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“It’s what happens. Believe me, I was always aware of the kind of shit that went on, just not how close to home it could be. It’s tough. These are … those women, we don’t know how long they’ve been there. I think the worst is the Billionaires have to wait. Gather enough intel before they bring us in. Some of these women could have been there for a year or more. Maybe longer. Those that don’t crack or end up dead get put up for auction.”

“What happens to those that are auctioned?” he asked.

Devil sighed. “Sometimes we find them. It’s not … easy. It’s tough. This entire gig is fucking hard.”

“Tell me about it. I don’t know how you can deal with that. I don’t.”

Devil took a seat next to Simon. “There have been times I’ve thought about backing out. This is bad, but we’ve encountered a lot of loss. Seeing piles of dead girls even put on display so the ones that are still alive stay compliant. I don’t need to see this kind of shit. I’m very much aware of the depravity of all life forms. I’ve lived it every single day. But I also know that if I don’t help, no one will. Sure, there will be people along the way, but I’ve got to help. I think about Lexie, my girls. I’d want someone to if I couldn’t help them, you know?”

Simon nodded. “I couldn’t think of anyone taking Tabitha. I don’t think I’d be able to stand it.”

“I’m not going to lie to you, Simon, when we go in, it’s going to be hard. It’s going to get ugly. I’m going to be taking a lot of guys. I want you, Pa, Knight, and Twig. You’re light on your feet. Teddy and Felix are too loud. I’ve got a couple of boys. We move out Monday.”

“Why not tonight?” he asked.

“On Sunday, they’ve got a whole wave of girls coming in. With some fresh meat, they’re going to be distracted. They’ll be too busy trying to show them the ropes, punish them. This is our best chance.”

Simon shook his head. “Fuck, I hate this. I hate how helpless I feel.”

“It’s the name of the game.” Devil’s cell phone rang. “Hey, babe.” There was a brief pause. “Yeah, we’re back. I’ll give you an update tonight. Oh. Okay.” He held the phone out. “You’re on speakerphone.”

“Hey, I’m going to put Tabitha on the phone,” Lexie said.

“Hello,” Tabitha said.

“Hey, what’s up?” Simon asked, sitting forward. Tabby had told him she’d avoid trying to call him while he was prospecting so he could focus on being what his father needed him to be. The last few months had been amazing.

They were growing closer with every passing second.

“It’s a little thing. I don’t suppose you’d pick Nathan up from school today and do it in your leather cut and bike, would you?”

He could see Tabby scrunching up her nose, hating that she had to ask him. Simon gritted his teeth. He hadn’t even thought to offer to pick up their son.

“Of course.”

“I wouldn’t ask, but Nathan was upset today.” He sat and listened as Tabby told him what Nathan had said. It pissed him off. “I know you’re busy. I’m sorry, Devil, for interrupting.”

“Don’t worry about it. Family is important. I know that. I had no idea Nathan was being picked on.”

“I don’t think he’s being picked on. I just don’t think he has any friends.”

“I’ll pick him up,” Simon said. “I’ll see you at home tonight.”

“Yeah, I’ll cook dinner.”

Devil hung up the phone.

“Shit, what time do they get out of school?” Simon asked.

“We’ve got twenty minutes.”

“We?” Simon looked toward his dad.

“Do you think I’m going to let you be the only one to pick up your son? He’s my grandson, and I’m not going to let fuckers think he doesn’t have family. I’d have nipped this shit in the bud a long time ago.”

“You hate being called Grandpa,” he said, reminding his dad.

Devil shrugged. “I’ve got no problem with it. Actually, I rather like it.”

He laughed. Standing up, he ran his hands down his leather cut then he ran his fingers through his hair. “How do I look?”

“Son, you’re going to pick up your boy. That’s all Nathan needs to see.”

“You’re right, but, do I look, I don’t know?”

Devil folded his arms. “Like what?”

“A badass. I want to be able to give those kids a look that says back off my boy without having to say it.”

Devil chuckled.

“Come on, Dad. Don’t be my prez right now. Be my dad.”

“I am being your dad and I can tell you you sound like an asshole.”

He rolled his eyes. “Very funny.”

“I’m being serious. Your son just wants you to pick him up from school. He doesn’t know that is what he wants. You love him.”

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