Page 8 of Misbehaving Curves

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After a quick change out of my athletic gear, I made my way towards the only doors open this late in the day. There weren’t really any security problems at PHS, but Ben, Principal Rutherford, had decided it never hurt to be too careful. A move that made all the mothers love him even more. Not just the mothers, either. I shook off that thought and lengthened my stride, anything to distract me from thoughts of my former crush.

“Ms. Callahan!” I knew that voice well, and I walked a little faster, a useless endeavor since Ben had about seven inches on me. “Joss, wait up!”

He’s my boss. I slowed my steps until they came to a stop and turned to see Principal Rutherford, because I refused to think of him as my crush Ben any longer, running towards me. His long legs moved gracefully and his slight flush and breathlessness was enough to produce an ache that started deep within me. He’s my boss, not my crush!

“Hey Principal Rutherford, what’s up?” That sounded totally normal, and I stood a little taller, proud of myself.

“Hey, uh, Joss. How’s it going?”

“Great. Just finished practice so I’m headed…out.” There, that was sufficiently vague, so I didn’t sound like I was after an invitation of some sort.

“Okay. I wasn’t sure if you were planning to play in the dart tournament tonight, Arts versus Sciences?” There was a hint of hope in his voice, but I just chalked it up to Ben, Principal Rutherford, being the one-man welcome wagon and self-appointed social director for every teacher at PHS.

It’s not about me. “I didn’t know about it,” I told him honestly. “And I have other plans, but thanks for thinking of me.”

“Not a problem.” He flashed that killer smile, the one that made me wonder if there were dimples hidden beneath that auburn beard. “You have a date?” I blinked in shock at the question. I’d tried and tried to get to know the man personally for months, and he’d given me nothing and now he was asking personal questions?


When I continued to stare in shock, he raked a nervous hand through his hair and let out a sigh. “Sorry, I just assumed that with your new look, the men would be lining up to take you out.”

“Ouch.” I folded my arms and stared at him, shaking my head as disappointment settled over me, guess he was just that shallow. “To answer your question Principal Rutherford, no, I don’t have a date. But I would hope that any man who wants to go out with me would be able to see past my clothes and make up.” The urge to cry overwhelmed me and I took a few steps back, needing more distance than just a few feet.

“That’s not what I meant, Joss.” He looked upset, but I couldn’t let myself care, not if I wanted to get over this silly infatuation.

“It’s what you said,” I finally managed to say after I’d turned to head towards the exit. It was a good thing to know that my perfect guy wasn’t so perfect after all. It would make getting over him, when I had to see him every day, a lot easier.

Once the late afternoon air hit my skin, I managed a smile because today was about another man, or more specifically, two other men. I picked up Mara from her small rental home and we headed to Tulip.

“Ready?” Mara slid into the passenger seat with an encouraging smile and fastened her seatbelt with a loud click.

“More than ready.” At the question in her brown eyes, I told her about my most recent run-in with Ben. “He made me feel like a butt ugly hobo.”

She laughed. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not funny, but why a hobo?”

“Because he acted like I normally came to school dressed like a homeless person! Whatever, I’m not stressing about it. Not tonight.” I needed every ounce of courage I possessed to see my brothers. Half-brothers.

“At least now we know he is a normal man, and not some fairytale perfect, rom-com hero, which is kind of refreshing. It’s not too late to change your mind about him. Again.”

I shook my head. “I’m leaving my fate in the hands of Sophie and Eva. For now. If they don’t find any matches then I might join you on the non-dating train.” It wasn’t a thought I was ready to really consider, but with each passing day, it grew into more of a possibility. A likelihood, even.

“Which brother are we ambushing first?” I glared at Mara, but she only laughed. “What do you call showing up instead of calling first?”

I shrugged. “Increasing my odds of success? I’m hoping that seeing me in person will make it harder to turn me away.”

Mara snorted. “It won’t, but if that happens, I’ll be here with you to dry your tears. Or kick some ass. Whatever the situation requires.”

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