasn’t that your friend?”

“Oh, I wasn’t worried about Gary. I was worried about you. I knew you’d only use your safeword as an absolute last resort. I had to see for myself. I could determine by your reactions and your expression that you were okay, hence I did not interfere.”

“I can’t believe you were there the whole time. I feel a bit dumb, and yet honored.”

I asked Lewis if there were any other instances when he had spied on me. Indeed there was one more instance. He didn’t do it with Ms. Donovan because of their long history together and his faith in her judgment. He did however, listen on a hidden speaker phone when I first met Grekko. After that he knew I could handle anything and wouldn’t break. There were no more surveillance episodes after that.

“Why did you make me suck-off those three random guys?”

“To see if you would. It was a test. Everything is a test. I was testing your devotion and willingness to go the distance.”

“Is that why you humiliated so deeply on our first date, with Veronica there?”

“Yes. Asking you for a second date was a huge test. I could only imagine you wanted to tell me to fuck off. But you didn’t. That spoke to the strength of your dedication as a submissive.”

“You were testing me all along weren’t you, Master?”

“From the minute I saw you?”

“You mean when I came here for our very first interview?”

“Before that, even. I noticed you at those early parties. You captured my attention as much as I captured yours. But I played it cool intentionally. I was testing your perseverance and resourcefulness. You didn’t disappoint.”

“You had feelings for me back then?”

“I wanted to fuck you the moment I laid eyes on you, Abigail.”

“Before I moved in, during the early whippings, why did you not see me in between interviews?”

“It was the only way I could ensure this wasn’t simply an infatuation between us. We needed time to think, to process, to reconsider. Time and distance do wonders to elucidate true feelings.”

“Have you had sex with other girls, since meeting me?”

“Pre-Paris, yes. Post-Paris, no. Not since Veronica.”

“Will you have sex with other women, in the future?”

“Not without your knowledge or involvement. I’m sure it will happen at some point, but never behind your back. We’re a couple now. No secrets, on either side. I will never ‘cheat’ if that’s what you mean.”

“I don’t know what else to say, Master. I’m blown away.”

“Perhaps I should ask my question then?” Lewis suggested. I hadn’t noticed that his hand had reached for something.

“I love you more than anything. You are my dream girl. Will you marry me, Abby?”

The thing he had reached for was a blue box from Tiffany’s.


Two glorious months later…

It still seems surreal that we’re married now. The wedding was as amazing as I had dreamed it would be. At first my family and some of my extended friends were concerned that I was marrying someone I barely knew. In their presence, to say that Lewis treated me like gold would be an understatement. It was quite funny actually. An inside joke between us. At one of the pre-wedding celebrations everyone kept going on and on about how much he must adore me, to be so caring and gentle and kind toward me. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone in attendance, underneath my black Ann Taylor dress, were a half-dozen fresh welts from a Singapore cane. Earlier that day Lewis striped me, and then took my ass. In fact, the butt plug still embedded deep inside my back entrance was surely keeping some of his cum from leaking down my leg. But who knew? No one. We walked around and mingled with the guests, Lewis’ firm hand on my lower waist, enjoying hors d’oeurves, and making chit chat. I was the envy of every single woman there – and yet, imagine if they knew what took place behind the front door of Lewis’ suite. For me, our secret was pure happiness.

Lewis insisted on pulling me out of the network right after the wedding. I was replaced by Ivy, who is Xochi’s cousin and the network’s latest whipping bitch.

The other girls were sad to see me retire so soon, as it were, but they understood. They knew I had no say in these matters and it was entirely Lewis’ decision. As his wife, he no longer wanted to pimp me out. I was his now.

The network also respected Lewis’ decision without objection. They even allowed me to visit the girls at the Four Seasons for their annual pajama party. This time Ivy, as the new girl, was the clean-up maid. We had as much fun as the year prior, in my case with Lewis’ full blessing of course.
